9.5mm Akoyas from Pearl Outlets Mother's Day Sale


New Member
May 4, 2009
Did anybody buy these?! I would love it if you could post pics or just tell me how they are! I wanted to buy these so badly, but as a student, and it being the end of the semester, I just did not have $390 to shell out all at once! So sadly, I checked back over and over again till I saw that one was sold yesterday or the day before, and then when I checked back today I saw that they were all gone. :(
Generally speaking, if it was a popular item, and the akoyas certainly are, that type item will come 'round again. Plus it's good to remember that the vendors don't have every item posted on their website, it is always ok to call and see what is in stock. I'm pretty sure thousands of pearl lovers are getting those emails-----------;)

By the way, welcome!
Unfortunately, Terry's ad says they are now permanently out of stock. Such an amazing deal, I don't doubt that in the least. Do give him a call, though, to see what he can do for you.
It looks like there's one available now. Have you considered getting the 9 mm gem quality freshwaters TPO has on sale or the PP special? They're both smaller but higher quality and relatively comparable in price.
I ordered both the 8.5-9 mm Gem quality freshwaters from TPO and the PP May akoya special. I'm new to pearls and was not sure which I would like better. Wanted to see both. Both are lovely, but I like the freshwaters from TPO a bit better for the uniform size and look of the pearls.
Thanks for all the great advice! I have been considering getting freshwaters instead, I know it seems like many people on the board seem to prefer them. Will you be posting any pictures of your strands? I am absolutely in love with the Pearl Paradise May special...I love graduated strands and they are usually hard to find! and 7 to 9mm, amazing!
I ordered both the 8.5-9 mm Gem quality freshwaters from TPO and the PP May akoya special. I'm new to pearls and was not sure which I would like better. Wanted to see both. Both are lovely, but I like the freshwaters from TPO a bit better for the uniform size and look of the pearls.

Ooh, can you post neck shots?
Thanks for all the great advice! I have been considering getting freshwaters instead, I know it seems like many people on the board seem to prefer them. Will you be posting any pictures of your strands? I am absolutely in love with the Pearl Paradise May special...I love graduated strands and they are usually hard to find! and 7 to 9mm, amazing!

I will try to get some pictures up, but my FW strand is on its way back to TPO to be shortened. I expected to like the akoyas better, and I do like them very much. The strand is graceful and well proportioned. The pearls are bright and look flawless. To me, it is a classic look. I might end up keeping both!

Pattye, thanks for point me to "show us your pearls."
Thanks for all the great advice! I have been considering getting freshwaters instead, I know it seems like many people on the board seem to prefer them. Will you be posting any pictures of your strands? I am absolutely in love with the Pearl Paradise May special...I love graduated strands and they are usually hard to find! and 7 to 9mm, amazing!

OK ... here are some pictures. Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to get the Gem Fresh strand back from TPO to show them together. The outside strand is the PP May Akoya special; the middle strand is TPO's 8.5 to 9.0 mm Gem Fresh; the inside strand is a 9.5 to 10 mm Freshadama from PP. I took the pics outside in natural light. I hope you can see from them how beautiful the pearls are.

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Hi Lisa,
enjoy those beautiful, timeless classic strands!
Truly gorgeous! Thank you so much for posting your strands, they are just beautiful!