27mm Kamoka Tahitian Pearl!!!!!!!!!!

Number of individual users statistics are up in 2010, over the same period in 2009 and 2008, so readership is up.
Fantastic, my perception more likely the result of slow pearl news generally (witness TPP's difficulty in finding anything newsworthy to post about). Thanks to Josh for the fresh Polynesian air.
OK, my heart is beating really really really fast...

But Josh, is this a poisson d'avril???

Methinks you have used your friends at the perliculture office to pull off this prank. I've been in that office and I must admit, recognizing the equipment got me all flushed and bothered with excitement. And then I realized the date...

If I could wish you a pearl that wonderful, I surely would! ;)
That big pearl is on a pedastal. This new pearl is on what appears to be a standard sticky board for pairs. Based on that assumption, my guess is around 9 mm.
George says if it's April Fools, even more congratulations.

Thank you Nora.:D:D:D.

Jeremy very astute of you. It was on an ear ring backing. 8.5mm first graft little gem. I had to dig in to my photo archives and was bumming I couldn't find a pearl with nice color all on it's own that everyone hadn't already seen.:p

The pics of the Service de la Perliculture were archives as well from that 16mm gem (on the pedestal) we harvested last year. It did in fact have so much nacre that poor Pascal couldn't find the nucleus, no matter how hard he tried.

But THANK YOU, THANK YOU, everyone for the well wishes! Happy Easter!
and we are hugely amused !!!!

Thanks Josh ;)
Sounds like everyone gives you Pearlitzer Prize for best April Fool's joke.

Now I am relieved of watching you as a Steinbeckian character trying to overcome the greed and corruption of the world to get a good price for your pearl.....whew!
Hi Josh,
Does that story begin.... "It was a dark and stormy night"... or "Once upon a time"...?
Happy Easter
Haha, I'm amused too. :)
Caitlin, next time I see you I'll tell you my The Pearl story. It was a flawless 15mm light green jewel of a pearl... I regret it to this day.

Josh, You are such an archetype- or maybe several of them- Your surfing. Your photography. Your pearl farm. Your Pearls. Your Principles. Your magical scene. Your discipline. Your work ethic. Your Excellent sense of Timing, Your worry about fluctuating conditions. Your concern for the future, the environment, your own best possible future, that of your children. People who get your pearls are getting a piece of your life work. They are buying into your future-facing choices, the pearls of your former choices.

I hope you represent the trend of the future, where people grow pearls locally based on some universal, principles. Where the local farmers and finders get a fair percent of of the value of the pearls. Where pearl farmers and the end customers have the fewest possible connections between them.
...............some oysters at the end of a line that had been there for a very long time. There was still a plastic Dymo marker on one of the strings that said April 20, 1997. .........

Congratulations for the joke.

Being more serious, what would happen if a nucleus would stay for a very long time, longer that usual ?
Did someone, make the experiment?
Very large natural pearls recorded stay a very long time in the mollusk they grow in ...
I would like very much to know about it.
Ha, Josh, thank you for the intrigue. I could hear Sheri salivating all the way from down here, and no doubt her banker is happy that this was just a clever joke. Well done!!

I like what Anna proposes above... maybe 'make the experiment' indeed!!