25K freshwater strand

I read it as natural color only. Doesn't look like it is knotted between each pearl. I wouldn't pay that price for it.
I emailed to find out how many pearls, and why it appears to not be knotted. We'll see if I get an answer.

so many pearls, so little time
I'd agree, the color is natural, but the pearls are cultured. Here's a picture of an 11-12mm strand I picked up for under $1000.


I'll sell it for a mere $20k to anyone who is interested... JK :D
I saw a multicolored CFWP strand at Nordstrom last week, $4000. Granted the clasp was 18K and had diamonds on it, but the color and luster were inferior to that of Jeremy's exotics.
As Terry so rightly implies, things are worth what someone will pay for them. Someone with a lot more money than sense might well pay for that unknotted necklace and then be happy to boast about how much was paid
It's a bit cheeky to also add shipping on top.
I'd agree, the color is natural, but the pearls are cultured. Here's a picture of an 11-12mm strand I picked up for under $1000.


I'll sell it for a mere $20k to anyone who is interested... JK :D

Hi Terry,

aren?t you just a soul - weilling to sell it for a mere 20k... But it is lovely. Do you have it still in your posession and what would you want for it?
What the antique seller's ad means is, they will sell it for 25K to anyone who is certifiable and will pay that.
Jerin, Yes, I still have that strand. I bought it because I knew it would make a great picture. I haven't listed it yet on that FW Multicolor page (though I've used the picture). I'll list it later today after re-verifying the size and price.

The one selling for 25k probably isn't knotted only because the picture was taken before it was strung.
Everything from Rau Antiques is extremely overpriced, like marked up 25 times. I don't even bother to go there any more.