I need Help


New Member
Sep 8, 2007
In reference to my previous thread called Miss Miriam's hands.... I finished my restringing and delivered it yesterday. I finished the pearls with a larger fish hook in 14k white gold from Bella Findings. I used the largest one they had, hoping the size would help her to manage the hook.

She couldn't do it. In fact, she was pulling, twisting and man-handling the pearls so much, I about had kittens watching. :eek:

SO...I need advice on the easiest secure clasp out there.

I spoke with bella and they actually have a 14k gold magnetic clasp. I know, I know....I can just see the wind vanes shifting on their hinges at the blasphemy I just spoke....LOL!

At this point, she couldn't give a rat's behiney about Mikimoto this or mikimoto that....she just wants to wear her string of pearls. (this after I explained how it's the norm to replace the original clam clasp with the same)

Can someone PLEASE advise me on a clasp that is easy to use. Maybe one where it just clicks into place. This is becoming the restringing job from H E double toothpicks. :D
In reference to my previous thread called Miss Miriam's hands.... I finished my restringing and delivered it yesterday. I finished the pearls with a larger fish hook in 14k white gold from Bella Findings. I used the largest one they had, hoping the size would help her to manage the hook.

She couldn't do it. In fact, she was pulling, twisting and man-handling the pearls so much, I about had kittens watching. :eek:

SO...I need advice on the easiest secure clasp out there.

I spoke with bella and they actually have a 14k gold magnetic clasp. I know, I know....I can just see the wind vanes shifting on their hinges at the blasphemy I just spoke....LOL!

At this point, she couldn't give a rat's behiney about Mikimoto this or mikimoto that....she just wants to wear her string of pearls. (this after I explained how it's the norm to replace the original clam clasp with the same)

Can someone PLEASE advise me on a clasp that is easy to use. Maybe one where it just clicks into place. This is becoming the restringing job from H E double toothpicks. :D

I think Caitlin may have advised before: Not gold but SS large round magnetic clasps from Firemountain.com are working very well for me.

Hope this helps.
Hi Dana

Just keep the clasp with the box and any paperwork with a note where the necklace is.

I am so in favor of magnetic clasps. I think the half-round ones are the best and easiest to use.

I got some magnetic clasps from Bella I find extremely difficult to use. They are shaped like rice kind of and you have to slide them against each other to get them open. So be sure you get them to explain what kind of magnet shape before you buy. For Miss Miriam, I do think the pull apart clasps would be sufficient. Here is a gold filled from Artbeads: LINK

Here is my personal favorite clasp LINK
It has an edge that catches and protects from pulling. You pull both ends toward you and it breaks open. It is so easy....the downside, sometimes the magnet comes loose ( This happens most often when undoing the clasp, so the other part of the magnet is still clinging to the other half.)and I have to super glue it.
And don't worry about iconoclasm over here! We are very good at it! Golly, I don't even use silk to string pearls any more, because of the way it stretches. All of the instructions on cleaning pearls are easy; it is the silk thread that makes it tricky.

I gave you Artbeads because they are fast and no postage is charged.
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It's really up to Ms. Miriam as to what she is comfortable with, isn't it? Arthritis (I'm guessing that the problem) effects different people different ways. Is she able to get out and try different clasps? Probably not. I noticed over the holidays, what one person could clasp easily, another person couldn't clasp at all. My only other suggestion would be to make sure the bracelet is long enough to get around her wrist with lots of room to let the clasp move easily into place. That may mean adding jumprings to lengthen it.
Thanks for the advice. :) (it's a necklace btw...) At this point, she doesn't care what the clasp is. She just wants to be able to work it.

I thought about getting her a nice magnetic clasp in 14K gold or GF and especially if it has a safety clasp. In fact, ONLY if it had a safety clasp.

Not sure if such a thing exists.

After seeing her problem managing the clasp, I'm realizing this is a need in the senior citizen crowd. A 'Senior friendly pearl clasp'



Any takers for designing one? :rolleyes:
Dana: Check out urbanmaille.com. Aislyn has some very nice Bali Silver magnetic clasps with figure 8 safety catches and some that screw in. Tell Ms. Miriam "Hi" from me. I feel like we are old friends :).
Dear Danachit:
Double toothpicks indeed! Sueki's hook clasp is a great idea and have you considered this: since the value of the necklace is totally tied up in the clasp, and the lady could care less, you could make the clasp part of the necklace (as in nonfunctional but present for value) and add a hook clasp which will be the actual clasp. All you have to do is make it pretty and easy.
Don't be too tied to tradition. You are right to be concerned about the value being in the clasp but who ever said the clasp has to be at the back of the neck? Is it pretty? Could it go on the side? Doesn't sound like your lady is too concerned. She just wants to wear her pearls. Be creative and find her a way to do that. I know you will.
P.S. Have you looked at the lovely hooks CathyBear puts on things? Something like that might be very easy on arthritic fingers.
CathyBear makes her own clasps. I think it's she who makes her own ... Anyway mastermind Sueki to the rescue and her faithful sidekick Barbie! Great idea! I am totally sold!
Cheers Knotty,
I just thought that if it's good enough for DruzyDesign, it'll be fine for Miss Miriam.
I have to admit that hook clasps are my favourites in terms of user friendliness. They are just so easy to operate. Which is a boon with bracelets, too.
Not a bad idea Sueki.

I wish I had a wide variety of assorted clasps, and then we could go have a nice chicken n' dumplins supper and come back to a 'clasp marathon'.

I could feel her frustration as she tried to be successful at the clasp. She's a retired business woman and the epitome of a 'steel magnolia'. I could tell it was hard for her to admit defeat. This Savannah woman has probably never met anything in all of her 85 years she couldn't charm, fix, cajole, or smack upside the head to victory. :D

And to top it all off....she makes the best angel biscuits this side of heaven. :rolleyes:
I can either make you one or send you instructions on how to do it. I use 16 gauge wire in either sterling silver or rolled gold, I found dead soft is pliable and in 16 gauge working it is enough to harden it, so no hammering. They are quick and easy to do up and the only time I had one come undone I was dripping sweat (yummy) and the pearls stuck to me so when I bent over it unhooked. I really had no business wearing pearls when I was dripping sweat anyhow. Naughty naughty!
pm me or contact via email from the web site if you want help either way
handmade clasps

handmade clasps

I can either make you one or send you instructions on how to do it.

Hi Cathy,

Could you post this somewhere, please?

Knotty Panda,

Thanks for the link to the tutorials! I bookmarked it for future reference-- always looking to improve my skills.:)
oooOh, very pretty!

I would love to know how to make these and I LOVE the look of the 'S' with a bit of a hammered look.

We have one more clasp to test, and if this one is a bust too...I'll take somebody up on the offer of a rolled gold one.

I'll tell her she's been the topic of conversation amongst all the pearl folks. That should tickle her pink! Thanks yall for your help. :)