Baroque Akoyas

We are doing our best to halt duplicate orders, but what happens is that occasionally two people will have the same item in their cart and already be within the secure server. This protects customer information, but allows duplicate orders if two people are in the same checkout screen at the same time.
The average window is less than a minute, but as you can see, it still happens. We have had 5 duplicates so far. But, the piece always goes to the first order. That is only fair and we cannot play favorites, especially since everyone is from here. All my favorites;)
Anticipation, my dears. That's what kills.

I would like it if there were a lag for the exotics, mostly because I'd want more strands so we don't miss out. Though I'm pretty guilty at making others miss out as I tend to buy multiple. October/November would be good.

ETA: Duplicates don't really bother me - not as much as for the freshwater baroques since they're all so different. Yeah, it's hard to play favorites - we're all NCNs here! LOL
Duplicates happen, and I understand the first come first serve totally, though what are the odds that this happened 5 times? I find that funny. We are all either sharing a brain-wave or we should all play the lottery tonight. Especially me who bought 3!

Oh, Jeremy I hope you didn't think the torture comment was about duplicates. I meant all these yummy pearls and the threat of the exotics to come.
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baroque akoyas

baroque akoyas

Can I ask about the pearls for sale, please? Is this something which happens on a regular basis, and are they available to anyone who is a member of the forum?

aerinha said:
... though what are the odds that this happened 5 times? I find that funny.

Ha! With this group I would say the odds are pretty good. People here know what to look for and grab. Like #100, which was the first to go. That was the piece pictured in Gems and Gemology. It was also the first piece I personally matched in Xuwen. It was actually hard for me to let that one go...:(

By the way, I decided earlier to limit the number of people on the list to 100 to try and keep duplicates from happening.
Good, it's looking like my newly picked strand is going to be mine. I am feeling better about the 3 I have because 157 and 154 were close in shape, so now I have 3 very different shaped strands (roundish, drop and bumpy) with different tones.

Does anyone else keep checking back at the page just to see what they missed or what else sold?

Did it say anywhere what kind of clasp these would have? I would hope white gold since they are all "cool".
We tried a couple of combinations and decided on white gold, indeed. Definitely the right choice for these strands.
aerinha said:
Good, it's looking like my newly picked strand is going to be mine. I am feeling better about the 3 I have because 157 and 154 were close in shape, so now I have 3 very different shaped strands (roundish, drop and bumpy) with different tones.

I got 3 strands that I felt were rather similar since I wanted to mix them together, but now I am regretting not having different looks, lol. (Of course, if I went the other way, I'd be regretting not having them be similar!:p )

As far as the duplicate orders, it is not a surprise at all when you chum these particular shark-filled waters, especially with such lovely chum (okay, that analogy has started to fall apart horribly...) The first-come solution is quite equitable and I can't imagine that anyone would think it otherwise, although we all mourn the loss of "our" strands. I am just so very grateful to have the opportunity to have *any* of these pearls - they are such a treasure.

I am also so very happy that the offerings have chanced to come on days that I am home. My work schedule is all over the place and changes every week, and my worksite has a block on all non-intranet websites :(
Glad to hear about the white gold clasps. I'm a white metal addict when it comes to my jewelry. My mother pointed out once that you can't see the pearl clasp under my long hair, but I pointed out I see it in the box and I know it's there :p

Having 3 visibly different strands allows me to say that I didn't just buy three of the same strand, that's my logic and I'm sticking to it. BTW these will be the first akoyas I've every purchased or owned. All my other pearls are CFWP or SS.
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I keep looking again too and wondering if I should have got two! But I think I'll be happy with the one I got and my ban kaccount will be happier too :) Plus with the the thought of these exotics coming soon ( can't wait to hear more about these ) it's better for me to keep it to just one.
This purchase will be my 5th strand of pearls so now I almost have one for every day of the week.
I only got one, I didn't realize we were allowed to get more than one :eek:
But I also managed to get one of the monthly special, it seems so pretty and such good value :D

I started shopping pretty much as soon as after I got the email. Still, a number were gone. Some folks here are faster than the stock brokers I saw on TV, that is for sure ;) .

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Is Casey's guess of orient grading correct? I.e., slight, medium, good, intense?

What about luster? My guess is medium, good, high, excellent.

boo said:
I got 3 strands that I felt were rather similar since I wanted to mix them together, but now I am regretting not having different looks, lol. (Of course, if I went the other way, I'd be regretting not having them be similar!:p )

I am also so very happy that the offerings have chanced to come on days that I am home. My work schedule is all over the place and changes every week, and my worksite has a block on all non-intranet websites :(

Boo, you just slay me! I have the same work/shopping problem. Most internet sites are blocked at work and you have to submit a work-related request to be able to access it. Most of my regular haunts are blocked, except this one. I'm sure one day they will discover it and block it too. My home e-mail is blocked, so I won't know if I actually bought anything or not until I get home this evening. We shall see.

Regardless of my fate, congratulations to everyone! These are truly a rare treat.
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Dear Pmorna: So sorry, I just saw your post. These pearls are a special offer which Mr. Shepherd has had in the works for several months after harvest. He knew there would be a limited quantity and did not make the offer to purchase public. But, I am sure if quantities permit, he will make those available to those who have asked. Also, if this offer does not present itself to you, I'm sure some other treat will in the future. Please be patient.
Wow! People are fast. :) I didn't start shopping until almost an hour after the email went out. I was at work and stuck in a lunch meeting. I was pleased to see that there were some strands left. I was on the losing end of a duplicate order. :( The strand I *did* get was

I only bought one because I was trying to be kind to my fellow pearl-lovers. :) However, now that it's evening, I'm quite tempted to grab one more strand. :D
Oh no! I forgot it was today. :( How dumb was that? I think all the best strands are gone.
Youngster there are still some very nice strands. I remember when the untreated colored strands went on sale I realized over a day late because I'd been out of town and I still got one I love!

There still are several strands available. I thought that by now, everyone had gotten their strands so I went back and ordered a second. :( Sorry! There were still some to choose from, though. The second one I got is
I wonder if they could be combined into one longer strand. I mean, I know they *could* but, I wonder, if it would look OK.
pernula said:
Is Casey's guess of orient grading correct? I.e., slight, medium, good, intense?
What about luster? My guess is medium, good, high, excellent.

Those were actually my notes taken literally. I went through each strand a made brief notations over the course of a couple of weeks. When our newest team member built the pages, a lot of what I wrote was incorporated into the descriptions in a rather unique way. But Casey's was correct. Slight and medium were are very close, though. As you saw in the pictures, even those had pretty good orient. A few were spectacular.
Even if the orient is "slight", you'll see a lot of color because most of these pearls have screaming overtones! :eek:

Woo Hoo!:)

I zipped home as fast as I could, got home about 11:15, and jumped online. I only had a few minutes before I had to leave for a business meeting, so I had to pick quickly. Wow, Y'all are FAST!

I went for the more baroque type and slightly darker color because I wanted one that didn't look like akoyas. I'm going to tease my gem geek friends and see if they can guess what kind of pearls they are - just like Jeremy teased us. (#105)

Okay, here's my little darling (come to mama!)



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