Edison Pearls go on Auction


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I just received this invitation this morning from Grace Pearl to attend the Edison Pearl auction at the Yaojiang Hotel in Zhuji.

I won't be going, and I can't imagine many others in the industry are either. The auction is in rural China, and is on January 5th! Who sends out invitations to something like this less than two weeks prior???

But this does mean that Grace is finally ready to show the world what they've been working on for the past decade. I imagine the round whites will be there! Mojave turquoise and silver with removable drop
That is odd that they wouldn't give more warning when they clearly want some promotion value. Hmmm... Maybe they're already sewn up? :)
It is very odd indeed. I spoke with Peter about it this morning and he is just as bewildered as I am. It just doesn't make any sense to have the auction so close to the holiday, or to let everyone know just before it happens.
had to Google this........Edison pearls are the premier bead nucleated fresh water pearls? (sorry if i should know this by now!)

- jodie -
Edison pearls are the premier bead nucleated fresh water pearls?

Bead nucleating freshwater mussels isn't new. Edison pearls are an attempt to break away from the typical costume jewellery market by targetting higher ended clientel.

I scarcely doubt they'll ever out do south sea pearls quality-wise, but affordability might be something that gives them traction in the long haul.
Thanks Jodie, now we all know.

One other thing about the much higher quality freshwater pearls that have been coming out of China brings up questions.

How do we now know when a FW pearl is tissue and mantle nucleated versus bead nucleated. One of the great things about FW pearls is that they were all nacre but now they are not necessarily. How can we tell? For sure that is? I love some of these pearls now nucleated but I do want to know how to know the difference.

Dawn – Bodecia
I just now received an email about pieces procured at the auction. I am a bit in shock ... think (nearly) South Sea pricing. This is going to be very interesting to watch.
I just now received an email about pieces procured at the auction. I am a bit in shock ... think (nearly) South Sea pricing. This is going to be very interesting to watch.

So much for my thinking they'll have a cheaper price point. :confused:

That might make them a tough sell.
Wow, interesting Jeremy. i am a little surprised, but it has been the aim all along, hasn't it? And Grace have played their cards well, waiting until the product has become consistent and reliable, doing the 'edison' branding over the past year or so..... I am pretty chuffed about it really!
Please clarify for me what the draw to Edison Pearls will be if the price stays so high? Colors? Luster? Size?

Are these being nucleated in the same mollusk the "Chinese Kasumi" are coming from?

I hope Grace Pearls will be at Tucson this year with some "left-overs."
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Grace has been very secretive about these pearls for years now. It's hard to say what shell they are using, but if they are consistently producing the shape and the surface they have been hoping to achieve, there must be some new technology they've uncovered that isn't being used in any other production. I doubt it will be long before others start to follow suit, especially if strands are selling for $20,000 plus.