A beader's tale of woe


Nov 11, 2012
I've had a bracelet design in mind for a while but it sometimes takes a while to get all the right components. I finally had it all together except the clasp. When I ordered, there were 3 sizes to choose from. I measured carefully, but it can be so hard to tell for sure and when it arrived it was too small.

I had ordered another style of clasp as well and the vendor had accidentally sent me the larger version of it, accidentally undercharging me. I notified her of the mistake, offered to send the big clasps back to her, and asked if I could exchange the little ones too since I had misjudged. She was very gracious and suggested that I send my whole bracelet so she could take side by side photos with the different sized clasps and I could choose just the right one. She assured me it was no trouble at all, she does this type of thing for her customers all the time. Wow, what a nice offer I thought! I packed everything up and sent her my bracelet, knotted, finished with gimp, jump rings and charms attached. It was completely done except the clasp and I figured it would be best to judge proportions with everything together.

She received the bracelet and sent a photo. Instead of side by side pictures as we originally agreed, she'd decided to actually attach one of the clasp options, remove my jumps, move my charms around, and solder on a length of extender chain! WTF? Okay, it's best to be calm in these situations and that's not too hard to fix, so I thanked her for the pic, reminded her that we had discussed side by side photos only, told her I wanted to make the bracelet myself, and asked for photo of the third clasp option. She agreed to take it apart and send another photo with option three, which she hadn't liked, and informed me that she's a jeweler and soldered chain is much better than jumps, which will cause the bracelet to come apart within one wear!

I received the second photo and saw that the extender chain was still there, but my gimp and knots were gone! This lady had cut apart my entire bracelet, restrung it on beading wire, put the extender chain back on, and finished it with tube crimps!!!

Apparently when she cut the chain, it had frayed the gimp, and one thing lead to another. Rather than mention this to me she went ahead and took it all apart, remade it her way, and sent a photo as if I wouldn't notice or mind!!! I expressed shock and unhappiness, which she was sorry to hear, but you know wire really is stronger than thread anyway. As a jeweler, she knows these things!

Uh, never mind about the clasps. Please send me back my pearls and charms immediately. PowerPro is practically unbreakable by the way. (Thinking in my head, maybe as a jeweler you haven't heard of it.) I realize your intentions were good, but your communication was poor and you showed no respect for my work or my preferences.

Argh! My head says I can just start over, but I'm still so miffed. I'm not trying to make this lady feel worse than she probably already does, or should. I mean, if I screwed up I'd feel horrible and it's already a lose lose situation. Rather graciously (patting myself on the back) I decided I'd leave no feedback rather than negative feedback. Within minutes of our last communication, I received notice of my refunded and cancelled order. I noticed she'd also refunded the small shipping charge and a very incidental charge for another item I had received. I suddenly realize she'd refunded everything to negate the transaction completely and prevent me from leaving any feedback at all! And that made me want to go back on my original graciousness all together! :mad::(:eek::p
How peculiar. She may be a jeweller, but clearly not a busy one to have the time to do all that meddling for the sake of the sale of a clasp.
Whoa! That is the weirdest story, ever!
You are rignt, though. You can re-knot the bracelet. Thank goodness. :)
Thank you for commiserating. I just needed to vent and thought my fellow beaders would surely understand. I feel better about it now, but yesterday I was just ???!!!
It was just that a well-meaning control freak got a hold of your bracelet! :)
that is just the weirdest thing. so incredibly patronizing! even a well-meaning control freak woudln't mess with someone else's creation, would they? (obviously, they would!) i mean, if she's selling FINDINGS to BEADERS surely she has some sense of one's pride and ownership in their own product, or at least i'd hope she'd have a LITTLE respect for her customers...

i don't know if that made sense, but neither do that seller's actions! (who is she so we can avoid her?)
that is just the weirdest thing. so incredibly patronizing! even a well-meaning control freak woudln't mess with someone else's creation, would they? (obviously, they would!) i mean, if she's selling FINDINGS to BEADERS surely she has some sense of one's pride and ownership in their own product, or at least i'd hope she'd have a LITTLE respect for her customers...

i don't know if that made sense, but neither do that seller's actions! (who is she so we can avoid her?)

Lol, yes this exactly! I was so heated about it yesterday but feel so much better about it today. The vendor is from etsy. Her shop name implies that she might be located in Georgia, however she's actually in Wisconsin. That should be enough to keep you away should you stumble upon her. I only found her because I did a search for a specific clasp and her prices and shipping were good. Eek, I would NEVER purchase from her again.
juliebeth -- "Transmogrified", thanks for the terrific word! bluebirrrd -- I wish we could see "before and after" shots of your work versus her "transmogrification"...

My feeling is, as long as she didn't actually harm your pearls and charms, you can restring and reorder and "all's well that ends well". But shocking and upsetting, nevertheless.
But her merchandise is good? Is there any other reason to avoid her shop?

There was nothing wrong with the items she sent, but she did mix up the other clasps with the incorrect size. I didn't want them and had to send them back. Her shipping was cheap, but no, trusting her around my bracelet was a mistake. I also think the communication was a big issue since we had a very clear agreement, which she had no problem reinterpreting to mean all kinds of wrong. Attention to detail and clear communication make for smoother transactions IMO.

Sadly, no before photos or I could do a before and after.
Calvin & Hobbes' Transmogrifier lives! ;)

I know-this made me smile.

I am SO sorry for what you went through. How awful. I've had things happen that weren't nearly as blatant and still felt totally violated. I hope you're able to remake it and have a happy peaceful feeling about. That kind of thing taints my feelings about a project/purchase. I hope you're not the same. <3
Holy cow, what a story! My eyes were bugging out. Life can show us some weird times, eh?
Holy cow, what a story! My eyes were bugging out. Life can show us some weird times, eh?

Yeah, definitely a first world problem but a bizarro one. I'll move on to other projects and come back to this one after some time has passed. Happy 4th to all of you! I hope it's a safe one spent with those you love.