A Weekend spent in Paradise at The 2014 RUCKUS by 2 crazy pearl lovers

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Just incase anyone was wondering, YES, Clyde did make an appearance.
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This is the largest pearl the Sea of Cortez has ever produced 17mm. It occurred in this years harvest. All the pearls in this photo were nucleated at the same time with 9.5mm MOP beads and left for 3 years. WOW! PAPA Douglas

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Josh and Clyde, just a little fun at this point in the day.

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With the talks over, Vincent heads outside to enjoy the view.
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Getting ready I joined the ladies in the girls dorm. It was like a sorority sisters getting ready for the big, big dance. I have not enjoyed myself like this in years. What a treat to be surrounded by such sweet supportive women who love to talk about pearls. Anne, Pattye, Barbara and Marianne are jewels, very special jewels. After buffing and puffing I am ready to face the next segment of festivities. I am dressed up to the nines with pearls and high heels on.

Cocktails, caviar was passed with other wonderful treats and pictures taken all before dinner and a beautiful sunset. What a night. Again we eat like Kings and Queens. All to soon we are summoned to start our Lucy and Ethel show.

3 and 1/2 hours later we emerge exhausted. A list of our victims oh I mean interview subjects is below. Even though we had just heard from some of them earlier today they all brought their "A" game and were fascinating to talk to in this setting and brought new information for us to hear. Thank you to all of these special people. The tape needs to be edited. We will let you know when and where they are to be posted.

Guests include:
Mike Rivers, The Pearler
Douglas McLaurin, Sea of Cortez
Sarah, Kojima
Josh, Kamoka
Barbara and Sylvie new ruckus attendees
Sheri Jurnecka designs
Angela master of Pearl Paradise Photography

We had several more planned but just ran out of time. The
party was winding down but they were still at it at 2 AM when I called it a night.
Following this thread has been SUCH A TREAT! I've been waiting for a write-up, and Cynde you never disappoint: this has been absolutely charming. More pictures please!!! :cool:
Cynde, thank you! your descriptions and details are so thorough that I almost feel like I was at the Ruckus. Also, I love all the pics of hisano's new geode-like souffle pearls. so gorgeous! :)
Such a great write-up, newberry! This was my first ruckus, and I loved every minute of it. So many stunning pearls to gaze at. So many internet friends to meet in person. I loved the mansion and the view of the Pacific, and the weather was absolutely perfect for the pearls to show their amazing colors. Thank you so much for doing the interviews. I look forward to seeing them.
You all are very, very kind regarding my travel log writing and I am so glad you are enjoying it.
YAY, for another successful Ruckus! Nice, the half pearls with diamonds in them remind me of geodes. Fun stuff!
Thank you Cynde for your descriptions and thank you Wendy for your photos!
I almost feel like I was at the Ruckus.
Cynde & Wendy - You two did an incredible job capturing the pearl weekend and I truly appreciate it! I must ask - what did you two (and the others!) wear the big night? Some fanstastic pearls I bet!!!
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6 AM is getting really, really early and harder to do but I did not want to miss out on anything. Coffee..check...fruit...check...terrace...check..pearl friends..present and accounted for. And that suit case makes an appearance again. I think as girls we can't fathom a man walking around with a suit case of pearls it just needs to be seen to be believed.

The shuttle is arriving at 9:30 AM so we have lots to do. Sheri is at the dining room table with a pearlie craft project it will be finished at Pearl Paradise. Pattye has one planned too for the PP conference room. Fun to be had by all.

We made the 10 AM check out time but just barely. Everyone was anxious to get to the "Vault" of pearlie delights. The "Vault" that holds everyone's dreams. The shuttle is arriving at 9:30 AM so we have lots to do

The drive to PP went smoother this time because we did not pay attention to the GPS when it wanted us to turn down the wrong road. HaaaHaaaa we made it in better time. Pull into the parking lot and am greeted in the parking lot with PK1 holding the door while FlyGirl is making her selections from a box of TDF Tahitians. I am in heaven helping my new friends choose the pearls of their dreams. It was so crowded everywhere. Pearls were being ohhed and awed eveytime I turned around. Pizza was served in the conference room at lunch time. Pictures were being taken of new purchases. Designer John was designing. Hisano was consulted at every turn because she has just the greatest eye. Cheani was creating special commissions in her office. It was as busy as a bee hive in there.

As the ruckusers left hugs were given and given some more. Friends of a life time were made this weekend by many. In closing this weekend has been one of champagne bubbles and caviar dreams plus lots and lots of pearls. In other cities they do transactions of the illegal kind off the fender of a car, ours just happen to be pearls off the fender of a Tesla. We now know good men travel with suit cases of pearls. Many strangers walked through those double doors nervous and wondering what in the world they were thinking when they committed to do this and walked out counting the days until the RUCKUS 2015 begins.

The vision of a pearl party was Jeremy and Hisano Shepherd 's and through their generosity we all experienced a weekend party of unbelievable excellence. I can't thank them enough for including me in this very special event.

It is said that pictures speak a thousand words so I will let Wendy's do the talking now.
On Sunday I went to see Pearl Designer John in his studio at PP. He had waxes and pearl projects scattered on his work bench. I asked to chat with him and he showed me his upcoming Friday specials and items he was working on for the connoisseur's sale in September.johnhisanobill.jpgjohnsstudio2.jpg