Are those pearls going out dressed like THAT?


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
Today I dropped off a watch at the local jeweler's shop. This shop has been awarded one of the top 50 jewelry stores in design. I checked out the pearls they offered and there were only about 2 or 3 strands...the nicest being a $15,000 tahitian necklace. Beautiful, large pearls....different shades...

Then I looked closely and oh my goodness. :eek: Someone had paired a cheap little 14k white gold FISH clasp with this huge heavy necklace AND the bullion wasn't even barely pulled tight against the end pearls AND the stringer had only backknotted through one pearl and tied a big ol' wad-o-knot all wispy and frayed. GOOD GRIEF!! :eek:

I had the salesgirl pull it out and pointed out the incredibly shoddy work suggesting they get it restrung. Once out, we could see several gaps too. She was shocked. It honestly looked like a first timer's first practice strand. Amazing....and at fifteen grand. It was seriously the worst knotting job I've ever seen. Sheesh...... Do people actually buy that stuff?
Amazing, huh? I think the amateur self-taught knotters over here would do better than that! Some of them have already gone pro!

This is to jewelers: ( I an open to corrections about my numbers. These prices are just a general indication, because the more quantity, the lower the price and other factors come into play)

The retail price amazes me, too. It is so overblown compared to online sellers who buy direct from the factory. To get that retail, the jeweler had to go through a distributer and a wholesaler each doubling the original price, ( so $15,000 retail, $7500 wholesale $3200 to the dstributer. If that is the end of the middle men, there is stil $1,600 to the factory and what ever pittance the farmers get.

So $3,200 would be the price for this quality of pearls from the online dealer who only goes to the factory. An online dealer usually does does a lower mark-up than a distributer would.

Your town's jeweler should buy his pearls from a trusted online source and double it and take some off for a sale price. let's say $6400 for said strand, then take -10% off.

As well as a better price, he will get top quality stringing and a ball clasp (upgrades available) too!!
It's funny. After being here and staring to knot myself I see all kinds of shoddy work. It's terrible when a friend shows you their favorite necklace they bought for a couple hundred dollars and you notice they just tied the clasp on, no french wire protecting the string. I look at them and tell them their necklace is beautiful and when it breaks I will restring it for them.

On a side note. I got quite the complement to day that is along the line of this thread. My mom was wearing one of my bracelets at the jewelry store today. The Jeweler looked at it and asked it I had used a machine. My mom told her I had hand tied it and he said the knots were quite tight and the ends finished off clean. He then told her if I ever wanted to tie pieces for him to come and see him. I am so proud.
maryd - I'll bet you were beaming from ear to ear when your Mom told you that story. Good job!