Did you get your exotics yet?

Hi Salem and everyone,

I hope that by now your first disappointment has gone, the more you look at them, the more you will like them. And perhaps you have some left over pearls you could mix in to get the strands to pop, like Knotty says.

Out of experience I have learned two things:

The luster always looks much better on the photos and
The colours as well do look much more intense than in reality.

If you have this in mind, you will be able to get a more realistic picture in your mind?s eye and that will protect you from being that much disappointed.

See it on the bright side: your small rounds are so shiny, that the reflection takes out any colour,:D and in different lights the strands will come to life, I am sure of it...

Bear with me, LOL!! Still trying!


Ah Pearl_dreams:

You beat me to that lovely strand of the 8-9 mm:s. I thought I had got one but it turned out, that the strands were oversold! I really would have like your strand with this lovely gold pearl:eek:

However, all of your strands do look lovely! And better to see small pics than none at all!
I also got my exotics yesterday. First under artificial light they seemed to be all in pink-lavender colour but then we got a bright sunshine here and it just exploded with colours! I asked for more green-beige colours, and I indeed got them. This are ovals 8,5-9,5 (094-15). Thry are in lfe more greenish than on the photo where they look rather blue:




you really did get the most lovely ovals, at least they look it on my screen! Those two intensely coppery ones are just out of this world.:p

I am determined to try again with my photos-- you all gave me such a treat with your photos that I want to get the picture taking right. At least so you can have the very best shots I can make of the 8-9mm strand.

About the lighting and colors-- that close-up of the gold pearl, now-- the pearl really is golden, no trick of the lighting or camera. I never would have thought a mussel could produce such a color. It's the color of an antique gilded painting frame. Astonishing.

But the blue pearl in the same shot is more of a 'silver doing a blue impression' rather than the actual blue it appears in my photo. And if I take that round strand under tungsten light, then the whole necklace appears to be peach/bronze/gold. That strand really looks its best in daylight (which is bluish light.)

The first box I opened contained my large ovals, and I admit I was a bit disappointed with the color range initially-- especially having seen Olmander's photos-- well, mine had no obvious blue or green! They are basically peach/lavender/cream.

But after looking at them more, I realized that they have subtle color and luster variations within that palette (like the bronze and gold peaches), so the necklace as a whole is very attractive. And under some light, the green overtones pop out. I think the large ovals are going to be extemely wearable on a daily basis. My graying hair can make me look a bit washed out, and these peach tones will warm up my overall appearance.

Imagine if every one of our strands were uniformly alike-- how boring! It's their seemingly infinite variation that makes pearls so fascinating and desirable. And which fuels our continued buying of them. :rolleyes:
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Salem, I hope you feel better soon. You and I must have got similar 7-8 mm round strands. Mine also has an overall peachy/cream kind of look to it. But, the pearls do have quite a metallic shine to them and, overall, it is very attractive. I am partial I think though to the other necklace I bought, which was the 8.5/9.5 ovals. That also has cream/peach/lavender colors in it but the larger size is just better!

Take your pearls out and try them on with different pieces of clothing. They can really pop, depending on the color, and you may find that those peachy/cream tones are quite flattering.
I think pearls go to sleep on the trip and it takes a day or two for them to "wake up".

Take care of yourself and stay healthy!
Caitlin, I fully agree - mine are becoming more and more beautiful every day. The more you look, the more get attached to them :)
And if you are not, I'm sure you can easily find someone here to take it off your hands....;)
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the responses. I am still home sick, but it is just a bad cold. It just sucks that my husband is still in Kuwait. I know he worries about me and there isn't anything he can do. I know with colds there isn't anything to do anyway but wait, but I think he feel worse being ou of the country. :(

I haven't looked a the pearls yet today, so I have no updates. I did try them in various indoor light and tried to cast shadows on them and it helped some. As I wrote before, the strand is beautiful, it just doesn't look like a multi-colored strand. I love my multi-colored rope from TPO and I guess I was expecting that sort of contrast with these, just with more fantastic colors. I haven't tried them on yet, as I don't think they would go with my pjs, but I intend to as soon as I am more up and about.

I find the comments about the PP photo interesting because I can understand some difference between a 2 dimensional image and reality, but all the other strands I have purchased from them have been much more representative. Youngster, with your pearls did you also order the $225 strand?

Maybe I will put some clothes next to it today to see what happens. Thanks for everyone's support.

lol Of course, it could be partly because I am sick. Have you ever noticed when you aren't feeling well that you perceive things differently? Well, I do at least.:D
Hi everyone,

... lol Of course, it could be partly because I am sick. Have you ever noticed when you aren't feeling well that you perceive things differently? Well, I do at least.:D

Yes, I find being sick depresses body and mind, and makes me feel more negative and easily discouraged. And that in turn affects how I perceive things.

I hope you feel better soon. Drink lots of fluids!
salem, hope you're feeling better soon! :)

As others have noted, I find that the lighting and background make a big difference. Against a dark background like the velvet box and in bright light my strand looks lavender/copper, but against a white background (like a dress shirt) and in indirect diffuse light all the colors come out! So I guess it's a bit of a chameleon, as Knotty said. :)

Did we ever find out who got the featured strand

My guess is Caitlin? She certainly deserves it! :)

Salem, mine are supposed to be the perfect, round 7-8 mm ones. They are unblemished. After I read your comments yesterday, I put them on and wore them about the house. The sun was out (for a change) and looking at them more closely and in different light, I certainly saw a wide range of color. In certain light, it was almost like a rainbow. I saw greens that I hadn't seen before and the lavender was more distinct.
Oops! I forgot to log out of admin, so here it is again under my name....

My guess is Caitlin? She certainly deserves it! :)
Ahhh, how sweet.......thanks.

Ha! I wish! I got two of the smallest rounds and forgot to ask for them unstrung because I was afraid they would disappear before I paid for them- So they came strung up and My daughter Kether immediately started wearing them! I have to get them back, somehow!
I wish I could say who got the showcase strand. But legally I cannot. I hope this person does eventually post a picture of the finished piece. But this PGer does not post much...
All I can say for those who were disappointed about their pearl colors is take them away from the black velvet case:D When I first opened mine I was taken aback by the lack of color difference, but the second I took them out of the case the colors just popped and the orient was amazing. Held up against any color other than black (and yes I went around the office holding my strands against any color I could find) these pearls are really pretty. Black is just not their friend, (maybe because they are so shiny they pick up the darkness and it over whelms them?).


Salem, I was one of the lucky 2 that received the 10.5 mm strand of exotics. The colors of some of the pearls look similarly subdued in certain light. There many colors in my strand, I have my first really blue pearl, lots of peach, pink, copper, yellow, purple, all very beautiful. They are not really metallic in luster, very soft hues. This strand is about the closest I will get to a large multicolor freshadama as they have been sold out for awhile. I think that lighting and clothing bring out different
colors. I will say that as you wear them, you will hopefully notice the true uniqueness and beauty of that strand. I think that the really metallic ones are the smaller sizes. Is that because of the nacre thickness? Anyway, I feel very special when I wear my strand because I know that this is a unique collection. I hope you will be happy with them in the long run. Feel better!!
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I agree completely with Caitlin that pearls are shy and take a day or two to "come out of their shells" ;). When I first got mine, I was a bit disappointed that it tended toward creams and light pinks, with occasional lavender. It didn't have any colors that leapt out at me. But as I started to play around with it and admire it against my wrist, I began to see it in differently. I looked at individual pearls, not the overall strand, and that is when I finally saw the colors. I have cherry-picked out the most colorful pearls for the dangle on my necklace, and looking at them lined up on my beadboard I would swear that they couldn't possibly have come from my strands, but they did. As I was sorting out the pearls (since I am combining pearls from 2 strands and they are graduated), I would see a pearl in with all the others and wonder "how on earth did I miss that color before?!" I kept picking them out until I had more than enough for the dangle and now I am forced to pick and choose which to use.

Salem, I am so sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time. I hope you feel better soon!!
I wore my 8-9mm rounds today while on a family outing. Every time I caught a glimpse of them (and I made sure I caught lots of glimpses:p), they looked great! I was wearing a blue top-- the peach/gold/bronze pearls contrast beautifully and the silvery blues and lavenders look even bluer.

And yes, I did receive a compliment on my "beautiful pearls".:D
Hi everyone,

Thanks for all the well wishes for my health. I think I am slowly getting better, and my husband will be coming home this weekend. YAY!!

Aerinha..for myself at least, I took mine out of the case immediately. Of course I wouldn't just leave them in the box. I tried many colors behind them and the only colors that seemed to make them pop a bit were a pale green and a yellow. I never wear yellow(makes me look sick, and I already do now anyway :) )

Hi Boo, you and Caitlin make me laugh. I was wondering if they had fallen asleep during their stay in customs. lol Will have to wait and see.

I did look at them more yesterday, and I appreciate the deep, overall mauve/copper look of them. And they do seem perfect, and the luster is amazing. I am heartened to know I wasn't the only one who felt the initial disappointment upon opening them. Again, not to say they weren't beautiful, just that they weren't what I was really expecting. I have a couple greenish pearls that stand out, but they are among the smallest pearls and at the back of the strand, so think no one will ever notice them unless I have my hair up(which I almost never do). But then I can have my husband hunt for them. So that kind of delights me. ;)

I am about to venture out to go grocery shopping now. MAybe I will wear them out and see how they look. Of course, I hope I don't sneeze all over them. :eek::D
I want to apologize for all my fiddling with my posts on the previous page-- but it has taken me all this time to finally figure out how to get the photos the size I wanted. The color isn't the greatest, but I'm done fiddling!:)