Crowd Funded South Sea Pearl Farm

Pearling Technologies

Community member
Jul 19, 2004
Hello Pearl People

Just wondering what interest there may be from the audience in a crowd funded south sea pearl farm? Pearl farms require large investment and they are subject to many environmental and market forces so not everyone has the capacity to start or invest in a farm. Perhaps crowd funding can present an opportunity for pearl lovers to contribute to the creation of a pearl farm. Happy to hear your thoughts.

(admin - please remove this post if not appropriate).
Like those where you buy a piece of a house or I think one could even buy a piece of the moon? Basically it's like buying stocks isn't it? Could work if the organisation behind it is well organised and not corrupt or anything
yes kind of but also different. there are many ways to structure these sorts of operations so depends on what the market is more attracted to, plus also the level of funds per person requested. Various projects have funds required from as low as $50 per person and up and what you get for your contribution depends on the amount you contribute. They sometimes have contribution price points that designates what you get.
Good morning! Hey, I actually believe this is an interesting idea! Never occurred to me but this is a subject that really piques my curiosity and interest!
I would be in!
I'd steer sounds amateur. I'd rather see a proper commercial operation with a company, directors, shares....and company law
you can already invest in the type of company structure you mention - Atlas Pearls (ASX:ATP). Any new crowd funded venture would still require to be governed by laws and regulations and to be overseen by proper management and technically skilled people. Same same but different!
On the face of it, it's a fair question. A discussion, a fielding of views and a way in for some.

However, crowd funding "same same" rarely appeals to the masses. Same farms, same techniques, same market conditions. I'm not sure that will fly. I would think innovative ideas, new plans, new locations and alternative products would garner more attention.

The pearling industry is a poor example of research and development for the greater good, other than self improvement. A great part of the industry is veiled in secrecy, absence of disclosure and (somewhat) misleading information. It pains me to say that, because most of the farmers I know have a finger on the pulse of marine ecosystems as they evolve. The first to observe, the first to report.

Not one dime of my work load cost comes from the industry itself. Everything I do is incidental to something else I do, like gather samples for public health and safety issues or other forms of biomedical research not directly related to pearling.

If after all these years of not being funded, I have my doubts. But thanks for discussing this, all the same.

And good luck to you George and your crews for all you do. I'm a loyal follower.
Pearling Technologies, I clicked on your business and see you happen to have two opportunities to do with just this subject on your site.
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Hi lilliefuzzysocks, those opportunities of investment are not for crowdfunding. They are 2 customers seeking investors/partners to grow their farms. The crowdfunding idea is just that at this stage, an idea based on the success of other crowd funding ventures. I was just thinking out aloud to see if there was any traction for such a project.
It is a strategy that has worked out for many other things, companies and new products. Why not for a pearl farm :)