27mm Kamoka Tahitian Pearl!!!!!!!!!!

Marianne, it starts with something more like: "it was a bright and sunny day, the trades winds blowing in a gentle yet sinister way..."

Caitlin, thank you for the amazing vote of confidence. See pm.

Anna and Nerida, if it was only that easy. Some time after a year in age, the longer pearls stay in the oyster the more they lose color, luster, shape, surface quality, etc. The vast majority would drop to a quality that wasn't sellable. It's a hard gamble in the best of times.
The loss of quality in pearls with increase in size, sounds like a moral principal or something. Is there a lesson to be learned there?
Hi All and Josh,

I only read the first 3 pages and just went on to page 4 so I have loads to read on this thread but ---- although it is amazing I cannot believe that Josh would kid us about this.

I won't believe it, April Fool's day or not. No way.

Josh - You Are Such A Guy. Good thing you're so d**n GOOD at it (where is that rolling-eye little guy????).

And now that you've tweaked our interest in it, only Caitlin gets to hear the story??? MAN. (where is that little shaking-head-ruefully icon, anyway...)
Hi Lisa,
One of these days (looking like sooner than later) I'm going to get a blog kind of thing together. A place to put stories that have been over-hyped (ahem...) as well as videos.
I know what you mean though by not having your icon of choice. Skype has some good ones like the little bowing man, ninja and lunch-losing face. For now we'll have to content ourselves with the oldest and best of the bunch. :)
Josh you are tricky!! I bought it hook, line, & sinker!

I guess we're an easy audience since we all dream that pearls like that will happen for friends of ours. ;)
Guys, is it also a 1 April joke? ;)

And the dancing EINSTEIN goes to: Olga!!:D

Seriously folks, here at Walla Walla University, when you get it right on the computer, you get a "dancing Einstein".:eek:

You go Olga. ( I had no idea he was kidding.)
Josh, you little munchkin!:p

Congratulations for the joke.

Being more serious, what would happen if a nucleus would stay for a very long time, longer that usual ?
Did someone, make the experiment?
Very large natural pearls recorded stay a very long time in the mollusk they grow in ...
I would like very much to know about it.

The monster pearl I got from Josh, the "heart of the lagoon", did stay in the oyster for about 10 years, as I recall. In fact, its story was very much like the opening of this thread, though not quite so huge a size (I have a feeling Josh knew he was targeting me directly with this one!!!). It is an absolutely gorgeous pearl, beautiful thick smooth nacre, almost flawless, but in a more subdued color (I'm still lusting after that monster peacock that I know is in my destiny!). But again, evidently the rest of the oysters on the string were either dead or produced nothing of value. So, a total crapshoot. But certainly worth more experimentation, IMHO...

Haha, good one Dave.

Caitlin, you're right it has been a while. I wrote this April Fool's gag two years ago and over that time thought about it from time to time, feeling a little guilty about duping everyone with it. The guilt clouded the memory that it was a 4/1 joke in the first place so I feel better now that I see that my treachery was justified.;)
Oh, Josh, you.... you.... you...
You got me again!

Be careful what you wish for Josh. I still plan on doping some oysters. I think it can be done.