Bigger than a Walnut - Paspaley Baroque South Sea Pearl!

Y Tu Blaire? Doubly unfair! LoL I can only imagine the behind the curtain treasures!

That pearl tour included a visit to Paspaley's Darwin grading/processing rooms and they showed us the "specials". You wouldn't believe all the incredible pearls we saw.
Seriously, by now you should recognize my hand holding the pearl. I always get teased about the manicure. :)
Hisano has a delicate little hand. I don't remember the photo, but I have an average hand. I have seen longer pearls but never this big and still beautiful.
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You are so right, but in my defense there was a pearl in the picture a very big one. I confess I was distracted lol. Also I plead ignorance when it comes to manicures...why are you teased, now I am curious?

Seriously, by now you should recognize my hand holding the pearl. I always get teased about the manicure. :)