Can someone pls buy this SoC mabe necklace...


Oct 6, 2014
... and put me out of my misery lol. :D

I think this Sea of Cortez (SoC) mabe necklace from Kojima that comes with a detachable pendant is so gorgeous.





Would love to get it but it's not my color (I don't wear Yg) and no budget... :p
So yeah, am hoping that someone here would get it and post lotsa pretty pics. :rolleyes:

Hope this is allowed, if not then mods pls feel free to move/remove. Have been stalking that necklace for ages but there is a coupon code for 18% off now so if anyone is interested I'm happy to share the code.
I was lusting after this necklace at Ruckus. I suppose if I didn't buy anything else at Ruckus and upped my budget by another 2K I could have bought it.

I actually e-mailed back and forth with Sarah about making a pendant like that with an enhancer, but it just wouldn't have the same impact as the whole necklace, and I never went through with it.

I do NOT want someone to buy it. When I win the lottery, it's MINE.
I was lusting after this necklace at Ruckus. I suppose if I didn't buy anything else at Ruckus and upped my budget by another 2K I could have bought it.

I actually e-mailed back and forth with Sarah about making a pendant like that with an enhancer, but it just wouldn't have the same impact as the whole necklace, and I never went through with it.

I do NOT want someone to buy it. When I win the lottery, it's MINE.

How about you negotiate a layaway with Sarah while waiting for the lottery results. Then I can see this often in the what are you wearing thread. And you take great selfies... pls buy it... :)
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It is gorgeous and love the enhancer pendant. Win that lottery Bweaves!
It is gorgeous, Icy. I'm sure it is just waiting for the right person to give it a home. Why don't you give Sarah a call? You know it is on sale now.
I was drooling over this necklace when Sarah wore it at the Ruckus, but I had no idea the drop was detachable! That is so clever to have two different looks for the necklace! Can the drop also be worn separately as a pendant?
Oh, my! I'd love to get that. My daughter doesn't need room and board for her last semester, right? She can sleep under the stars and subsist on air. :p
I'm slightly obsessed with that necklace. It really is amazing - the detachable enhancer puts it over the top <3
For anyone who hasn't seen this necklace in person, it's 10X prettier in person. When the light hits it, and the SOC colors change ... just remarkable. I got a GOOD second look at it when we went to visit Sarah after the Ruckus. If only a certain hubby hadn't blown the pearl budget on GSS Harvest strand ... oh, wait, that was HIS pearl budget ... lol. But 2 new custom made axles for our beloved vintage travel trailer mean I'd have to win at least 1 lottery too ... sigh. Gosh, I hope a PG friend gets to own this. FYI, Sarah told me the pendant is not wearable on it's own; it's a very unique attachment to the back. But I'd seriously wonder if it couldn't be modified slightly to make it so ... ??? Prettiest SOC Mabe pearl necklace I've ever seen.
For anyone who hasn't seen this necklace in person, it's 10X prettier in person. When the light hits it, and the SOC colors change ... just remarkable. I got a GOOD second look at it when we went to visit Sarah after the Ruckus. If only a certain hubby hadn't blown the pearl budget on GSS Harvest strand ... oh, wait, that was HIS pearl budget ... lol. But 2 new custom made axles for our beloved vintage travel trailer mean I'd have to win at least 1 lottery too ... sigh. Gosh, I hope a PG friend gets to own this. FYI, Sarah told me the pendant is not wearable on it's own; it's a very unique attachment to the back. But I'd seriously wonder if it couldn't be modified slightly to make it so ... ??? Prettiest SOC Mabe pearl necklace I've ever seen.

Your hubby is a darling. The only time I get pearl stuff from mine is when I use his PayPal account or drag him to a fair and get him to use his credit card...

Anyway from what I can tell from pics, Sarah has designed it so that the hook part is on the drop which probably means the loop part is on the necklace. If she switches them up and make the loop part slightly bigger on the drop, then I think no problem using it as a pendant on its own?

Ok just checked and it's still available...

Off topic but yeah feeling motivated to set my dreamy mabes...

I wonder if a separate enhancer piece/gold loop could be made that the drop part could click into like it does with the necklace. Then a chain could go through that enhancer loop. Just a thought -- I already blew my budget for the year, big time.

That is quite a beautiful collection of mabes, Icy Jade! I need to get my 6 SOC mabes set too.
Wonder if Walter would notice if I sold one of the cars ....
LOL, oh, he's notice that one, Red ... he got a good look at it at Sarah's studio :)
Cathy you have a keeper husband in that sweet Walter. Feeding us cheese and crackers while we played pearls was the best fun. Then to pull of that surprise strand was beyond the pale. You are a very lucky woman.

But surely you could get by on just one car ...........just saying :)