Found this today, need some advice


New Member
Apr 24, 2012
I found this little guy while eating oysters. Almost broke my Just wondering what it is and if it's even worth anything. Thanks!
Normally, edible clams or oysters not produce gem quality pearls. Cooking often destroys the protein content or otherwise affects the surface quality.

Your's however is a curious robin's egg blue, which is quite unusual. Perhaps a collector might be interested as a novelty, but don't expect it to fetch much.

As we tell most lucky pearl finders, you have a really interesting keepsake and have a fun story to tell.
I'm curious about the bluish/purple smear on the paper and the same color of the penny (on my monitor).
I'm curious about the bluish/purple smear on the paper and the same color of the penny (on my monitor).
Reduced shadow on the penny, below.

I'm wondering also about the apparent connection between this thread and THIS thread.


  • BluePearl.jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 81
something strange going on with the blue on both the penny and the pearl - was the photo played with in photoshop before posting on the forum? Either way, no real value there but a neat story and keepsake.
I wondered too. The color from the ink or whatever it is above is in the range of hues in the pearl. And since I haven't heard of blue oyster pearls particolored at that, I did wonder...Even the penny looks bluish.
It isn't too different from this quahog pearl that I've had tucked in my desk for a couple of years. This one is of poor quality as you can see. But the shape and coloration are quite similar.


  • Quahog.JPG
    25.6 KB · Views: 111
I just did a RGB, HSL, and CMYK color split in Paintshop.

Of all three RGB values (Red, Green, Blue) (0 Darkest, 255 Brightest), the pearl and the bright spots on the penny have values within 1-2% of each other.

/rubs chin
It isn't too different from this quahog pearl that I've had tucked in my desk for a couple of years. This one is of poor quality as you can see. But the shape and coloration are quite similar.

That purple is very common naturals. The blue is quite dark too. Even the pattern is more ringed than "pinto" on the OP's pearl.

Royal blue over robin's egg are not colors I'm accustomed to observing in naturals.
I haven't seen bluish quahog pearls, white. purple, even darker, but not blue..... What is going one? Maybe they are those snail pearls Zeide was talking about...
No photo shopping here guys, I just placed the penny on an envelope to show size of it. I don't know anything about pearls, googled it and this forum came up. The picture was taken from my phone in my truck. I'll take another photo of it in my hand. Thanks for all the replies so far.
I took another picture on the same envelope with a penny. It appears that any dark smudge on the paper, penny, or pearl appear blue when I don't use the flash on my phone. So hopefully to clear this up I took another picture with and without flash. I'm not trying to pull wool over anyone's eyes. Just curious as to what I have and if it's of any value.


There you go! That's more like it! Kind of attractive, isn't it?
Better images. It's a calcareous, as opposed to nacreous. That takes away from gem value and quality significantly.

Nice keepsake, though.