A Weekend spent in Paradise at The 2014 RUCKUS by 2 crazy pearl lovers

Brings tears of joy to my eyes...as they roll they have become pearls! :rolleyes:
I had such a GREAT time...it seems a pity we can only have one Ruckus every year!!!
Great job Douglas and Josh. Although Josh's video isn't up yet. This brings back such great memory. I miss the weather there. It is over 100 degrees here during the day, most days since we came home from the ruckus. :(
I see Hisano's latest PP blog post has this photo of a model wearing a Tahitian rope. I'm pretty sure I recognize that view of the Pacific Ocean behind her. :cool:

Just thinking that this was part of the photo shoot that newberry and lillefuzzysocks witnessed before the start of the ruckus.

Such a lovely photo ... the drama of that deep, bright dress against the dark and mysterious Tahitian pearls ... and a sea bird caught as well ... Magnificent!
A truly wonderful account of the 2014 Ruckus! Thank you ladies for documenting it in words and pics.

And a huge Thank You to Jeremy and Hisano - your ideas, energy, generosity, and hospitality set you both in a pearly constellation along with legends and demi-gods.

CathyKeishi, I just love your tales of your grandson's pearl initiation.
So nice to meet you in person, and your pretty playthings too!

Ruckus 2014 treasures -

Douglas's Sea of Cortez drops. Lynsey at Pearl Paradise half-drilled them and put in pegged loops, on suggestion of Marianne, who said I could then wear them over diamond hoops. But Marianne, I am still waiting for the diamond hoops to appear. :8
Sea of Cortez drops ed2.jpg

And 11-12mm Pearl Paradise metallic FW drops, half-drilled. I have not come up with findings yet that are special enough but not too full of themselves.
PP Lav FW 11mm Drops ed.jpg

I am a total pushover for metallics.
A 7-7.5mm strand of PP lavenders, I used Miss Pattye's Beaders Secret for the first time. And the second time. After I had finished the strand, I discovered that the new gold clasp I had had for 4 years didn't work. So the re-do. This was also my first try at using 2 threads and a needle.
PP Lav FW Metallics ed.jpg

That was my "haul". But the weekend had so much more: meeting online friends and acquaintances face to face, being in the Palace By The Sea, the talks given, hearing from the Pearl Farmers Josh and Douglas, seeing Hisano's exquisite jeweled creations. My eye was educated, my lust for pearls fanned yet more, and my soul's aesthetic appetite was fed.

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One of my favorite moments at the Ruckus was hearing a story from Josh's wife Celeste.
She reminded us how restrictive the Tahitian government is about pearls that are marketed, or even taken out of the country. There is a reputation to uphold! Consequently, there was a bucket of pearls that though passable could not be used. Josh kept this bucket at bedside, and used the pearls as slingshot ammunition against annoying insect or bird night time noise makers. Or so she claims.

Elizabeth, it was so lovely to meet you too! What a great job you did on those breathtaking lavendar metallics ... so beautiful! My little pearl prince is sound asleep a few feet from me in the vintage travel trailer as I type this. Necklace of choice tonight was a glow stick on a cord LOL. Congratulations on your gorgeous pearls; you are so right that the real gems are the wonderful people we met!
Narcissa it was a pleasure meeting you. Your new pearls are exquisite. Enjoy your new beauties
Oh the leather t-shirt and the Matryoshka necklace stole my attention that night! SUCH a stylish woman, and such a talented designer! Hisano rocks BIG and "little" !
I'm taking advantage of the empty office this "labor" day to finally read through this thread and look at these phenomenal photos! Thank you Jeremy and Hisano (and your team of geniuses) for making the Ruckus SO enjoyable. I really really enjoyed the presentations and getting to meet so many people in person for the first time. It was a truly special weekend and the photos do an amazing job of capturing the luster of all the pearls in attendance! I'm with Douglas, once a year might not be enough.. or maybe we should add another day or two?
Thank you Wendy and Cynde, Caitlin and Blaire for all your posting and photographs. I LOVE the story about CathyKeshi's grandson, and getting to see the Little H line in person.
The laughter in the pool, the majestic view of the Pacific Ocean, the caviar, and the true companionship of so many people dedicated to their love of pearls... Ahhh what a time. Thank you MORE PLEASE!
Here are a few of the photos that I took... I loved Zoe's Tahitian pearl style, Sheri's creations as always. Marianne's South Sea Keshi necklace was AMAZING.


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