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  1. R

    Spherical Rose

    Good decision to keep the pearls -- they are beautiful and one day you will be glad. After some time has passed and you are feeling better, you will take them out, look at their beauty and they will symbolize something other than the broken relationship. And you will put them on with pride and...
  2. R

    Women in power II: a new wave of pearl fashion?

    I want to go back post #42 from gravityalwayswins....about wearing pearls with less traditional outfits. It is very common here in the deep south -- Atlanta -- to see pearls on women wearing sun dresses, casual outfits and occasionally even shorts. The Lilly Pulitzer crowd loves to wear...
  3. R

    Natural Paua Pearls

    I agree with Sueki --- :o~ sigh~:o
  4. R

    Pearl shows and fairs etc etc

    I had to laugh out loud when i read "although I'm down to twice a day now." That is exactly what happened to me when I first joined.... I would sign on every opportunity to see what was new.
  5. R

    Spherical Rose

    They are beautiful. So sorry the way things worked out. Hang in there, better days will come.
  6. R

    GSS Earrings/Pendant Matched from Afar

    Both of those pieces are eye catching!! Wow...
  7. R

    Cortez Pearl Necklace: Boh?me

  8. R

    New Freshadama strand--pleased as punch :)

    "I'm afraid the more I learn about pearls, the bigger I want them.heh heh" That is what always happens. Pearls are beautiful!!
  9. R

    Pearl rings - What's hot, what's not?

    Luckykelly -- Beautiful Ring!!!
  10. R

    Multicoloured SS & Tahitian strand

    Beautiful. And would be much prettier around your neck ;) Call it advertising.
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    The photo that inspired me

    What picture inspired me? Queen Mary..... just look at that crown!!!
  12. R

    Some of my pearls

    Very nice. You are really going to enjoy the variety. Congrats.... While you are at PP, was hard not run your hands over every pearl in the place? In some of the pictures I have seen, it looks like there are pearls EVERYWHERE!! I would just go crazy wanting to touch them all.
  13. R

    Fireballs - now it's really them!

    When I first saw a fireball I was out off by the strange shape. I thought they looked deformed. However, these fireballs are making me rethink them. Just lovely. p.s. Sheri -- long tahitian? Is there a picture somewhere? Humm....
  14. R

    Pearl Farm in the Sea of Cortez

    I'm in love with the pearl in post 57 in the upper right hand corner. I think that is one of the prettiest things I have ever seen. :p We need to get a caravan going south and pay a visit. Congratulations of a great harvest -- keep 'em coming!!
  15. R

    Thanks for the add. Pat

    Thanks for the add. Pat
  16. R

    Thanks for the add and the info!! Pat

    Thanks for the add and the info!! Pat
  17. R

    Pearl Farm in the Sea of Cortez

    I just can't stop staring at these beauties. I can only imagine what they must look like in person. WOW
  18. R

    Trying to Knot Pearls (insert cuss word here)

    Pattye -- I understand completely -- sounds like my experiences. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Practice, practice, practice. I am getting better. I decided to try knotting bracelet size instead of a whole necklace. The knots are still iffy - but having one or two strands come...
  19. R

    Value of my mother's natural baroque pearls?

    Really unique. The clasp looks like it has a diamond in it -- perhaps and old mine cut because the table is small. Is the metal white gold? Could be platinum. Are there any markings on the clasp? Just a thought -- you might be able to sell the clasp and keep the pearls since they are definitely...
  20. R

    My Eyris Pearl

    That is just beautiful!!! What are you going to do with it? Make jewelry or just fondle it (I would be fondling it!!)