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  1. trulyviolet

    Ode à ma Mère

    i love amber......and yours is wonderful.... great stories too
  2. trulyviolet

    Let it be rainbow!

    that's brilliant! if i ever have the spare cash to get tahitians, i will do something like that!
  3. trulyviolet

    Ode à ma Mère

    you can hand model for me.....i'd paint you i love tricolor gold too *(and rose gold*) you've got a wonderful collection
  4. trulyviolet

    Ode à ma Mère

    ok this made me snort cranberry juice out my nose.....
  5. trulyviolet

    Ode à ma Mère

    you absolutely do have the best family....i wasn't that lucky with mine..... and if my mom and dad were alive to have seen would have killed them right there and then
  6. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    hahahahaha ok this made me laugh
  7. trulyviolet

    Matched FW metallic pairs go into... a necklace! or 3 necklaces))

    i love these.... totally love these
  8. trulyviolet

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    so cruising through this thread getting with my eyes bugging out.... *you all are my reward for this cold breaking and also cause i'm about done with the pdf for the gallery* everything i been looking at is making me sigh.... and i have pearl envy.... wonderful pieces you all have
  9. trulyviolet

    Ode à ma Mère

    omg, i am so sorry, this is so sad but also so good that she lived longer and your folks stayed together over all that time
  10. trulyviolet

    Akoyas and Enhancer Pendants

    i love them ........ so silvery and cool looking
  11. trulyviolet

    What I've learned about wire wrapping and jewelry making in the last couple weeks

    i think you did wonderfully well.... and just keep working at it....eventually you'll do it in your sleep
  12. trulyviolet

    "Exhibition Review: Lustre: Pearling and Australia"

    ''The pearl oyster Pinctada albina was first collected by entrepreneurs at Shark Bay in 1850, but it was the 1861 discovery of the far larger Pinctada maxima shells at Nickol Bay that had prospective pearlers flocking to Western Australia. By 1870, Queensland pearlers had established an industry...
  13. trulyviolet

    Show us your PP 12th day of Christmas Sale purchases!

    they are wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    omg they look like clouds and mist touched by the first glimmer of dawn
  15. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    well i mixed hard red and hard white wheat * the whole grain is called berrys* i can also grind other things, like rice or rye, buckwheat, spelt....... the next batch is got buckwheat in the dough and i'm planning on moving into a part wheat part spelt loaf in the future
  16. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    i have an electric (see told you....lazy) nutri mill....... you dump the grain in the top.....turn it on and boom flour comes out the bottom! it's like MAGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then right into the bowl for no knead bread (and that goes into the fridge for a long slow cold rise) the excess into the...
  17. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    no knead lazy person bread..... sinfully easy..... * although i did grind my own flour....*
  18. trulyviolet

    Show Us Your Pearls In Action!!!

    you know........ you'd so be the envy of any elizabethan monarch....... just saying.... *i'll go back to drooling and sighing now...*
  19. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    sniff....... here i sit....covered in drool..... a glazed look in my eye.......... sniff i lay down and dreamed of ripple pearls in candy box colors......... all just slightly OUT of my greedy grasping fingers..... sigh ok well, i made bread today so i have to console myself with that i guess
  20. trulyviolet

    365 Days of Pearls

    i'm just here drooling on myself....... please ignore me...... i think i now need to lie down..... perchance to dream?