Dodgy UK ebayer selliing "tahitian" dyed freshwaters


Jan 25, 2012
For some strange reason, I can't send her a gentle message pointing out that her Tahitian pearls are Chinese FWP, and pretty obviously so.

Perhaps some other ebay-type could oblige me?


As well as the appearance, I doubt you'd be able to buy a necklace of 8-9mm Tahitian pearls plus ear studs for 45 quid, but even so, someone claiming to be a jewellary shop should know better.
Well, yes - and also the Sale of Goods Act, and probably another one or two that don't come to my mind (not my area of law)
How can you police all the listings on eBay and determine if the representations are fair and accurate? I am just not sure it's possible. It's got to be left to member to self-police, just like we're doing here. What to the people at eBay actually know about pearls??? Probably nothing--but the people on this forum do, so the task fall to us.
How can you police all the listings on eBay and determine if the representations are fair and accurate? I am just not sure it's possible. It's got to be left to member to self-police, just like we're doing here. What to the people at eBay actually know about pearls??? Probably nothing--but the people on this forum do, so the task fall to us.
Actually ebay does police some listings well. I listed some walrus Ivory and bear claws. They yanked them off so fast I couldn't believe it. Got a note they were no allowed.
How can you police all the listings on eBay and determine if the representations are fair and accurate? I am just not sure it's possible. It's got to be left to member to self-police, just like we're doing here. What to the people at eBay actually know about pearls??? Probably nothing--but the people on this forum do, so the task fall to us.

Because something is difficult to do doesn't mean they should get a free pass, nor is ignorance a valid argument. If however it was just a method to connect merchant and buyer, similar to Craigslist, then sure its up to the consumer to do their due diligence - but this is not the case.

If Ebay can't/won't police this section of their website then they should not allow the sale of pearls, period.
There are some relatively simple requirements ebay should demand from sellers to start with:

1. all "imitation pearl beads" must be called that in the title. Cannot use South Sea anywhere in title or listing.

2. "Tahitian" cannot be used except when actually a Tahitian pearl. "Tahitian black" cannot be used for freshwater pearls.

I had a listing pulled for some Judith Ripka earrings, because I noted in the title they had "omega backs." The ebay bots picked up on Omega~

It is more difficult to report a listing on ebay now; they used to allow some personal remarks; that has been eliminated.
I recently sold something and the high bidder waited two days, then I got a letter saying the person they were bidding for decided they didn't want the item. You can't leave bad feedback as a seller anymore. I ended up giving the next bidder a second chance offer and they bought it. Their feedback system needs work too.
The problem is ebay isn't just a pearl site and they don't have humans reviewing all the listings. They have to rely on their bots to identify potential issues. The term "Tahitian Black" has been used by certain car manufacturers as a name for a paint color and it may have been used to described colors for other entirely non-pearl related products. Frankly, eBay shouldn't have even post this requirement on their site. eBay is a US company and the Federal Trade Commission already has specific regulations that address how pearls can be described:
When did that change regarding seller feedback of buyers go into effect???? That's terrible--particular if you're selling big ticket items like high end jewelry or cars (I bought a car on eBay).
We have never had a policy of policing pearl sites, but often when someone comes across a bad listing, they contact the seller. What we do do is dispute, in these pages, that what another site is selling has a poor description- or stolen photos or wrong pearl information.

I contacted the Cairnspearls58 in Aus and he just banned me from emailing him or bidding on his products. However, if someone in Aus, should invest 25 bucks in one of his black/Tahitian pendents, they could prove fraud. It takes buying the object to claim fraud, any more. I would like someone to buy a fraudulent black Tahitian pearl from Cairnspearls58 selling thru eBay aus. He is one of the worst, unless he changed his description to say they are fw, after all.

Mostly, I think putting them on notice here, after a question is sent to them will gather legs as time goes on. est190, perhaps you have a strategy in mind? You have the energy?
I like your idea. Want to expand it? You could start a new thread in the q&e on ebay forum on this subject. What would pearl buyer like to know when they buy? Maybe we could even post a version on Ebay as one of their knowledge pieces. The stuff they have now is of no use to a learner.
FTC ? 23.24 (e) It is unfair or deceptive to use the word "natura," "natural," "nature’s," or any word, term, or phrase of like meaning to describe, identify, or refer to a cultured or imitation pearl.

Using "natural" to describe color in cultured pearls is unfair and deceptive even despite best intentions or disclosure. By this regulation, even a term like "natural color cultured freshwater pearl" is still prohibited. The terms "untreated" and "natural" are not interchangeable.
FTC ? 23.24 (e) It is unfair or deceptive to use the word "natura," "natural," "nature’s," or any word, term, or phrase of like meaning to describe, identify, or refer to a cultured or imitation pearl.

Using "natural" to describe color in cultured pearls is unfair and deceptive even despite best intentions or disclosure. By this regulation, even a term like "natural color cultured freshwater pearl" is still prohibited. The terms "untreated" and "natural" are not interchangeable.

Dave, the fact is most online jewelry sellers, even well intentioned reputable sellers, are not in compliance with FTC guidelines. I am not just limiting my comments to eBay, but to every company selling jewelry online--including pearls. You sellers out there don't have to necessarily have rewrite you sites but it's certainly worth while to have your attorneys (who are hopefully with firms that have experience with FTC compliance and deceptive trade practices) do a compliance review. The FTC is not going to knock on anyone's door proactively, but a complaint to the FTC from consumers or competitors could get the ball rolling. Private citizens, including, but not limited to, customers and competitors as well as State Attorney Generals and, in California, District Attorneys can also enforce Lanham Act and state consumer protection laws. All it takes is an innocent mistake with a description and a really pissed of customer or competitor with an attorney to make your lives misersable. Hmmm. It might not be a bad idea to have someone speak at at the JVC or CPAA event on this topic?? I would be happy to do it.

Caitlin, I wouldn't go too nuts with eBay . In fact, I wouldn't even waste my time going after Asian sellers (particularly Chinese sellers) because the worst thing that eBay can do to them is kicked off eBay. This means next to nothing, since they are back the next day with a different name. If the seller is located in the US that's different and I'll gladly say something. I haven't seen too many US based pearl fraudsters on eBay though.
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Another dodgy Uk seller:

Lists full of "Tahitian" and "South Sea" pearls.

I sent her a very polite message saying that her lavender 8mm pearl was pretty certainly FW not SS, and she sent back a, "you're picking on me!" email:

Well... My supplier where I order my pearls from insured me that these are the South Sea Pearls. I trust my supplier and have done busines with him for many years.I don't have any certificate for my pearls-so therefore they are being sold for a very low price.What do you want from me?..Either way I have nothing to prove to you and all my buyers are satisfied with their purchases, and so i don't understand why this upsets you? So I'm asking why you inboxing me these remarks as they do not concern you?