Do real men wear pearls?

Yes, actually. Hubby bought a large polished lapis specimen, and also a pyrite crystal in matrix (35mm on the edge; their natural formation is cubical).

I bought a paua abalone shell, 18.5mm x 14mm, glorious colors. We have had a smaller shell for years, but this one is just majestic, and the colors are fabulous. Photos tomorrow.

Also a small specimen of hyanite, a Mexican opal that fluoresces bright green under ultraviolet light.

And a few carved stone angels to add to my D's collection -- one is carved from serpentine, the other from lepidolite. It's a running joke we have-- they're like the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who. She has 8 at this point (all carved of different material).
Well the best time to photograph the hyanite is now that it's dark, so here goes. I shone a UV penlight on it.

This specimen is small, less than an inch. It's pricey stuff but we wanted to bring home a bit so our D could see it.


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I wish I just could hit a "like" or "thanks for the great post" button! Get them while they're young! [like]
I just thought the same! If there would be a like button, this picture had the most likes maybe on the whole site! He is so cute!
awww thx!
I feel bad Ive not talked to you all spring, I was in a very intense techie training class all spring. Just getting some of my life back, for a few weeks anyway lol. I definitely have to come see you soon!

Just came across these recent posts; wifi has been spotty in my travels - just have to chime in that I LOVE your necklace and bracelet, BPDDC!

The other manly pearly looks posted here are great, too.

Kudos to all you guys who are secure enough to proudly sport this beautiful gem! And BPDDC, we'll have to trade stories one of these days...
Off-topic post with photos of 2 minerals (lapis & pyrite in matrix) and our new paua shell from the gem show yesterday.


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The other day someone, a stranger made derogatory comments about a necklace I was wearing. First (and not to be militant) I couldn't give 5 flying fishballs what anyone thinks about what I wear and how I wear it. What does bother me is rudeness and disrespect and the willingness of people to express it so openly.

That person who attacked you is a complete zero, while you are a strong man who can think and feel deeply. And appreciate beauty and adornment! Hugs.
PD, I have a pyrite cube, but yours looks cooler in matrix. That paua shell is mesmerizing. It's easy to see why Eyris Blue Pearls are so beautiful.
Thank you both, I really appreciate all the replies but I also feel a little sheepish now like I was just complaining, that was not my intent. I guess I was just frustrated. Still I'am very thankful for all the kind words!

Quote Originally Posted by GemGeek View Post
That person who attacked you is a complete zero, while you are a strong man who can think and feel deeply. And appreciate beauty and adornment! Hugs.
I agree vigorously!I agree vigorously!