eBay gets a bad rap!!!!! Not me!

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You beat me to it, but as you can see from my picture freshwater pearls are certainly not always a dark black:

The difference is not too much in the appraisal for your South Sea pearls. If you bought them from a direct source and only paid $100, they could easily have a US retail value of more than $1500. Very few jewelers will ever have the opportunity to know what prices actually are at a factory or farm in Asia. Actually for 14mm South Sea, unless they are of low quality, it would be very difficult to buy a pair in the US for under $1500.
Then again, something is wrong with a price of $100 for a pair of nice 14mm South Sea pearls. Are we talking drops, measured from end to end? Even a farm would laugh you out the door if you asked $50 a pearl in that size range. White or golden farm wholesale would be closer to the retail valuation for a nice pair.
Something just does not make sense...

"They are tahitians. freshwater pearls are deep dark black and there will be NO peacock Lusters. Thanks a lot."
This is quite funny, actually. Here is a better challenge for you guys! Find and shoot a picture of a deep dark black freshwater...:D I would be impressed to even see a single strand...
Still think those eBay sellers are worth defending?
Btw, it is extremely easy to tell the difference between a black freshwater and a Tahitian. This is why we can all do it with a simple photo. I would actually suggest stearing clear of that jeweler as well.

One thing to remember. GIA trained does not mean pearl trained. A graduate gemologist may have no training in pearls. This is a separate course at the GIA that is not a prerequisite for the GG. Look for someone that simply sells pearls - freshwater, Akoya, Tahitian, the gambit. Compare the pearls yourself in a store! You live in Pleasant Hill, just North or San Francisco, right? There are plenty of professional jewelers in your area. Just take a day in the jewelry district and find a shop that specializes in pearls. Any professional pearl dealer will be able to tell you what you have from a yard away. A loupe is not needed.
I really like that picture too. It is very apparent that time was spent breaking hanks and matching pearls to create that piece. You do not typically see such a play of color in standard freshwater strands coming out of China.

Regarding the seller of the freshwater earrings, claiming that they are Tahitian... you can see that the seller has a bit of a pattern of this:
Look! 100% positive feedback. Every customer has been taken for a ride and nobody knows it... This same piece has been auctioned off by this seller more than a dozen times in the last couple of months.
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pearltime said:
Absolutely stunning!

Okay now it took me 10 minuted to pop the eyes back into their sockets, roll the tounge back intot he mouth and clean up teh fdrool... thos pearls say look at me I am confident and G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S

Happy friday all

Hi Opera,

I really truely hope that all of this is cleared up for you about your pearls! we all love pearls and NOONE wants to see anyone get taken at all... we try to warn people.. and a lot end up here after they have had their hearts torn out... I am sure your pearls that you previously bought are very nice so wear them with pride! even while all this is going on.. and who knows you may be that one peson who got that great deal..... No where is my red paperclip....I have pearls a plennty for what I need them for ( do not tell my mon she has never met a pearl she did nto like.. even the poor quality ones she can find beauty and magic in, I so wish I could see things like she does.. My mom is amazing!) ...

Hmmmmmm I wonder If I could barter a paperclip for a house????? Maybe a pearl??? Hmmm....

(LONG, sorry)

Okay, I have already calmed down. I visited another local jeweler who sells a lot of good quality pearls and he seemed quite knowledgeable and gave me some good advice. He also took a good amount of time examining my 2 questionable eBay purchases. Re the Tahitian vs. FP earrings, he was honest and said that he really couldn't tell with 100% certainty, but his instincts tell him that they are FP because Tahitians don't normally have that shape. He said that Tahitians are normally either round, oval or longer, and not flat. He also made the same comment as some here about dyed FP's with the nice peacock colors. He showed me some that he had, but they really didn't seem as nice as mine. So, he said he feels they are probably FP, but wouldn't be able to put it in writing. He said that they still are nice earrings and that the price was still good for what I got. He also LOVED my SS pearl pendant (15mm - one of my Philippine purchases) and I will bring it to him for appraisal next week. I think he will be a good resource for me. Oh, and he said that the ES pearl/diamond ring IS real Tahitian and said that it was nice. He thought that the appraisal that my regular jeweler made was fair. Ok, so I did ok overall! One more thing, he explained in closing that many Chinese FP's are excellent and not to be discredited.

I went back to the other jeweler to complain and she said that she still thought it was a Tahitian because it's not really a flat button shape. She told me to bring it back to the senior jeweler (he's the one that has done my appraisals) and he would tell me for sure. She said that I can have full confidence in his abilities.

I am not as worried about my other appraisals anymore, now that I got the other jeweler's opinion on my better pieces. I will cancel the appt with the GIA appraiser, as she even said that GIA doesn't mean that they are any better appraisers.

Oh, re the $105 SS pearls, I am sure I did just fine. I buy these directly from the family of a pearl farmer in the Philippines. I have several 14k, 14mm oval pearl pendants that I paid $105. I have some 10 and 11mm round ones that I paid $65-$75! Appraisals show A and AA quality. After I thought about it, why should those prices surprise anyone? Heck, $100 is a full month's pay for many workers there and some make half that! I know I can even get them cheaper somewhere else in SE Asia, but I trust that these people know their pearls. This is why I thought about selling SS pearls if I could find the right plan!

I can't say that I won't buy pearls from eBay again, but will stick with the lower end. It is far too much trouble to dispute anything in question.
Hi Opera
What an incease in your pearl education, huh?
Sounds like you found a decent jeweler too! And pearl-friends over here.

You did get some nice pearls too, even if not exactly what you thought and, the next time you go shopping on eBay you will be that much more knowledgeable- and now you can ask over here before you buy- if you want.

May I add to this that I hope you have learned to appreciate your freshwater pearls. There is really no reason to get upset about having bought freshwater pearls rather than Tahitians. If the call is really close, you may have lucked out and gotten anodonta or sinanodonta woodianas (naturally black freshwater pearls). In that case you have a far better value than Tahitians.

And, honestly, I would choose button shapes over rounds in earrings anyday. Even the shell pearls were not a bad deal at that price. Majorica and other companies charge hefty amounts for those. They still are not mab? (pteria penguin), though. With the bead nucleated marine pearls you are mainly buying Madison Avenue Mystique. They are in no way better, only more expensive because China does not advertise its pearls. As soon as Western companies put an advertising budget behind Chinese pearls, prices skyrocket (see Honora). In short, they are the superior product.

Zeide Erskine said:
If the call is really close, you may have lucked out and gotten anodonta or sinanodonta woodianas (naturally black freshwater pearls). In that case you have a far better value than Tahitians.

I do not agree with this, simply because we all know that this is more than a one in a billion chance. Please do not look at this as even as possibility - it is not anodonta or sinanodonta woodianas. This seller has been reselling the same pair of studs, with the same pictures for a long time. There is absolutely no chance that you received a pair of naturally black freshwater pearls. Even odds of one in a billion would be an overstatement.

You are upset, as you should be, because you paid for a pair of earrings that you assumed were Tahitian pearls, but were freshwater. Yes, freshwater pearls can be fine pearls, but you are concerned with value - right? If you pay $100 for a fine pair of 10mm Tahitians you got a great deal - but based on market value, if you paid the same for freshwater (dyed) pearl earrings, you paid retail. That is what this comes down to. You did not get a great deal - the seller made a sizable profit. Could you have paid more? Yes! Did you get what you "assumed" and "believed" you paid for - no way.

The earrings on auction are not even questionable. They are dyed freshwater pearls. All the black "Tahitians" this seller has are dyed black freshwater. NO ONE will argue that they are anything but if they know pearls. I am sorry, but even your "new" jeweler is not a "pearl" professional. The determination you are asking is too remedial. My son, who is 13 years old, and works in my office 3 days per week would be able to make that determination without question. It is not a difficult question. It is much, much easier than a diamond or a cz to anyone versed in pearls.
Received the "mabe pearl" earrings today and am not happy. They are supposed to be 10mm and no way are they anywhere near close!! So here we are in case #2. How are you all so sure that they are shell pearls? I read that there are 3/4 mabe pearls - could these be? I will have my jeweler look at them and then I will email the seller that I want a refund of all costs since they are not what was represented. I paid $25 S&H! I'm mad!

Pearl City only gives a 3 day refund period. If I were to dispute thhe charge on my card, I would probably have to provide documentation, and at that point, it would be a lot of trouble and extra time and expense. I decided that I would keep them because they are very pretty. However, if my regular jeweler thinks they are FP, I will definitely email the seller to see what she says.

I do thank you all for your help and for the interest you have taken in my case.
Thanks Karen. He is a good kid (most of the time).

Aggressive skating is a form of inline skating that utilizes ramps, pipes, jumps, and rails. There are a lot of those types of parks here in SoCal. It is the kind of thing we as adults would probably last 10 seconds with before a 6 month stint in a hospital.
Aggressive skating is a form of inline skating that utilizes ramps, pipes, jumps, and rails. There are a lot of those types of parks here in SoCal. It is the kind of thing we as adults would probably last 10 seconds with before a 6 month stint in a hospital.[/QUOTE]

Before you know it he will be wanting to do stuf like Bungee jump off Hot air baloons and Snow board out of Helicopters..... "Adventure sport" kinda stuff he is a cutie

I never got an answer to my question below. Could someone please explain? Thank you.

operavopera said:
One thing about photos that I must mention. I read some posts criticizing how so many eBay sellers use the same photo over and over for different auctions. To me, that just makes sense. After viewing your websites, I can't imagine that if you have 20 pairs of earrings in stock, you are going to take 20 pictures. Every time 1 item sells, you are going to replace the picture? :confused:
operavopera said:
I never got an answer to my question below. Could someone please explain? Thank you.
I think Caitlin answered your post earlier in this thread.

She basically said that are being criticized the eBays sellers that use the same stolen photo over and over...

Stolen from somewhere on the internet.