White Freshwater Baroque


New Member
Apr 19, 2007
Courtesy of Jeremy, who hand-picked everything himself, broke apart a few strands and kept mixing and matching to make the perfect strand. My specifications were fat, smooth and "crazy orient". I know I tend to flood the forum with pics, but I couldn't bear letting these beauties share a thread with the colored freshwater baroques. This is in a class of its own. Just wow again! I never expected the orient to capture so well on camera! Seriously, the body color is white!



Awesome pearls and great photos, what a combo!

so many pearls, so little time
Oh, my, I just hope Pearlpunk doesn't see these - they will really throw her into a spin.
Gorgeous pearls, Raisondetre, and fabulous photos.
Wow! Gorgeous!

Considering each of the freshwater baroque is one in thousand (? or more?), and this strand had a second level of selection, it is probably one in a million! Enjoy the treasure!:)

Um.. Okay Yummy!!!! fab Pics, I love the Pink Rose' Overtones in some of them.. What a Treasure and Treat!
And finally, on moi!

My camera's actually red, so the rose overtones might not be too accurate. The camera's about hand's length away for my self portraits, and the rainbow iridescence shows up nicely.





Argh, really hate neck closeups, but I'd hate to do the pearls injustice. Off to check my lipliner now. Note to self - need to graft neck skin.
Wow, those look beautiful on you. What a wonderful choice. It makes me wish I had ordered some when I had the chance. But I still enjoy seeing them on you.

So, Jeremy, how are the rest of the strands? What is lef tto play with if someone else has a special desire? I think this could be contagious.:D
There are still some left under the Freshwater section on PP. It's just not on the monthly special anymore. There are quite a few gorgeous strands, but I just couldn't tell much about the orient and it was too hard to make a choice, so I asked Jeremy. I think he'll be jet-lagged out, but you might just be lucky to have him handpick one for you. :)
Hi Raison,

Yeah, I saw that they had been added to the freshwater section a week or two ago? But if several strand were taken apart to make yours, I think all others will pale in comparison.
No, no, no, you most certainly do not need to graft your neck skin.
Indeed, I look at your neck and wish that mine were as beautiful.
Fabulous pearls, and a gorgeous neck on a beautiful lady for showing them off.
Excellent photos! Thanks for posting them. I really love the look of all-white baroque pearls. I bought one when they were originally listed at PP a few months back and its been a favorite of mine to wear. Goes with everything.
Matching bracelet from Christmas special.

I had to return Terry's as I couldn't quite do the clasp up myself.



So where's the clasp on this or is it threaded on stretch magic? Now I'm thinking again, that's so dangerous. Jeremy, is the Tahitian special knotted? Do you need to have spacers to protect the elastic from breaking? Just thinking out loud here. Oh! Is it true the "P" on the bracelet stands for "Panda"?
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