Cook Islands Keshi Bracelet


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I post to celebrate our newest acquisition, and to wish fellow forum members a very Happy Holiday.

The magnificent pearls below arrived to our office in Seattle just yesterday, and are on my wife's desk awaiting our return from wine business in Spain next week. As she does not read the forum, the surprise should remain intact…

17 keshi (100% nacre) pearls 10mm to 14mm in size form a bracelet. Cook Islands keshi average 4mm to 8mm maximum, however during the 2007 harvest a line of oysters was discovered at a small farm on Manihiki that had been lost for an indeterminate period of time. These keshi were thus allowed to develop for an estimated six years (or more)!

Not only are these keshi the entire booty from that line, but they manage to represent every conceivable color obtainable from the Pinctada margaritifera.

Two sets of complementary keshi studs accompany the bracelet. The only question that remains is whether my wife will wear the bracelet (she's not the bracelet type—have placed my faith exclusively in the pearls).

?Felices Fiestas!



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Wow, nice job, and excellent photo! Wish they'd lose more oysters, huh?
WOW WOW!!!... The bracelet and the pearls are absolutely stunning.

I lived in Seattle area (Newcastle/Bellevue to be exact) for many years and always consider Seattle my home town.
Happy Holidays, Steve!

The bracelet looks even better in this new take. You guys have some crazy pearls to play with :cool:
Photo: The bracelet attracted the attention of Pearl World and prior to shipment this shot was supplied for the cover of a future PW issue.

Can't wait to get home and 'play'!


PS I'm the original Californian in Seattle, but 1972 arrival nearly qualifies me as a native…
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Amazing color and shape. I bet this will make your wife a bracelet wearer. You have quite a collection of exotic pearls now. It is always nice ( and informative) to hear the story about each piece you have. Thank you for sharing.
That is a drool-worthy photo, if I've ever seen one! Breathtaking - literally! Congratulations, and thanks for sharing it with us.;)
This bracelet is pure beauty. Perhaps your wife can wear it as a bracelet for a while and if they find more "lost pearls" in the future you can combine those pearls and make a necklace. Your collection of pearls is just marvelous. Thanks for sharing.:)

Happy Holidays,
We are now advised that the bracelet has a name, as do our other one-off pieces from the Cooks:

Poe Tuanaana​
"The name centered on the fact that these pearls had been 'lost'...adopting a romantic twist, Tuanaana is used here in an all encompassing manner for the Pearls - lying in their shell, beckoning with their radiant colours, beneath the ocean waves..."

Total pearl weight (in the manner of naturals) is 210 carats.

pernula said:
Perhaps your wife can wear it as a bracelet for a while?
Prior to purchase I discussed the necklace possibility with the seller, who enthusiastically suggested 18k wire wrapping of the existing pearls into opera length. But the pearl sequence and symmetry is so appealing in the bracelet that we will give it a go at least for a while. When this discussion originally surfaced on another thread, Caitlin pointed out that bracelets optimize the wearer's own appreciation of a piece. This will be an important element of my gift presentation, for sure!

Valeria101 said:
How about the studs? Size? Colors?
Problem was matching, got a perfect gray/green pair (approx 6mm) and another pair just for variety, but in the final analysis I'm not sure which among the various options provided was actually chosen. Will have to see upon return?
Another stunning, romantic, museum piece from you. I wish you could tour your pieces. I would love to know about the wire wrapping. Many on the forum are vehemently opposed to metal and pearls in the same breath. Just an amazing lost piece, and now it's found. *Sigh* Thank you.
Now that is an exotic piece! Josh, if you are out there, that sort of thing would win some serious points on a private offer list!
I still can't get over how big they are:

The Keshi that ate New York City!!! ...Muah hah ha! :eek:
knotty panda said:
I would love to know about the wire wrapping.
Me, too. Jewelery applications are a murky area for me, attracted as I have been to the pearls themselves. Certainly we are lucky to have acquired these, and given their rarity I wonder if we might even consider alternating settings (100% nacre reducing the wear factor to a non-issue)?

Hi Steve,

There is another strand where we discussed how to reduce wear and scratches and such on bracelets, since they are so much fun to wear because we can see and admire the pearls. Not certain if you read it but to summarize:

1. Wear the bracelet on the non-writing hand.

2. Design the bracelet so it is fairly close to the wrist, not long and drapey.

3. If one wears a watch, do so on the opposite arm from bracelet.

Can anyone think of any others missing?

so many pearls, so little time
smetzler said:
100% nacre reducing the wear factor to a non-issue

Well.. what would you do if the pearls are scratched or dimpled during setting switching, maybe even stained with who-knows-what while wearing in an exposed setting?

The better the jewelry, the more careful handling it requires, methinks. ;)

Wire wrapping? I have ahdr time thinking of it as a fine jewelry form. but ya' never know.

I think THIS is some nice wire wrapping though. I don't know if Cindy Monnich does anythign with pearls.

And there are OTHER THINGS done with precious metal wire that seem to fit the most snobbish expectations too :rolleyes:




smetzer said:
Jewelery applications are a murky area for me.

Have you ever tried Ganoskin and it 'Orchid' forum for a source?

Perhaps the bracelet could be designed so that an extention of gold or chain could be added or screwed onto each end so that it could be worn as a necklace without changing or removing the pearls. Just a thought, oops, gotta go get ready to see the Baroque Orchestra perform Messiah, but cant seem to leave here! That's what happens 'cause Im a NCN!

so many pearls, so little time
I love it just as is. Hand knotted on silk. Tell me about the clasp, please. I can't see it in the photo. I think a bracelet like that could transform a non-bracelet person into a bracelet person in no time!