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  • Blaire,
    It's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for your kind words. The whole mess had me in such a tither I retreated to my cabin in mountains this weekend (no phone, tv, computer) to re-prioritize. I've had too many pots in the fire and not watching them all close enough :) Oh, and I love all your beautiful pearl earrings especially the pea pods!
    Hi Blaire! The photos are on my boyfriend?s photobucket account so I`ll let him resize them for me so I can put Kitty as the avatar/user image! Thanks for the suggestion. I don?t think anyone will read this so I can tell you a really big secret about Kitty, he?s actually not me! He?s called Vinstkissen (Prize cat) becuase a friend of mine won him at a game in Japan when he studied there. It is funny because he won him at a place right next to the Biwa lake and he?s wearing biwa pearls in the picture...

    P.S Don?t tell! My secret identity have to remain secret. D.S
    I've been on and off, I have been very busy working just shipped out a 26,000pc Tahitian order to a major account. I am getting ready to go to Japan and China next week...
    Is it because of that silly chain maille pic of me with the sword??? I always fancied myself as a wordsmith. But now it seems I am a wordsmite. Knowing Zeide G. Erskine will do that to a person.
    Hi Blaire,
    I am sticking to silver and gold and raising my prices as the cost of metal goes up. Times like this its important to design pieces that are lighter and your pockets have to be a little deeper to pay for materials as you are noticing

    Hi GemGeek: THanks for your kind comments. I am a lifelong rockhoud and gem fanatic. I became interested in designing jewelry because I had collected unset gems for decades. I have always been a fanatic for emeralds. I have only recently developed a love affair with pearls. I currently covet some of the yellow gold Indonesian pearls. Thanks again! Beth (I am imari3421 on flicker (
    Why thank you, Blaire.
    Coming from you, I take your comments as high praise indeed !
    I'll try to add some more photos. sometime soon - trouble is, at the moment our weather is dull and grey and not good for pearl photography....
    Thanks again,
    Best, Susan.
    Thank you - you are always so kind and generous with your compliments! Will be happy to help with your Mandarin, whenever there's a chance!:)
    Hi Blaire! Just saw your message. Yes, China is fascinating and Shanghai, especially so! I look forward to your visit here, and hope we can meet.:) Meanwhile, enjoy your month-long birthday celebrations! That is a great idea! ;)
    Thanks, Rocco has a new album coming out pretty soon. And the music companies are planning a big promotion. Andy McKee is just amazing on guitar. Some people are born to it.
    You are welcome! I hope your birthday continues for weeks and weeks! It's a personal specialty of mine, long birthdays...

    I'm sure we will meet sometime. I would just love to get back to the US sometime.. and I'd just LOVE to get to Guaymas (wouldn't we all..)
    Hi Blaire - I love your assessment of my photo! :) It's quite likely that I was thinking exactly what you guess...
    I'm glad you liked the pic! It is truly heavenly to wear. But after hanging out on P-G, I'm totally coveting a strand of Tahitians. Someday...
    Hi Blaire,

    I've posted some pics and of course, a picture of my favorite strand of pearls. I still wear it with much joy!
    "Ships that pass in the night.... "
    Maybe they'll pass by day, one day....... the world is small, you know...... ;) and round.
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