100 Inch Rope Challenge!!

Sarah, it is beautiful, but I want a neck shot. I love how you put your pieces together... "edgy elegance" is how I once described your work!
I love the torsade look, Boo, and Sarah, your amazing "Grace" is truly lovely! I do want to see the neck shot, too...though sounds like it most likely will have to be a torso shot.


You have the Midas Touch, everything you create turns into art. The rope is enchanting.
OMG!!! I run a few errands, mow the lawn and look what is going on!

When slung over one shoulder, it hangs just at the opposite hip.

Wonder if stylin' like that would make me look taller and thinner????

It is indeed "Amazing Grace"! Gorgeous!!! No, beyond Gorgeous!!

Sheryl and Boo, your get together must be a whole new thread complete with photos!

Thanks sooooo much for everyones' contributions and comments--remember there's still 2 months to submit your necklace!
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When slung over one shoulder, it hangs just at the opposite hip.

So true! My 100 inch freshwaters from tpo hit just right when I double them up and wear 'em like that. Looks particularly cool with tunics/draped styles, though I feel pretty darned decadent doing it.

Your rope is too cool! I'll join the chorus-- pics of you wearing it, please! Half the fun of these ropes is seeing all the cool ways to wear them. (the other half is playing with them)
Ropes really are delicious, just ask Louise Brooks...


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All of these necklaces are so gorgeous. As a new knotter/beader, I hope I have a fraction of the creativity for design I see on this board. I plan to make a 60" rope in the near future from some pearls I bought off of ebay but 100' -- I'll enjoy seeing what you all come up with and learn!:o
"A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls"

"A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls"

The photo of Louise is wonderful. Here is one of my favorites. I look at it everyday! To me it is the epitome of feminine elegance, strength, and attitude!

Coco Chanel:
" A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls" said Coco Chanel, who was known to toss as many as seven strands around her neck for everything from heading to the office to hopping on a horse. Though hers were real, she teamed up with jeweler Fulco di Verdura to produce costume pieces featuring glass pearls, so women wouldn't have to shell out to step out in style.

Thanks all for the compliments!
Cheers, Sarah


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But Sarah, we are waiting for the neck (torso, shoulder) shot.... sorry to be insistent!

But both Coco and Louise are pretty admirable style-wise. I was watching an episode of Boston Legal the other night (I know, I know) and Candice Bergen was wearing either a long rope or a multi, multi strand necklace of varying sizes of pearls and ribbon... looked fantastic! All in black ribbon, white pearls, with her signature black suit and white shirt.
I missed a lot of threads/posts while I was in school at night the last few weeks. I'm so glad I didn't miss this one. The pearls and the comments have been great fun. ;)
"GRACE" ...in action

"GRACE" ...in action

O.K. O.K. Here are a few photos of "GRACE". They were taken hastily! I hope between these photos and the words of the great Coco... more ladies out there will step out absolutely dripping in pearls! It feels great!
Cheers, Sarah


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I think I have said it before Sarah - your styles are full of "edgy elegance"..... just gorgeous, and thank you thank you for the neck/torso/body shots! Much appreciated!

Looks just amazing!!!
Oh my gosh....
The ropes are all fabulous.
I so love them all.....

Each so different and all gorgeous.

No, no, no, I must not make another rope, I must not make another rope, I will resist.....:D
awesome, sarah! the first shot totally channels coco!

such a profusion of lady-like pearls requires something a little sharp to balance it out...coco's got the (darling) masculine hat and trim silhouette, and you've got the hot black tank top :)