A little help would be very much appreciated.

I agree, crickett. The pearls at B&M stores, even higher end stores, is so incredibly inferior to what we have access to with our beloved online vendors. And the salespeople are unbelievably ignorant when it comes to pearls. It's mind-blowing. We are lucky lucky duckies here.
Took your advice and purchased the top strand of the Freshadama's today. Thanks for the all invaluable advice.
Went into a normal retail store today and for ?200 what I could have purchased looked to be vastly inferior. Would be curious to take the strand I purchased into a store and ask them to value it to be honest.

You will love them!!! She's one lucky girl! I look forward to neck shots.
You will not regret it when you see them.

Just wanted to come back and say thanks again, had them delivered to a friend in the U.S and picked them up to today.

Your advice (as was others also) was invaluable and I appreciate the time taken!

A couple of quick photos I just took on my phone (not giving them to her for a couple of weeks).


Beautiful, gorgeous luster!

Please post photos of the happy lady's neck when she wears them!
Ok so long story short. The girlfriend in question has decided she doesn't like or want them (or me), but we'll ignore that point ha.

I now have this necklace in London, England and have no desire (funnily enough) to keep it. Does anyone wish to buy it off me? Its exactly the same as in those photos and has been worn twice. I have no real idea of the value of it second hand but have to spend bloody ?68 to get it back from customs. If this is in the wrong place now I understand, but have no real idea of how to sell these.
Sigh. Rats.

~First thing to to do is take photos of the necklace on a white background, not shiny. A white paper towel, or sheet or handkerchief.
~make sure to show a photo of the clasp
~try to photograph in the middle of the day, in the shade if it's very sunny
~still include one photo on the black background

~the ad you craft should mention PP, Freshadama, 7.5-8mm white necklace, 18inches, yg (for yellow gold) or wg (for white gold) clasp
~indicate if you still have the box and the appraisal
~note if shipping is included in the price

Thomas, I have a son who was broken-hearted or broken up with 3 times before he met his wife. I couldn't kill all of them.....

I'm sorry for your dashed hopes, and hope you're mending well.

In general, one loses money reselling jewelry. I can only tell you that items up for resale with the tags Pearl Paradise and Sea of Cortez, do pretty well. The names carry confidence with them.

I've only bought used, not sold anything. There are 3 sites I know off the top of my head, if you want to use a website (I'm skipping eBayUK and Craig's List but you could do them, too).


Diamond bistro and loupe troupe are the easiest sites for buyers/users to find pearls on.
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Sorry to hear that. I'd suggest posting on the pre-loved section of PS with what you would be hoping to get for them. They're beautiful and a classic size, so you never know who might be interested.
Sorry for the news, but I agree with the above suggestions.

There may even be someone in the UK who will want them, which would reduce the shipping cost.
If you want to use PriceScope, hit the Forum button, it opens; go down to and hit Cafe, then hit Pre-loved

Absolutely, hope you get a buyer in the UK, maybe even local!
Ok, someone might bite the bullet and private message you with what you might reasonably ask for them. I can't, I don't have a clue.

It is coming on Christmas, which means sales. Good luck with this.
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Sorry to hear that your relationship has ended. That was a very thoughtful gift and credit to you for being so generous and going to such an effort to find something so lovely. I'm not terribly familiar with the price of used jewellery but you can certainly check things out on Price Scope. Lisa has thoughtfully provided the path to the correct section. People seem to sell things pretty well on that site. We have a member here who has successfully sold quite a bit of her pearl collection there and received good prices.
Except, I think it's easier to find the pearls if you list them on diamond bistro or loupe troupe. Didn't Pkinnew actually get better response from the PriceScope Pearls thread she started, than with the listing on Pre-loved? I actually get cross-eyed and frustrated trying to use pre-loved. I just don't have the patience.
You have to use Diamond Bistro or Loupe Troupe or someplace in addition to Pricescope where you can get a payment.

There is no way to send private messages on Pricescope, so no way to send payment or get a shipping address, and you won't want to post your email etc. for all the world to see.

List on Diamond Bistro (or elsewhere) and then put a link to your listing on Pricescope Pre-Loved forum. Then pearl lovers will see the listing and be able to pay you via PayPal.
Many thanks for all the kind words, I will look into all of the suggestions this weekend when off work.

Lisa C you sound disturbingly like my mother ha. Thanks for the advice, and to all others also.

Have a good weekend all.
Oh Thomas, what a downer for you.
Hope you manage to find a buyer for your thoughtful present.
. Lisa C you sound disturbingly like my mother ha. Thanks for the advice, and to all others also

Then I like her already, you are well loved!

My advice to her is "Stay your hand! You won't get good chocolate or coffee (tea?), or enough hugs from your son in prison."

My hugs to you and yours, and good luck with your sale!