Edison Pearls go on Auction

Thats what I'd call a "Genuine Christmas tree look".

I remember Mum putting things on the tree that looked just like those (admittedly bigger though).
Jeremy, the odd thing about the nucleus on my early Edisons is that some were much harder than others when I was drilling them. One or two needed a drill bit a half, they were so tough.
Super! I like the idea of a Pearl experiment. I'm eager to have pictures and your point of view.
Just for fun I ordered the smaller 12mm 'Edison' ones that they were selling alongside the big circled ones you posted Adeline...when they arrive I'll let you know what they are like. :)

You're such a trouper, Katbran! To sacrifize yourself for us this way just to satisfy our curiosity :)

- Karin
12-16mm Edison pearl rejects are on ebay, so it claims.

You think these are castoffs of the real thing?

I frankly don't fancy them.


Oh, I think those are just regular, tissue-nucleated circled freshwaters - not from Grace. They are pretty, but I think the seller is just stealing the name knowing that it will attract buyers willing to pay a premium.. they are certainly pretty, but I really don't think they are bead nucleated.
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That is because they use different types of material for nucleation. I tried to get Grace to use U.S. nuclei. That was a funny conversation. ;)
Those look like regular old circled pearls- almost identical to the link Adeline provided for $41.00- not bad for big. I think all the big ones are going to be 'Edison's' from now on, LOL
Well the wait is over....it's not really worth posting a photo...they are really pretty ordinary..lots of patchy chalky spots with a bit of high luster here and there..lots of circles...and the shape wanders the gamut of roundish to potato...the only thing they have going for them...they are 12mm - 11mm . So...I threw myself on the pearl grenade ... don't follow my example. I mean I wasn't expecting a lot from this experiment but I thought they would be a bit better than they are.. >:(
It's been more than a year since the Edison hoopla...have prices for Edison's gone down in relation to SS? Has availability increased? I want one...not going to eBay for that kind of risk. Any retail suggestions?
I'm curious also, Mommy33, no Edison's in my jewelry box yet either.

Here's one completely trustworthy source: http://www.pearlparadise.com/100125-mm-Beadnucleated-Edison-Freshwater-Pearl-Necklace3813.aspx

If you are interested in a specific color, do call them, rather than just placing an order over the internet. Jeremy and Hisano have just returned from a shopping in HK. Not everything is offered on websites, probably true for most of us that have online stores, so always good to contact for what you specifically want.

Wendy at Pearlescence also has a gorgeous strand listed: http://www.pearlescence.co.uk/product_info.php?products_id=2764&osCsid=ibtihh7ou8fjiao9uo6d8cp3s0 I drool over this one, it's huge!

Other forum members may be offering Edisons, but these two are the ones I thought of first.
The prices have come down significantly, but the strands of the truly fine color and fine surface are still very expensive. It's still mostly controlled by one company in China and they are trying their best to keep prices high. At the show last week we saw that buttons in the large size and fancy Edison colors had started to come down a bit, but we only purchased one fancy-color pair to discuss back home to see if it's something we would pursue later on in the year.
Hi Pattye and Jeremy,
Just finished up seeing five You Tube adventures featuring Jeremy (I secretly want your job ;-).

I will be looking the two sites that were mentioned. I figure I can at least treat myself one big golden pearl since a strand would be more than I should spend.

Thank you for taking time out of your weekend.
Best regards,