New Freshadama strand--pleased as punch :)


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
A couple of months ago I got a 6-7mm Freshadama strand. I subsequently decided the pearls were a little small for me. (I'm 5'9")

So I returned them for a size up. I adore them! (Thanks to Mia at PP:))
They are right at 8mm (16 inch strand) which is a great size for me, but I'm afraid the more I learn about pearls, the bigger I want them.:cool:heh heh

These are perfect for an every day strand. They also match my Freshadama earrings perfectly.

Photo #3 is the new strand next to my PP 6-7mm AAA bracelet.

hmmmm what next?? Tahitian baroques?
I reallyreallyreally need more pearls!

Freshadama setfreshadama strand close upfreshadama strand next to 6-7 mm AAA freshwater braceletwearing my new freshadama strand
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Hi Kaywal,

Stunning !!!

You have a gorgeous neck to show off the strand. I don't have a FD strand yet. DROOL.

And pearls are so addicting.:D
They look so fantastic on you! It's amazing how much life a piece takes on when it's worn... Congrats!
They look great! I think its the perfect size for you.
oh they look so pretty! 8mm is a good size. I have the same desire to size up when i buy. I love pearls with a suit. Better, BIG pearls with a suit. :D
"I'm afraid the more I learn about pearls, the bigger I want them.heh heh"

That is what always happens.

Pearls are beautiful!!
They are absolutely gorgeous !!!!!!!

And you do them justice, they are so pretty.

Tell me, did you get the 7-8mm ?

I'm trying to guage the relatively of the different sizes - to me you have the perfect size.

I can understand why you are thrilled !
This page on PP shows what the different sizes look like in a strand:

Thanks !

I did notice that page but to me the pearls look different when photographed up close and straight on. I can't see the difference as easily on the PP page.

Can you tell I'm trying very hard to find reasons not to buy the 8-9mm ? :p So I can spare money to buy another strand in a different colour - Gosh I'm greedy :)
Hi Kaywal,

yes the 8 mm look good on you but a size that looks really good and great with the pearls making a statement = 9 - 9,5 mm. I have a lavender strand in this size, most pearls are around 9,3 mm and it really shows off on its own! As you are so tall with this lovely long neck, you probably could have even larger and they still would look smashing! Try to buy a freshwater in above size and I promise, you will not have any strands smaller than at least 8,5 mm....
Hi Kaywal,

yes the 8 mm look good on you but a size that looks really good and great with the pearls making a statement = 9 - 9,5 mm. I have a lavender strand in this size, most pearls are around 9,3 mm and it really shows off on its own! As you are so tall with this lovely long neck, you probably could have even larger and they still would look smashing! Try to buy a freshwater in above size and I promise, you will not have any strands smaller than at least 8,5 mm....

Oh Jerin--I already want a bigger strand!:) I want a strand of Tahitian baroques, so those will definitely be bigger-heh heh. I'd also love a strand of lavender freshwaters. Could definitely do a larger size there!
They are absolutely gorgeous !!!!!!!

And you do them justice, they are so pretty.

Tell me, did you get the 7-8mm ?

I'm trying to guage the relatively of the different sizes - to me you have the perfect size.

I can understand why you are thrilled !

Thank You!
Yup, I got the 7-8mm. They are a hair over 8mm.

Thanks for the sweet comments, ladies!
This is weird, I thought I was reading in another thread that when you buy a strand that range between two millimeters like that, you?re supposed to expect that most pearls are small and only a few in the middle are in the big range? Maybe I?m just mixing it up with something else.