Baroque Akoyas

It's almost sold out! There are only 9 strands left unsold, and I suspect it's not been updated, so there might be fewer than that.

All in all great fun - I really did imagine jumping into shark infested waters. I just hope there are more exotics than untreated baroque Akoyas - I won't be that lucky to have time off to order it next time!
Too bad for me! :T I caught this too late and all the ones that are available are out of my price range. Perhaps next time...if there IS a next time, that is :P
OK, so I ended up with #132. 7.2 - 8.5 mm. I wanted something a bit smaller and this should do it. I hope I chose well, as I did it fast and there wasn't a lot left to choose from!
So, I get a pm from a kind member, pointing me to a nice strand. I think some more, and then go back and buy #139 for $75. I think I'll give it to my sister for Christmas. (Lucky girl.) If I can part with it. Actually, I'll enjoy comparing the two as well, since the first strand was almost twice the cost as the second. That'll be fun.
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I was lucky enough to buy 2 strands, but not until I drove Kirsten at PP crazy over which to buy. I had one in my cart that someone else got coz I was too slow. I was sad so I treated myself to
18-inch 8.0 to 10.4mm Cultured Akoya Freeform Baroque Pearl Necklace
18-inch 7.5 to 10.4mm Cultured Akoya Freeform Baroque Pearl Necklace
I did feel like I was vindicated by buying those beautiful strands!
Is there anything better than retail therapy?
Xeresana, you should be able to combine yours if you would like. I ordered 104 first, then checked with PP to see about getting another because I really, really want earrings, and my big fat neck can't spare the pearls from the necklace! I was told they were going so fast that they really couldn't help me pick out two that matched well, and I should just buy 2 strands that looked nice to me b/c they would all blend together fairly well. I put 126 and 152 in my cart in the hopes that one or the other would be still available given that red "sold"s were popping up all over - as it turned out I got both.
Hi, all members!

just to let You know, I am the lucky one that got # 100 and # 135.
I have never tried to link here on a post but am doing so now and hope You can see it.

Anyway I wanted to tell You, that most of the strands You chose are really lovely but I for myself prefer the most roundish or in the case of # 100 the excellent luster and high orient of it.

Thanks for sharing all your strands.:)
You lucky dog! Love the luster and orient on that little beauty. Enjoy them! :)

I do wish I'd gotten a bigger strand, but alas, there weren't enough to go round.
Jerin! Good for you! Clicky, click quick fingers! I am so glad to know they went to a good home. Wear them in the best of health!
Wow, jerin - you got *both* of them! Fast fingers indeed, lol. Congratulations. :D
Well it's the day after so I guess all three of the strands I thought were mine yesterday are mine. Looking at all those rainbowy tones, I have to ask, how did akoya strands end up white? Do round akoyas lose the silver/blue and rainbow overtones because of their shape or are they processed away because white pearls (instead of blue) match more outfit colors?

I too hope there is a bit of time before the exotics so I have time to save. Giving us the heads up about the time of this email was a big help too.
OMG, you pearly lot! Got two days (not even) away from e-mail and ... there's just one strand left!!? ;) When I saw the e-mail from Pearl-Paradise today dated many hours ago... :o Fair enough!

Can't wait for the posts after the parcels and their glittering silver-blue content is delivered :cool:
I could still add the remaining 5 to the shopping cart without the "Out of Stock" sign popping up. I'm sure there are a few more left ...
Right... It was quite a surprise to see the (nearly) uniform barrage of 'SOLD' marks there ;)

Congrats everyone for the successful sell and buys! :cool:

aerinha said:
Looking at all those rainbowy tones, I have to ask, how did akoya strands end up white?

Second the question... :rolleyes:
I'd like to know the answer to that as well. When they first started to culture akoyas natural pearls were popular and mostly white( ish) in color. So maybe they wanted them to have that "look" only what they considered to be better. Maybe it was easy to get that look with akoyas. But I like the natural look myself.
Thats my guess.
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Raisondetre, Knotty Panda and Boo,

thanks very much for the good wishes. I am going to treasure the Akoyas!
This is something that Mr. Fiske told me, as was told to him when he posed the same question to someone in Japan, possibly Ibuki-san. I will have to check with Doug to be sure.

Akoya pearls are white and round because of us (as in the consumer). We have decided that those two value factors are very important. We have decided these factors make pearls beautiful, even though in the days of natural pearls, these factors were not of utmost importance. This is why farmers always strive to produce the whitest, roundest pearls.

This makes sense as anything short of this perfection does not wholesale well, and is not easily understood by most sellers and consumers.

Akoya pearls are rarely white when harvested. They have color, whether it be cream or blue. They also do not exhibit the same intense luster that akoya are known for. The akoya we see in stores around the world, are a result of the processing.

If it were not for the people here on this forum, we would not likely have publicly offered the untreated akoya or the untreated freshwater, for that matter. At least not without a PR campaign. A few pieces here and there, by private offer to people here is one thing. Everyone here "gets it". Most "out there" do not.