

Jun 11, 2007
Here's some cultured tahitian pearls that belong to Sheri (lacorsetiere)who I had the pleasure to meet recently here in Tahiti.
Those are lovely too. I love the circles. Such personality.
Beautiful pearls. Circles are my favorite! They sometimes have multiple colors in the groves and I think they have such a organic feel about them. Those are so bright and shiny- they look like X-mas ornaments.
He doesn't just catch fish with his teeth - he's a pearl god!

He doesn't just catch fish with his teeth - he's a pearl god!

Hello from the proud owner of these babies! I know that the color of the pearls in the photo doesn't even begin to do them justice (I may just have a dull monitor) - they really DO look like Christmas ornaments, with intense blues, greens, golds, and reds! Josh is a real pearl god! Or perhaps a pearl alchemist? You should have seen me pawing through piles of luscious beauties - if it hadn't been for the fact that I had to catch a plane home last night, I'd probably still be there, transfixed...

Thanks, Josh!!!!!

Sheri (la corsetiere)

Could you share where you were when you found these beauties? I noticed your "pawing through piles" of them comment - sounds like so much fun!!! As I'm learning and reading through this forum's threads, I'm trying to think of the coolest way to get some fabulous tahitians (or specifically sea or cortez pearls) where I can choose the pearls that I want put into a piece, and make a great trip out of it, too. I'm hesitant to think a trip to a farm would be a good way for an amateur like me to get quality at a price I can trust, but I'm wondering if maybe that's just my lack of knowledge talking.

They are fabulous! Congrats!

Could you share where you were when you found these beauties? I noticed your "pawing through piles" of them comment - sounds like so much fun!!! As I'm learning and reading through this forum's threads, I'm trying to think of the coolest way to get some fabulous tahitians (or specifically sea or cortez pearls) where I can choose the pearls that I want put into a piece, and make a great trip out of it, too. I'm hesitant to think a trip to a farm would be a good way for an amateur like me to get quality at a price I can trust, but I'm wondering if maybe that's just my lack of knowledge talking.

They are fabulous! Congrats!

I was very lucky to be in Papeete when Josh was in town, and he was kind enough to arrange to take a little time out of his hectic schedule to meet with me so I could do the pearl-pawing in his office. I ended up incorporating my purchase from Josh into the rope of my dreams...three yards long, using Tahitians of all shapes and colors, with a few South Sea pearls for contrast, ranging from about 8mm up to 16mm. Most of the pearls were from Josh (colors can't be beat!), with some larger ones from the Pearl Market in Papeete (lots of pearls there, but pricey), and some others that I'd been accumulating on e-bay. Looks fairly impressive when I wrap it around my neck six times... :D

I learned a lot about pearls on my trip, but it definitely helps to shop around to get a sense of price and quality. Don't count on any extraordinary bargains in retail shops in French Polynesia, given the horrible dollar exchange rate, which I was told is half of what it was before 9/11. Once you start looking at pearls, you'll get a better sense of how to judge quality. As far as Sea of Cortez pearls go, as far as I am aware, there is only one farm, so if you can manage a visit to the farm or one of their authorized outlets, I don't think quality is a concern. A local pearl (or a few hundred!) is the ideal souvenir from an exotic vacation! I may have to start investigating Guaymas...;)

You'll know your pearl(s) when you see it, by the way. The right one has a way of speaking to you.

You'll know your pearl(s) when you see it, by the way. The right one has a way of speaking to you.

heh... it is this I fear! I once fell in love with an amazing gemstone I didn't recognize in a solitaire ring setting at a family jeweler we knew. It was about 1 carat. I REALLY wanted it. Turns out it was alexandrite - the only (to my knowledge) gemstone more expensive than diamonds. The employee looks at my husband and says, "Does she always unknowingly pick out the most expensive thing in the store?" (The unfortunate answer is yes. Needless to say I don't own that ring!)

Thank you so much for sharing! From your comments and others I've read here, Josh sounds like a pleasure to do business with.
Sheri, do we get to see the dream rope? I'm thinking it could be a common dream - it sounds fabulous! 3 yards??
Hi Gravityalwayswins,
I'm actually hailing from Guaymas, Mexico right now. The swim from the Baja side almost killed me especially after the run from Tucson to Santa Rosalia. But I'm here now and can report that Douglas and his partners Enrique and Manuel have been hard at work and are doing a beautiful thing. You and anyone else interested should definitely visit for the pearls of your dreams.
Dear Josh and Sheri,
Those green circles are gorgeous. You make pretty pearls, Josh. Sheri, you selected really well!
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Sheri, do we get to see the dream rope? I'm thinking it could be a common dream - it sounds fabulous! 3 yards??

Here are a couple photos of my rope...also looks nice doubled and long...



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Hi Shery,

they look great, can you send a pic where we can see your pearls together with your face, perhaps?:)
The blue pearl in the center is particularly attractive. I have never seen one like that. Great find!
Sheri - they look amazing. I am totally captivated by the tahitians, and love the huge variations in colours and shapes you have put together in your rope. I'm thinking your dream may be my husband's nightmare....

That aside - I would also love to see a photo with the rope just doubled and also left long! I really enjoy wearing ropes longer - just helps me play with the pearls all day... also as I'm only 5'2 I just couldn't carry off the six strands - pity!

Thanks for posting the photos!