Budget for a WSS necklace


New Member
Aug 21, 2018
Hi guys!

I'm new to this forum and so happy to have wandered over here from Pricescope.

I adore pearls and have a pair of WSS earrings from ebay. They give me all the feels. I have some freshadamas from PP and a baroque Tahitian strand from PP as well, and love those. Recently bought some vintage graduated pearl strands from ebay, those are fun too. I can post pics :)

Currently I'm lusting over the idea of a WSS pearl strand, but not sure if I can afford what I want. I'm really particular about quality, but not super into size. In fact, I think I'd like to go as small as I reasonably can with WSS, just as long as they have the gorgeous color and luster and feel. I haven't tried on any necklaces in person, but I think I'd like rounds because the pearls are white. I adore my Tahitian baroques, but not sure I'd want white baroques. Only if they were very smooth and plump and uniform in shape, maybe (my earrings are roundish baroques, I think).

My budget is around $3k. I wonder if it is at all realistic to find a high-quality WSS round necklace, about 16" in length, in that budget. If yes, would you recommend reaching out to specific vendors to see what they have that's not listed on their websites? I've looked around the sites of the recommended vendors and haven't been able to find something that seems quite right. There is one necklace on Etsy that caught my eye, but it is in Hong Kong and I'm nervous to buy it because returns might be tricky with international shipping.

Any input and advice is much appreciated!

- Anya
Your best bet is contacting the vendors and asking what they have or what they can get, within your budget. You could also ask José of Tahitianpearls.biz.
Welcome to P-G, Gemfever!

Many off round and near round pearls appear "round" to the eye, and might well fit your budget and quality requirements. I'm glad you're taking your time to search and purchase from a reputable seller. Freshwater pearls come in WSS size and are very beautiful also, so it's more important than ever to trust the company you purchase from. Have you contacted any of the sellers directly or just checked their websites? Often stock isn't listed. Also, many will be buying in HK next month, and might pick up items for your consideration.
Now is a good time to contact the vendors you like and ask them if they can find something for you when they go to the Hong Kong shows. You are not obligated to buy their picks. The pearls will still sell. You'll just get first pick of the necklaces they find for you.
Thanks for the advice! I'm glad I asked just in time for the Hong Kong show. Any suggestions on which vendor to reach out to for this kind project? Anyone who is particularly responsive?

I hope it's ok if I attach some pics of my pearls. I am on Instagram a lot so I've taken quite a few pics for IG over the last few years. I'll start off with pics I took today, then some older IG pics. I don't have all the pearls in the pics anymore, but I wanted to share the photos just because... pretty pearls :)

In the first three pics -- my baroque Tahitian strand from Pearl Paradise, mystery (b/c I have no idea what they are, but I do think they are pearl, not imitation) graduated pearl strand from ebay that came with a platinum clasp, freshadamas from PP, WSS earrings from ebay, vintage silver baroque pearl ring from ebay, and platinum - diamond - pearl ring from ebay (don't know what that pearl is, or how old the ring is. Early 20th century?).

In the last photo quite a bit of the pieces I don't have anymore, but I love the snapshot.

baroque Tahitian strand Pearl Paradise, mystery (b/c I have no idea what they are, but I do think they are pearl, not imitation) graduated pearl strand from ebay that came with a platinum clasp, freshadamas from Pearl Paradise, White south earrings from ebay, vintage silver baroque pearl, and platinum diamond pearl ringbaroque Tahitian strand Pearl Paradise, mystery (b/c I have no idea what they are, but I do think they are pearl, not imitation) graduated pearl strand from ebay that came with a platinum clasp, freshadamas from Pearl Paradise, White south earrings from ebay, vintage silver baroque pearl, platinum diamond pearl ringbaroque Tahitian strand Pearl Paradise, mystery (b/c I have no idea what they are, but I do think they are pearl, not imitation) graduated pearl strand from ebay that came with a platinum clasp, freshadamas from Pearl Paradise, White south earrings from ebay, vintage silver baroque pearl, and platinum diamond pearl ring matching boardIMG_8210.jpgIMG_4824 (1).jpgIMG_7778-2 (1).jpgMy baroque tahitian from pearl paradiseEarrings on a cupmy earrings and pendants
What a gorgeous collection.

You could reach out to Pearl Paradise. They are very responsive.

It took me a minute to realize that was a cat. I thought you had artfully draped velvet in the photo.
Thanks so much BWeaves! I will reach out to one of those vendors.

The cat is pretty huge and very soft :)
nice "Кобальтовая сетка" :)
welcome to the forum, Anya!
You have a very beautiful collection!
Hi Lema!!! Great to see you here!

Oh man, the fabulous SSP dream... it's been a dream for a while, but suddenly some pearl bug bit me and I want to make it happen. I still need to run a reality-check on myself, but fingers crossed it somehow works out :) Will reach out to some vendors for sure!
what south sea strand glamour shot pearl paradiseClose up of white south sea pearl stand pearl paradise
I used to like rounds, but now I prefer smooth ovals. (I also like baroques, but that is a different category.) The ovals feel symmetrical like the rounds, but a 10mm diameter oval looks larger than a 10mm round, and costs less. I purchased a 10-12 mm oval strand of white South Sea pearls from Pearl Paradise in late 2015, and the price was below your budget. I can't find any neck shots on my computer, but here are the website photos from PP.
KaySD, those are gorgeous and look like they would be perfect for what i'm looking for. Thank you for posting! If you end up finding a neck shot, I'd love to see it! I will ask for off-round when I'm in touch with a vendor. Woohoo!

Thank you for your input, pattye! Those are a perfect example indeed!
I find the good luster SSP (not even talking great, just good) tends to blur the edges so you really have no idea if you are looking at round or oval. My GSSP do that.

- Karin
Thank you so much Pearl Dreams for finding that photo! Looks stunning, I'd be very happy with an oval strand like that. And the size looks wonderful to me too.

pattye, cheers to 10K posts! Thank you for your contribution and for your great help in my first thread!

KarinK, that is great to hear. I'm very excited about the oval option.

Will update if/WHEN I find something! :)
Oooh Kay those are fabulous! I wouldn't have guessed that they weren't rounds. And the luster is gorgeous.