Could these be south sea pearls?

But you know, kian, if you are wondering what 13-15mm baroque WSS would cost, just go online and see what various vendors (again, not eBay) are selling them for.

The baroque and ringed ones are quite a bit less costly than round ones (even though they are quite a bit more costly than FWP.)

If you want to learn a LOT more about pearls, I recommend Elizabeth Strack's book, Pearls.

GIA sells it:
Thank you Pearl Dreams! Such great recommendations! I'm now getting interested to Saltwater Pearls :)
Thanks Jeremy! I really appreciate your inputs. And yes, when you're in the Philippines, when you say South Sea it refers to Mindanao, the Southern part of the Philippines. So when you ask where is South Seas everybody will say in chorus, "Mindanao"
The big, bold, and beautiful pearls. I wore it and felt like a princess indeed :o) IMG_20160731_102857.jpgIMG_20160731_102857.jpg someday I'll try to have the South Sea to be like a queen ;o)
The pearls are a great size on you! They look perfect with, and finish, your outfit!