Back from a London journey, more stories about pearls

Would you mind if i add a picture of a nice piece that i stumbled upon recently? I would love to add to this thread.
Greetings, Sven
Of course, do it !
I have also made a lot of photos in Berlin museum in last may.
The blister pearl with a hand holding a brush is novelty jewels in the japanese taste about 1880.
It's a blister pearl, a brooch with mother of pearl in the form of a hand, holding a coloured gold bulrush (congratulations Pattye !)
Now these 3 pieces come from same country.
IYO, where are they from?


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Something about that dragon strikes me as European, even though the dragon eating a pearl is an Oriental theme. I love the multi coloured garland the Cupid is skipping over.


Hi all,
This is a pendant that i?ve seen in a store in Berlin these days -nice, ain?t it? It is pearls and rubies, set in silver. Looking forward to your guesses on age and origin.
Regards, Sven


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This one is a tad difficult- the cut of the stones would help with age factor(can't see) also the rubies don't look (to me ) quite right, are you sure they are rubies? is the piece all silver or just the settings?

Not sure of age because of above questions but at a guess of origin Russian?
All in all a really nice piece(I would wear this).:D
Hi all members,

Pearlgem, are you sure the stones are Rubies? They look to me like Pyrop (Granaten) or Almadines, also belonging to the same group of stones. The brooch overall does look kind of "new", even though I have seen antique jewelry of this type. The pearls also have a very "white" look as not being too old. Perhaps I am wrong, can you tell us more about it? It is a lovely style though, I would not mind having one;). BTW welcome to the Forum, it?s nice to have some more german speaking members.
Pattye, to your question about the cat-tail, yes we have them here as well and they are lovely to have in a large vase, very decorative!
here is another picture (closeup) of a part of the pendant. hope the cut is more visible this time. The stones are claimed to be rubies, might be spinels, though. Setting is said to be all silver. It is not russian.
Regards, Sven


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Hi jerin and all,
thank you for the welcome to PG! It is a fantastic resource for information and information exchange on pearls and everything related. Regarding the piece, the colours did not come out that good in the first picture, the second one is abit colour corrected and more realistic. quite shure it is no garnet, as the workshop selling it is very reliable. I know about the where and when, but we?ll give a chance to the people who did not have a chance yet to look into PG today.
jerin, so you are from sweden and german-speaking? very nice! Danke f?r das herzliche Willkommen! In berlin kommt der Winter wohl dieses Wochenende an, ist er bei euch schon da?
Regards, Sven
jerin, so you are from sweden and german-speaking? very nice! Danke f?r das herzliche Willkommen! In berlin kommt der Winter wohl dieses Wochenende an, ist er bei euch schon da?
Regards, Sven[/QUOTE]

ich komme urspr?nglich aus ?sterreich und bin mit einem Schweden verheiratet. Wir warten noch sehns?chtig auf den ersten Schnee. Der soll eigentlich auch dieses Wochenende kommen.

Not to be discriminating on our other PGers I just told Pearlgem that I am born in Austria but married to a Swede and living in that lovely country. We are supposed to get snow this weekend, so far unfortunately nothing! And I do love Christmas with snow:)
First of all, Pattye, there are bull rushes in Australia, when I lived in Sydney,on the way to work I used to admire them from the train.

Cliclasp, are we on the right track,? if not please may I have a clue:)

Pearlgem,my apologies I did not say G'day to you.(G'day):D

I still reckon the piece is Eastern European,the piece does not look too old, the earliest I will say is the turn of the century-if completely of centre please may I have a clue.

BTW Pearlgem, we have taught our wee dog to literary give "fuchion" (I don't know how to spell it properly so that's as phonetic as I can get it )
and he does:D
First, thanks for the warm "G?day" from you, Bernadette! You taught your dog to give "Pfoetchen":D, the "oe" being an umlaut (o with two dots on top).
Concerning the piece: It is European, but Southern European. And it is older than turn of the century, actually approx. two "turns" earlier.
What I said to jerin in german was: "Thank you for the warm welcome. Winter is supposed to arrive in berlin this weekend (which was true, but no snow until now), do you already have winter up there in Sweden?" Nevertheless, we had some gluehwein to warm up! :)
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Viva La France

Looks like a Wyvern to me - which lends towards English or French - but the Cherub tips me over the line into saying French.

Congratulations Bernadette, you are a true pearl Sherlock Holmes !! They are all french.

Brooch with cupid and swag, coloured gold and platinum with a large pendant pearl,

Winged dragons (broches chim?res), sculptural jewels with fantastic animals were introduced round 1860 by Parisian firms and were still produced well in the 20th century (museum said).
It's a winged dragon fighting a serpent like dragon set with a diamond and a long pendant pearl.

Set with a pearl and an emerald, Paris assay, XIX century.
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History tour is over at the British Museum, but some more suprises in the coming days.
keep connected ...:cool:
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