Gulf Natural Pearls

I wouldn't mind a copy either! Maybe you can get a library in Dubai to buy it, so you can read it.

That would be amazing if someone did take the plunge on this. I know there has been lots of talk into reviving the pearling industry heritage here, and rightly so, and what better way to harness the energy with this from the bright and eager young minds of the young "al tawash's" of this region. It's a wonder no local college here as not picked up on the idea and offered a pearling arts and heritage course as a BA Hons.
I'd certainly enrol part time as think it would be a fantastic piece of education to have.
I adore you! You are so bright and curious and congenial. You are a pearl anthropologist! You study the culture surrounding these wonderful pearls as well as the pearls themselves. (I am a trained anthropologist, if not a lifetime professional one)

Your posts makes me want to award you the Pearlitzer Prize for best reporting on natural pearls! Too bad we don't have really deserve it. I guess all I can do is give you reputation points.

Now, why don't you go to one of those colleges and tell them to work up a course or a major in Pearlography and Pearl Farming. We have a member on this site who majored in Oceanography in a small private college in Guaymas and now he and two classmates have a pearl farm on the site of the now defunct college.

So it could be an Oceanography or even Biology degree with a specialty in modern day pearl farming. If they don't have the oceanography degree already, they need to start one. At least they could teach an anthropology or humanities course in the history of pearl farming, the human cultures and literature such as pearling songs surrounding it, with present day prospects included. (my dad started the first course in Southwest Literature (SW USA) and now our local U has has an entire major in a Southwest Studies department with bio and anthro classes and other cross major courses included)

Maybe the college or University could start a pearl farm with some of the biologists they must turn out. Two years of work and study gets them a MS degree and who knows maybe even more work on the farm gets them the world's first Doctorate in Pearlography and subsidies for another pearl farm startup.

I am really tripping on this idea. Who better than Dubai to do it? They could use some state subsidized pearl farms out there. At least as a heritage project, if not a business one. (Do I see another degree in the natural pearl business and distribution end?)

Anyway, if anyone can do that, I am sure you can.
Great idea Caitlin and totally agree that Donzi can take this forward, he has a way to express things in a story-like manner which grabs one's attention.

Oh, one more thing. If you (Donzi) were to develop a proposal of this kind, I may have some high-level contacts in Dubai to take this forward from financing perpsective etc. You may need to do some benchmarking to ascertain what's available in terms of degree programs in UAE etc. Well, one step at a point. This may need some mega assistance from the various experts who have been involved in this forum for a long-time.

Many thanks for your kind words, too kind and it's my pleasure to have this amazing community to voice my experiences.

Caitlin I adore your idea and indeed plan to mention when I meet with the curator of the Dubai Pearl Museum - it's suited in the head quarters on the very top floor of Dubai National Bank so I think if anyone has the sway to make it happen it's the bank!

Aspan thank you for your very kind offer also and indeed I think this would be great initiative but ideally should be and could be government run by the department of fisheries and/or the department of heritage as it's too significant historically to be privatised and indeed should be keeping with the founding fathers beliefs from this region especially Sultan Al Owais (full story here

In saying that there has been some mini initiatives in the past to try and reignite the interest and create awareness with the Dubai Pearl Exchanges "Pearl Essence" competition - I haven't heard much ever since as the full burnt of the recession meant the people that had the energy and drive behind this probably left the country such is the way of the UAE.

So my view is this would be an incredible idea but one that would need real local investment and drive - literally breath life back in the locals imagination and heritage again. I would view almost as wonderful as the rebrith of the Irish Pot Stilled whiskey industry (another story for another day but a little fantastic video on "Yellow Spot" - if you've ever read James Joyces Ulysses, which I would hazard a guess that many on this forum have due to the well read and knowledgeable people on this forum) in terms of living heritage.

It would truly be amazing to see this happen.

Best wishes.

Oh, one more thing. If you (Donzi) were to develop a proposal of this kind, I may have some high-level contacts in Dubai to take this forward from financing perpsective etc. You may need to do some benchmarking to ascertain what's available in terms of degree programs in UAE etc. Well, one step at a point. This may need some mega assistance from the various experts who have been involved in this forum for a long-time.


I am new to the forum but I would just like to say thanks to the OP. I am new to the natural pearl world. I had been looking for Pearls for my fiancee to wear on our wedding day, upon searching local shops in Dubai i was not overly impressed with the pearls on show. I then starting searching pearls online to undertand their qualities, luster etc, and stumbled upon this forum and this post. As I live in Dubai i hunted down the little jewellers Exim and got the pleasure of seeing all their Natural pearls in all their glory, including an ?80k single pearl. What wonderful staff and owner and so happy to help and show you their prizes.

I am now having a 5 strand Natural Arabian Gulf Pearl bracelet made, so thanks to the OP. I would be happy to post pictures of my bracelet once it is complete in the next week.
Your post is such a delight to read! I am so happy Donzi 32 did the research and learned and presented so much here and that it is being used by others! Thanks for making my day!
I have to say the service at Exim has been brilliant, with the clasp and the additional support bars I wanted in bracelet they said it would take a couple of days to make it. This was unfortunate as I was going home in 2 days, I therefore arranged for a friend to bring it home for me once it was ready in a few days. I had arranged to go back tonight to pay and finalise, the owner called me late afternoon to advise they had put everything into it and had actually finished the bracelet so that I could collect tonight and take home!!! (this included manuafacturing parts required as didnt have as standard) So from order to delivery I was around 30hrs! Obviosuly a one off, I woudl give them more time in future!

I was so pleased they did this for me, and really happy with how it turned out! Just hope my fiancee likes it when she opens on the morning of our weddign day in 3 weeks! (Surprise gift)

I have hopefully attached pictures of the finished piece.

I could not recommend Exim Jewellers highly enough. I have kept their telephone numbers, contact details, email addresses etc and happy to share if anyone requires it.


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That is so wonderful! Natural pearls are tough little buggers and can be worn all the time, so don't hide this away! Encourage her to wear it, except maybe when she is sweating.
Pattye, asking price for the bracelet is 2.650 USD and for the earrings and the ring the asking price is 1.700 USD. (see the attached links)
Good to hear Exim jewellers delivered the goods.

I have very interesting news on RAK pearls as well....stand by all for more updates and apologies for the radio silence as of late.