Did you get your exotics yet?

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My order is arriving tomorrow...can't wait! :D

I'll have to set up a Photobucket account and figure out how to post pictures here.
My exotics came yesterday. All I can say is WOW, and thank you Jeremy and Mia!
I wanted the fun of stringing them myself (which I have) and rather than the lovely clasp that came with them, I used one of my hook/eye clasps so my fumbly fingers can manage more easily.
First I laid them out as they came, strung them, then changed my mind lol.. I've grouped the colours as best I could, still keeping the sizes graduating. I've graduated the colours, pinks on one side through to purples on the other. I love it (though I might change it around at a later date) and will wear it a lot!


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I also got my exotics yesterday. First under artificial light they seemed to be all in pink-lavender colour but then we got a bright sunshine here and it just exploded with colours! I asked for more green-beige colours, and I indeed got them. This are ovals 8,5-9,5 (094-15). Thry are in lfe more greenish than on the photo where they look rather blue:



I like yours best of all the 8.5-9.5 ovals photos posted so far. Great combination of colors!

My package is on the truck for delivery today.
I think it's just my camera which is good (...plus some filming skills...:D).
I can not believe I am the only lucky one to get all those delicious green and golden ones:)

Thank you Jeremy and Mia, what a treat!
Got word my pearls should arrive on 2/20, which is tomorrow for me. I can't wait! I'm curious to see what shades are on my multi strand and to see if the peach/pinks are a goldeny in person as they looked on screen.

I'll have to see what I can do about pictures when they get here. I'm not the best with the digital camera. Also, I stupidly had them sent to my house and not to work so I'll have to wait all day to see if they arrived :(

Did we ever find out who got the featured strand or the all purple strand from the ooaks?
A question for Jeremy as I wait for the UPS truck--

Can you clarify what treatments these exotics have received, if any? (Not bleaching, I'm sure, but how about luster?)

It's always nice to know.
The exotics came from a number of different factories. This was the only way to collect enough. But our request was no treatment except polish with each.
This is a question for Jeremy, you had mentioned you couldn?t find more pearls for the 12 inch strand, I was wondering what made it different from the other multi strands in the offering that more couldn?t be found? I am awaiting it?s arrival tomorrow so I haven?t seen it yet, but was it color or shape or cleanliness?
Thanks for your reply, Jeremy--it is good to know what one has!

I got my pearls! :D And I opened a Photobucket account but this is my first time posting photos anywhere so I have no idea if this will work! :rolleyes:

My absolute favorites are the 8-9mm rounds, FEN390-702. The range of colors is broad, from creams to silvery peaches,, to intense dark peach, to lavender, to silvery blue-green, to intense gold. The one really golden colored pearl looks like an 18K gold ball-- it is right next to the clasp in my photo.

In Jeremy's close-up of the three strands, this is the strand on the bottom front, with the pinkish looking pearl directly above the price. (That pearl is more silvery than pink but it looks pink in that photo.)

[I deleted the link to my photo since it was awful! See next posts]

Next favorite are the 7.5-8.5mm ovals, FEN 93-12. These are very metallic and a good range of colors. On paper it has a cool tone but the amazing thing is how warm it looks next to my skin. It takes on and reflects the skin tones.

I've photographed this strand alongside some loose baroque pearls I have which I might incorporate into a strand, or use as earrings. Not sure yet.

[more of my ugly photos deleted-- see next post for brightened up version.]

Finally, the 8.5-9.5mm ovals, FEN 094-15! These have a softer metallic glow and range from cream with green overtones, through various peaches, lavenders, bronze and gold. Like the others, it looks great against my skin!

[final ugly photos deleted LOL!! See next posts.]

The photos in the calendar make me want to get a few Tahitians and Abalones!
*Mental note to save up for them!*

Jeremy and Mia, I will treasure these forever. Thanks so much for making these available to us!

Note: When I preview the post I see my links but not the actual photos. If anyone can give me a clue as to how to get the actual photos on here, I'll try posting them again.:o
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Bear with me, LOL!! Still trying!


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Trying again with first the 7.5-8.5 ovals with some extra fwp I had, then the
8-9mm strand, photo lightened (see the gold colored pearl next to the clasp.)
and finally again the 8.5-9.5mm oval exotics, photo exposure lightened-- the green overtones show up less in real life.

Well, that was a learning experience!

Maybe by the time I next post photos I'll figure out how to make them larger and brighter.


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Well, I got my strand today, and to be honest, I am a bit disappointed. :( I ordered a strand of the 7-8mm hand selected strands of perfect rounds 290-310 maybe? When I saw everyone's pictures of their strands, I kept getting more excited because the colors were so fantastic. Now, my strand is very pretty, but it doesn'T really look like a multi-color strand. It gives off an overall coppery appearance, but doesn't resemble either the PP photos nor any photos that have been posted here. My colors are VERY subtle. Even when I took them into natural light(it is sunny today), the colors didn't pop out at me, but rather blended together. The only thing I can think is I got sent one of the other 7-8mm strands, the ones for around $100 or so. When I clicked on the picture of that strand, it looked much more like mine. Now there are a few pearls that seem to have green, blue, mauve overtones, but nothing like everyone else's strands, and there aren't that many. I guess it just makes me sad because everyone is posting how the colors are even deeper in person than photographed.

Like I said, it is a lovely strand, just not what I was expecting and now I am unsure how to think about them. Did I get the wrong strand? Was it just a trick of photography making some strands look so incredibly multi-colored? I know photos would probably help, but I am terrible with a camera and am sick today so I don't feel up to it.

The colors do pop more when photographed. I don't know why, but they do. The green overtones in my large ovals are barely visible under regular light-- but photographed under a daylight spectrum lamp, the green is visible.

Also, the more metallic the pearls are, the harder it is to see the colors in bright sunlight, because of the reflections. I found I could see the colors better indoors in indirect light.

I had the impression that the smaller beads also were more metallic than the larger ones-- in fact, Jeremy said they were in one post.

Take another look tomorrow.
Salem, yes, I agree, try to look at it in a different light. I had about the same feeling when I got it - there was so much excitement of expectation, and the UPS promised it on Friday and in the last moment has postponed until Monday... oh no...tensions rise... and then it comes, and I open it... and it looks like a nice but ordinary pastel coloured necklace. I took them with me to the office and then in the sunshine the ovals as if suddenly changed the colours. For some reason, indeed, the ovals have more of charm than the rounds (I got two strands, an oval and a round). Maybe because they are less metallic and have a softer glow.

But the biggest surprise came in the evening, when I was staring it it in a very subdued and indirect electric light in a half-dark room. Then the colours of the ovals became much more pronounced.

Now I am sitting in the attics behind the computer, have the strand in front of me, and the light is falling from the ceiling, and this is a bit gloomy winter light - and YES, this seems to be really the best light and colours are really quite extravagant.

It is just every day a small discovery.

I can not say the same about the round ones, although they are more expensive and are supposed to be more chic. Maybe it is the metallic shining indeed which absorbs the colour. But I confirm in writing that my ovals look very much how they stand on the picture :).
Aw, Salem, hon. I hope you feel better. I hope your husband is back. Curl up, stay warm, and take good care of yourself. We want you healthy and happy.


New topic: I think what we are individually discovering is that these pearls are very chameleon-like. They pick-up their nuances from their surroundings. Some are photogenic, others not. My strands on their own are a bit drab. Mixed with clothing colors and such, they pop.
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