eBay gets a bad rap!!!!! Not me!

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Hello Opera,

I can only relate what my experience has been:
1. The item, lets say earrings, may not be as well matched as the pair shown. Also may be slightly different color.
2. In case of strands of pearls, frequently a higher grade strand is shown, more round and better matched, with less circle, also same length but more pearls, meaning somewhat smaller pearls, and less valuable.
There also can be a great difference in luster, with the one shown in the photo of much higher quality.
3. We still have to use our judgement based only on the photo and description whether it is truly an item we want and a good value for the cost. That is almost impossible to do when the photo is not the actual auction or buy it now item.

I have NEVER received an item that was higher quality or much nicer than that which appeared in the photo.

Others probably have additional experience, but this is just my take on it. It isn't just that the picture could be stolen, I don't think that is always the case, just a seller that is too lazy to post a new picture.

Pattye Saab
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Okay I have posted more to this thread and another hot topic thread and my posts are not here... did they get eaten by teh safe place monster that lurks by all our desks at home??????

I do not think any of your posts have been deleted... that is strange. If any of the moderators did please chime in on the mod board.

Just wondered... Things have been odd lately...... Back to my pearl reserch.....


There are no records of any of your posts being deleted, I have gotten several error reports in the last week, but they don't specify errors with particular users or anything that in depth.
operavopera said:
I never got an answer to my question below. Could someone please explain? Thank you.

I replied to this one!!!! itsone of my MIA msgs! anyway here is my re-post!

While most of us see your poiunt you obviousluy do not see ours let me try(KEY WORS IS TRY HERE):o to explain to you what we see..... ;)

What is happening several of the e-bay sellers are taking pictures from OTHER peoples legitimate websites and saying they are their own when they are not! THE E-BAY SELLER DID NOT TAKE THESE PICTURES AND THEY ARE NOT SELLING A PRODUCT THAT RESEMBLES TEH PHOTOS IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM.

Some people From here on PG have seen pictures they have taken on the formentioned (in other posts) unscrupulous e-bay vendors pictues.. that is fraud and theft! no permission was ever given to use thes photos and it is fraud as well becaus the seller is NOT selling the product advertised!

The Item in the picture on E-bay by the E-bay seller is in NO way Shape or Form what they are selling they are intentionally misrepresenting their product that is what we are talking about here intentional fraud!

Now some people have had great experiences with e-bay and that is GREAT!!!!!

Now an honest seller that knows htheir producr should have a picture they took with a discalimer saying something about what they get may not look exactally as pictured (however and honest person would get as close a representation as possible and MOST definately the same quality)

you advertise mikis you should get mikis same quality not less. definately not marbles or plastic! You advertise akoyas you should get the same quality akoyas not Shell pearls... you advertise pink freshwater 10 mm potato pearls you should not get a bag of pink snap together mardi gra beads.... See the difference?

PLEASE NOTE!!!!!!!!! these are analogies to represent the intended misrepresentaion that is going on on e-bay Do NOT take it as fact!!!!!

I hope It helps some and you can begin to understand!

The Story Is Almost Over!!​

Greetings! Well, you would not believe this! My local jeweler said that the "10mm mabe pearls" are actually 7mm FW button pearls! I complained twice to the seller, asking for a full refund (the whopping $2.40 + $25 S&H). I said that this was misrepresentation and possible fraud. Here is her response:

"I'm sorry, maybe I made a mistake, I'll refund your payment thru paypal. And the earrings you needn't return back, I would like present to you. thank you."

:D Ha ha! Isn't that a hoot? I guess it's better than causing them a lot of trouble! Even the jeweler said they're a nice color! I did thank the seller for the gesture, although I will include in my feedback. So now I got a pretty pair of earrings for all of my trouble. (Edit 9/14/06 - Received full refund, including S&H today)!

Re the 10mm "Tahitians": The 3rd jeweler says he's "90% sure" that they're FW, but said they're nice ones and look Tahitian. He is bringing to their pearl vendor in SF to find out for sure! I bet I can tell what he'll say! (Edit 9/14 - Pearl vendor, "expert" says they're FP, but very good quality).

So all in all I still think I did well on my different eBay purchases, although I realize that some are not as lucky. I will be back with pictures for you all next time!:cool:
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You did not do to badly, And if you are happy with the end result that is great! The process is very long and there are not many if any "set regulations" with regards to pearls... Yes please post some pics that would be great!