eBay find


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2004
I just bought this on eBay yesterday. I had to use Bill me later.
61 Carats and 12.3 grams 55.72 mm x 27.27 mm x 22.76 mm

Wanna guess what I paid?


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I am sure I underpaid by a bit, but what is the value? What is a value based on? This one is almost too large for jewelry.
If that is a genuine Abalone pearl, then of that size, we are talking in thousands USD, right?

DK :confused:
I would think it was, but then again, it is so big, who would buy it for jewelry, except me? The price I got was definitely not a jewelry price. The cheapest I ever saw Wes and Trish Rankin sell abalone for was $15 a carat for pretty pathetic pearls. I am not sure I could ever get that if I want to sell it.
If that is a genuine Abalone pearl, then of that size, we are talking in thousands USD, right?

DK :confused:

It's appears to be formed from a perforation in the membrane attaching the mantle to the shell as opposed the hepatopancreatic "horn" shapes, which are much more a rarity.

The price I got was definitely not a jewelry price.

It's a wonderful piece, Caitlin. Congratulations on your successful bid and esteemable keepsake.
Wow! Is it 'home' yet? Oh, guess not, yesterday.

Notice Caitlin said "almost too big" for jewelry! It has some really fine iridescence enlarged on my phone.

I cant guess, give us a link ?
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Oh Caitlin! Wow.. LOVE THEM! Great Find! They are perfect for big pieces of jewellery! Create, Enjoy & Wear well!

I didn't look past this one! Actually I like the one that went for 7k a couple of months ago much better, I still think about it. Sigh. Adeline, Even with Bill me Later, I wouldn't do 1k....
the 7 k one was never paid haha i send the seller a email because i already had the idea i was bidding against somebody that was way to aggressive on ebay only i did not want to do more then 10 a ct :) then the seller was told it was worth 50 000 or something ( stupid ) and she was trying to sell on other sites now she sold it for 4000 and that person is selling it for 66 000 :S and the story starts again haha

hope that pearl will end up in jewellery soon and be worn instead of going from owner to owner who don't give a crap about the pearl but think because the gia says 89000 its actually being payed for it :)

still wonder who bought the three yesterday there was a 80 ct one something a 60 ct horn and a 30 ct i think together for 500 usd so that was a good deal as well

caitlin for the money this one is great i would turn it into a bigggg piece of jewelry :)
the 7 k one was never paid haha i send the seller a email because i already had the idea i was bidding against somebody that was way to aggressive on ebay only i did not want to do more then 10 a ct :) then the seller was told it was worth 50 000 or something ( stupid ) and she was trying to sell on other sites now she sold it for 4000 and that person is selling it for 66 000 :S and the story starts again haha

hope that pearl will end up in jewellery soon and be worn instead of going from owner to owner who don't give a crap about the pearl but think because the gia says 89000 its actually being payed for it :)

still wonder who bought the three yesterday there was a 80 ct one something a 60 ct horn and a 30 ct i think together for 500 usd so that was a good deal as well

caitlin for the money this one is great i would turn it into a bigggg piece of jewelry :)

I love that 7k abalone pearl above all others I have seen. I hope it turns into jewelry, too.

I wish I'd seen the triplet with the horn, if I am going to do billmelater it should be a great deal at $500, though I'd be paying for way too long. I paid less than that.

I mean, I went into shock at the price. I even called Pattye!
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