2017 Ruckus Treasures

Those are wonderful pieces and look great on you, SunSeeker! I love how the ssps just glow on your neck!
OK, so I've been to 2 RUCKUSes now, and I still don't know when Douglas pulls out his Sea of Cortez pearls. I always find out after they've already been snagged. Do you mug him when he walks through the door? Do you contact him beforehand and tell him what you're in the market for?

P.S. Battah you snagged some beautiful pearls.

I know, Right?! I think you also have to watch where Jeremy parks his car; there could be a a little rooftop display going on in unsuspecting places!!
Thank you, battah, Red, BW, Katbran, and amti! I wasn't sure about the bronze & pondslime colors until I tried it on, then wow, instant love!

newberry, your GSS is stunning on you!

BW, I love your new ripples & Kojima earrings. Those ripples are so metallic!

red, can't wait to see your finished necklace. That mabe has amazing color!
Wearing my new ruckus cherry Tahitian studs today. This is the larger of the two pair I purchased, at 8.7mm, and has a rim of cherry red around a green-blue center. I'm pairing them with my cherry Kamoka ring, which I purchased at an earlier ruckus.

8.7mm, and has a rim of cherry red around a green-blue center

8.7mm, and has a rim of cherry red around a green-blue center next to Kamoka ring

Kamoka Ring
Perfect paring, Red! (But you knew that already :)). So nice to see the collections build!
Amazing pearls everybody!!

SS, I like that we have twin sister kojima wss & keshi ropess, and I remember how luminous your Fiji bracelet is - they look beautiful on you!

I have a few projects in the works at PP, and found a colorful soufflé necklace I couldn't pass up. Sarah at kojima made the Kasumi keshi wire wrapped necklace for me just before the Ruckus. Both necklaces worn together seem to bring out the colors in each.

colorful soufflé necklace pearl paradise - kojima Kasumi keshi wire wrapped necklace
colorful soufflé necklace pearl paradise - kojima Kasumi keshi wire wrapped necklace side view
colorful soufflé necklace pearl paradise - kojima Kasumi keshi wire wrapped necklace worn
colorful soufflé necklace pearl paradise - kojima Kasumi keshi wire wrapped necklace different light
Ohhhh lmgarden I think that's my favorite thing I've seen so far!! Just stunning.
Gorgeous souffles, lmgarden. I love your style.
Imgarden between you and Babynurse I think I need to up my game. Your choice of pearls and styling is just perfection. Congratulations on your new beauties. I can't wait to see what other projects you have going :) does it include any pearls from Fiji ;)
That Orient! Wow. Also, the mixing of the very large and very small pearls makes me realize that it looks good and not weird. I'll have to play more with mixing mine up.
Newberry, I feel so inadequate on the pearling styling. I count your pearl layering in with the ones to follow. So many beautiful pearls and designs in your collection. Maybe I feel inadequate because I don't have enough in my collection... better buy more! :D

lmgarden, you know you had me at keshi. Beautiful coloring and mix and looks great on you!
I came here for information about plain old white pearls and have now become obsessed with these beautiful colorful pearls. I LOVE the birthday pendant; like fluffy frosting with gemstone sprinkles. Simply beautiful!
Thank you ALL for my newest obsession, lol!
I've been way out of it the last week, but here are the rest of my Saturday treasures:
A ring from Kamoka (I've been looking at it repeatedly on the website, but seeing it in person was something else), and the shell
Sea of Cortez mabe and abalone pearl from Douglas
flower brooch from Kojima
A ring from Kamoka and the shell, Sea of Cortez mabe and abalone pearl from Douglas, flower brooch from Kojima

I was wearing the ring as an engagement ring, but it is a bit big -- I have small fingers. The reaction to my showing it as my new engagement ring was mixed: my husband was amused, and my daughter was upset -- I forgot about her friend's parents splitting up. Now she is happy, however, that I am wearing my mother's set.