Ebay (Pearl Society) Tahitians


New Member
Jun 12, 2010
Hiya folks,

Okay, so I'm continuing my window shopping on e-bay (and other places) to try and expand my knowledge of pearls and found these:


Now, I don't really know anything about tahitians as yet so I'm trying to learn - these look okay lustre-wise to me, and I like the baroques with the circles round them, but I'm not sure of the price (especially since they're listed in dollars and I'm in the UK) so thought I'd seek your input to continue my education!

So - what do you think of these? Educate me folks!
Pearl society is generally reliable. These are exactly as per the description I am sure. If you want very colourful they aren't but there is a selection of clear photos.
Not sure why you can't see a price shown in ? - when I go on I do, but I am going through the UK ebay site (the price is ?554 today)
Pearl society is generally reliable. These are exactly as per the description I am sure. If you want very colourful they aren't but there is a selection of clear photos.
Not sure why you can't see a price shown in ? - when I go on I do, but I am going through the UK ebay site (the price is ?554 today)

Thanks for confirming the ? price - I've had a play with e-bay now; it seems that when I view them and then login to add them to my watch list it logs me in to the US site, so I have to log out and then back in to the UK site to see the ? price! Blimey, this technology is beyond me sometimes!

Is ?554 a reasonable price for these tahitians? I've been looking round but haven't found anything particularly comparable to get an idea of the sort of price for this style.
I'm not that impressed with them for the price. If you are in the UK, perhaps you should take a look at the pearls on Wendy (pearlesence) site. She's being polite, but she has some very nice strands on her site. I think you can do a lot better for that money.
That price is low. For two strands. You will not get the best of Tahitians with wonderful colors for that price. In fact, those appear to have no overtones. They are just a shiny black. You will have 2 strands but at about $425 each, they are close to the bottom of quality.

Wendy does have very similar Tahitians, right there in England, but they are double the pearl society price in that you only get one instead of two for the price. but they have more than double the overtones. One especially nice one that looks like the ebay one, except has much more spectacular overtone colors LINK. I think they are good karma pearls from Kamoka farms, where all the pearls are grown with very green practices. I tried to transfer her page over here too, but was unsuccessful.

I went to Pearl Paradise's site just to check the prices against the PS prices. This is what I found.Here is a necklace for slightly more, than the PS prices but it has all kinds of overtones. LINK In fact for just $150 more than PS's price of $850.00 for two, ($1,000 total)you can get two like this one. I now like to look at prices at Pearl Paradise before I commit to another buyer. In this case PP gives you less circle and far more color.

18-inch AA 8.1 to 11.8 mm Baroque Tahitian Pearl Necklace Item # TAN000-603 Pearl TypeTahitian What is this?Pearl OriginFrench Polynesia Pearl Size8.1 to 11.8 mm Strand Length18 Inches Body ColorMedium Dark OvertonesPistachio, Green and Peacock Pearl QualityAA LusterVery High BlemishingLight to Moderate ShapeBaroque




18-inch AA 8.1 to 11.8 mm Baroque Tahitian Pearl Necklace

Item Code: TAN000-603
This exotic strand of natural-color, baroque Tahitian pearls features pearls exhibiting a medium-dark body color with overtones of pistachio, green and subtle peacock. The pearls boast sharp, reflective luster and light to moderate blemishing.

The finished strand will be double-knotted on color-matching silk and finished with your choice of 14-karat clasp. The length of the necklace is 18 inches, but may be adjusted slightly longer or slightly shorter if you prefer.

The strand in the photo is the strand you will receive.
Availability: Usually ships within 1 business day.
Pearl Society is a good dealer, they just don't have the deals that PP has.
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I'm not that impressed with them for the price. If you are in the UK, perhaps you should take a look at the pearls on Wendy (pearlesence) site. She's being polite, but she has some very nice strands on her site. I think you can do a lot better for that money.

Thanks for the input.

I do keep an eye on Wendy's site, but I'm not sure how to compare the price of complete necklaces such as the ones she offers at the moment with temporary strands like these (although I'm only window shopping at this stage, I'll be looking to knot my own, when I'm ready - I'm just trying to get an idea of what I'll probably be paying when the time comes).
That price is low. For two strands. You will not get the best of Tahitians with wonderful colors for that price. In fact, those appear to have no overtones. You will have 2 strands but at about $425 each, they are close to the bottom of quality.

Thanks Caitlin, that's helped me benchmark the qualtiy / value bit, which is what I've been struggling with.

I'll go back and study the Pearl Paradise ones again - I do go on there ever now and again but have to limit the time I allow myself to avoid drooling on my keyboard too much (can't afford a new laptop and pearls!).
In terms of value, there is a significant difference between circled pearls and drop pearls (usually more than double). If you really prefer that heavily circled look, it is the least expensive of shapes so definitely shop around. For strands that heavily circled, you might be able to find them for about half that price.
In terms of value, there is a significant difference between circled pearls and drop pearls (usually more than double). If you really prefer that heavily circled look, it is the least expensive of shapes so definitely shop around. For strands that heavily circled, you might be able to find them for about half that price.

Thanks Jeremy - I do really like the circled look so it's great to hear they're at the least expensive end of the market (might be the first time ever I've picked something I like that might be in my price range, jewellery-wise!).

I shall continue my browsing and tahitian education!