9-10mm/10-11mm Gem Quality white FWP necklace

Because CFWP do not have an internal structure(like a bead nucleus), absolute roundness is rare. This is the same for natural, wild, sea pearls- so you actually have a strand that looks very much like natural, wild, sea pearls.

I believe it was Mikimoto who first made roundess into the all important criteria, because that is what beaded akoyas look like. So roundness has become a criteria for all nucleated pearls.

There are some few round-to-the-eye natural, wild pearls which are highly desirable.The big ones are usually baroque, and smaller round ones were also highly desired, so royalty and the very,very wealthy got the biggest and the roundest.

I decided to put Cliclasp's photo of a museum piece. The first impression is roundness, but a close look reveals many off-round shapes.


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I just had to add this. When I was in college a student of gestalt theory made up an experiment on perception. A series of very slightly off-round circles increasing to perfectly round were presented to the participants. Most people supplied the roundness themselves- through their perception. It had to be fairly off round for them to see it. There was a very small percentage that got almost all of them correct. I think you would be in that last group- and your husband too.

So I hope you learn to enjoy those slightly off round shapes- they tell you it is not a bead nuked necklace. Those relaxed shapes are why CFWP are my favorite cultured pearls.