Abalone Peaerl Blister

Virginia Hatfield

New Member
Apr 26, 2007
Look what I just found. A nice good size blister pearl in a shell. The pearl itself is 18mm X 15mm X 9mm. Just cut it out last night. The part of the shell it was found in was extremely thick unlike any others that I have. The other pearls that I have I will be listing in ebay for sale under (ginvh).
Virginia Hatfield


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Wow- now that is a Blister Pearl!!!!

I love the size, and the dome is so high and defined- it will make a wonderful piece for some lucky buyer!
Also, I love the images of the Abalone shell too! It is always interesting to see the cross sections of the shell and take a look at how the shell is constructed on the inside...
I thought only red abalone was open for harvest in California? Please correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the shell of a red abalone green on the inside?
blister pearl

blister pearl

Yes this is a Red Abalone. I still have the rest of the shell. This particular shell didn't have alot of green in it. I don't know why but most of them do. Here are pics of it before I cut it and of the outside of the shell.
Virginia Hatfield


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I've been meaning to tell you what an absolutely incredible piece that is! I will never, probably ever, get to see one in person and it's so exciting to see such great pictures. Thank you!
thanks for clearing that up, we just to have to careful we're not helping poachers market their goods.

Which of course you are not, nice pearl - any plans for it?
blister pearl

blister pearl

Not really. Although I do work with lapidary I don't do much with shells or pearls. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in it? I know it is a natural blister but I have no idea what it is worth.

Virginia Hatfield
Not too sure on the value but Jeremy Norris is a natural pearl dealer and a member of the forum here, email him and he should be able to help.
blister pearl

blister pearl

Yes I know and I have tried a few times to get ahold of him via email and have yet to get any responces. I feel I have been pretty much ignored, but maybe not as I know he probably is a pretty busy guy. It would be really, really nice if someone could help me.

just be patient, he travels a lot and I haven't seen him post here in a while so he must be very busy. I'm sure he will get back to you when time allows.
Virginia Hatfield said:
It would be really, really nice if someone could help me.


This forum knows I am intrigued by abalone pearls and have mentioned on this and other ab threads my own frustration regarding the lack of information or guidance coming from those specialized in the subject. I do know this: that the field is so highly specialized and monopolized that a free flow of information is effectively stifled (better to retain control of a small piece of the pie than to risk wider interest—and wider exposure—insofar as sources, profit margins, etc.).

Will such provocations as mine provide any results? Not so far!

I do wish you well on your EBay offer, the pearls you posted (at 'Abalone Pearl question') are certainly top notch.

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Hi Virginia
Thanks for the wonderful pictures going from shell shots to the closeups. I hope to see a photo of the finished product. I wonder how many carats or grams it will weigh.

Please post the link to your eBay auction, if it gets that far before being sold. ;)

That is one great pearl and I think you can market it directly, especially if you post the same photos as you put up here.

Good luck!
Blister Pearl

Blister Pearl

Thanks Caitlin. I'm not sure how to post a link to my ebay auction on here or anywhere. The blister as it is now weighs 23.4 gms. Have no idea what it will weigh when finished, but it's got to be solid I would think from the looks of it.

Virginia Hatfield