eBay find

It's appears to be formed from a perforation in the membrane attaching the mantle to the shell as opposed the hepatopancreatic "horn" shapes, which are much more a rarity.It's a wonderful piece, Caitlin. Congratulations on your successful bid and esteemable keepsake.
Yes, It looks like it mimics the part of the shell on which it rested. I didn't know what it was called, though. This one doesn't have the dreamiest colors from the photo, but I bet the color slides around, in person.
Ah, ha ha again ha! Caitlin, don't get me staaahted. I got another spam email about addiction counseling today after I posted about this!
One lesson everyone - persistence is the name of the game. Good deal, Caitlin. I know Daniel has scored similar on other occasions... Such finds (remember J's natural pearl lavaliere that appraised well?) mzke me so envious. But good on all of you :)

Now I need to get my act together and get in the hunt! (Sigh) I give up too easily.
This person has more pearls. He sent me photos of a couple. I thought this one was really trippy. I am waiting for some measurements and prices. I abolutely can't afford to buy more, but I am interested in another one, anyway. If I take longer than 6 months to pay on BillMeLater, the interest kicks in and I bet it is awful.


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Has anyone ever carved or shaped abalone pearls? They seem like they would take to it. I keep thinking of grinding areas off or cutting itin two and rounding them both off. Any thoughts?

My defense would be that other gem stones can be cut, why not make abalone pearls less, well, organic. Should I get ready to duck?

edited to add: I am talking about the large one not the one in this post.
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some horns are hollow some are not i have 4 pearls that are hollow for sure and around 100 that are not and 100 i have no idea about :) i do find that blisters are 5 out of 10 times are hollow with abalone

caitlin i think it would loose 75 % of its value when you cut them i ones got a rough patch a little polished on a pearl and nobody buys it because its been polished :S
I don't want to sell it, I want to wear it. It is kinda big. It looks like it could make 2 ovals. If it lost 75% of its value, it would be $1.40 or so a carat. I still haven't seen it, so I am just speculating.
That is one big pearl! You could make one huge wire-wrapped pendant. I know it will make you very happy, Ab Girl!

Daniel, the ring is perfect! Someone will be very lucky to have it.