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  • Hi Gemgeek, I am new to the forum. Thanks for the friendly connect. Love all the pearl pics on this site!
    Thanks for the Octavia message! Hopefully I will get her chasing some pearls with me in HK sometime... but I will definitely get her out sightseeing sometime!
    We really should have taken her out to dinner the night that Bernadette, purlgurl, Mikeyy and I dined together in Melbourne!
    Bernadette must have been drawn to me in a beading forum, because of my screen name. I refer to her as the Pearl Guru, there, and she manages to impart some of her knowledge. I give her any stringing I cant manage my self, and she always produces work over and above the necessary. She gave me moral & physical support at a difficult time recently, and I would give her the shirt off my back if she needed it. I hope the forum realises what a special person she is.
    Hi Blaire,
    Many thanks for adding me to your friends list. It was a lovely surprise to see a Pearl-Guide email waiting for me this morning. From the look of Nerida's pictures, Octavia is a well traveled Bi-valve!
    thanks for the birthday greetings Blaire. I had a great day. Unfortunately your world has a few less oysters after the celebration. Hope you are keeping busy, what a time to get involved in the jewellery world! Enjoy the summer time, at your leisure of course.
    Hi Blair, are your cats better? Sorry I was away for a couple weeks - we're in England helping Andrew's elderly parents. Have a wedding in Scotland this weekend. Ought to be fun. All well with you?
    Hi Blair, I hadn't been to your page recently. I love your kitty pictures. I'm kittyless at the moment, but cats always pull at my heartstrings.
    Blaire, you came to me in my dream last night..... you were a red head and wore this gorgeous Kasumi ring, it looked different but still very beautiful. Eli says that I'm sick..... aren't we all? ;)

    Wear it in good health !!!
    :) I know that feeling. You must pay and pay dearly for leaving. I always chuckle because people say they are the independent pet. Yea, right! Mine are high maintenance.
    Hey Blaire,
    I just got here last night. Had a fab dinner at Hotel Congress! But off to AGTA and GJX today. Give me a call if you want to meet for a drink...802.989.8280
    I love your fur kids. I have three of my own and they look like they may just be as spoiled as your.

    It was good to see your Pearl Tour photos on Facebook. It brought back memories. It's nostalgic to see that "Pas" still keep their boats a shiney white. :)
    Hi GemGeek, thanks for befriending me:) Is that a picture of you? You are such a pretty lady!!
    Hi Blaire: You have been so kind to comment on some of my pieces.
    I can tell that you are very knowledgable about gemstones of all types. I have been "into" gems for years and have just recently become a big fan of pearls.
    I notice that you are listed as an author. Have you written about gems? I would love to read some of your work and also see more of your creations and collections.

    I have a particular weakness for opals and emeralds. I find opals endlessly fascinating.

    Thanks again for your interest and encouragement.

    Peace, Beth Wells-Parker
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