A Beader Special

Boo - that is really nice of you to do that - I've seen your earrings on other postings and you do beautiful work!!
My guess is 297.
And truly, why are we all assuming Jeremy doesn't have his ears pierced???
No... it wouldn't be fair. But amanes1, your guess would be a bit less than half, in my opinion.

Oops - I should note that the pearls in the dish are not the whole bag's worth. I just poured in a pleasing amount to play with. I actually have no idea how many are in there - I haven't counted yet since the contest was just a whim I came up with and then had to run off to fix dinner. *

So, Jeremy - it would be kind of fair. You have no insider knowledge (well, other than your vast stores of knowledge resulting from you being a pearl insider...) But if you want to leave the prize for those who don't already have vaults full of pearls, that would be okay, too :p

Since Jeremy may have unintentionally misled some folks, those who have already guessed may revise their entries if they wish to

*okay - they have been counted now and I have an official number being guarded over by my 15yo son
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And truly, why are we all assuming Jeremy doesn't have his ears pierced???

He does not come across as someone who would have his ear pierced IMHO - kind of a blokey bloke is what I imagine! :D

I shan't get mine at least for another week or more, however, I am not in a rush to get hold of them :)

He does not come across as someone who would have his ear pierced IMHO - kind of a blokey bloke is what I imagine! :D


Oh. You mean a blokey bloke like the new and improved James Bond? Except it's now Bond, Jeremy Bond.(sorry Gem Geek, it was too good to pass up!)

Returning to the lowly beading thing: See this pretty bracelet? Isn't that a fun way to use those pretty undrilled pearls? Well, yes, except for the part where they squirt out from between the wires like little greased piglets whenever you give them a sideways glance. Know what would make this bracelet work better? Drill holes and a wire running the length of the bracelet. :rolleyes:

I really do want to find something creative to do with the undrilled pearls. But apparently this something isn't it! Sigh - back to the drawing board...


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Boo, did you make that?? That is sensational! I would like drops like that on a pendant, too...

Slraep - with all the respect in the world to Jeremy, who I am sure has enough charms of his own, can we just leave our new James Bond in a special class all by himself.... even my 15 year old daughter just sits and drools.
Returning to the lowly beading thing: See this pretty bracelet? Isn't that a fun way to use those pretty undrilled pearls? Well, yes, except for the part where they squirt out from between the wires like little greased piglets whenever you give them a sideways glance. Know what would make this bracelet work better? Drill holes and a wire running the length of the bracelet. :rolleyes:

I really do want to find something creative to do with the undrilled pearls. But apparently this something isn't it! Sigh - back to the drawing board...

Are you kidding?! That is amazing! Beautiful!
Boo - I keep looking at this. It's really nice. Is there something you could do to either stiffen the wires (working them?) or even adding one more to make more of a cage? It seems worthy of problem solving!
That is a wonderful bracelet! If you do make it do tell how!
Bracelet is fabulous--but, I can certainly picture

where they squirt out from between the wires like little greased piglets

and it made me chuckle a bit to imagine it---yet frustrated for you and the time you put in! I hope you will find a way to make it work. It is a graceful and charming design.