One more exotic


Pearl Paradise
Jun 22, 2004
I just finished drilling this piece today. It is 7.5 mm to 10.3 mm, perfectly round and clean exotic strand. The clasp is a basket style with an exotic set in the center. The earrings are of a color that is hard to describe and did not come out as well as I had hoped in the photo. They are about 8.1 mm and have shades of pink, green and gold.

Sorry for the photos. Natalie is really working against the clock on a photoshoot today so I shot these myself at my desk.

7.5 mm to 10.3 mm round clean exotic-color freshwater strand

Below is how the clasp will attach. I am not completely sold on the clasp yet, but I wanted to work an exotic pearl into it. The pearl matches the earrings.

7.5 mm to 10.3 mm round clean exotic-color freshwater strand with matching studs

Just to let you know, this is a one of a kind and it has a home. Hopefully she will post her own pictures of it when she receives it!
Wow, absolutely stunning! Congratulations to the lucky owner!

It's a beautiful necklace and the clasp is unique.
Thanks for posting pictures :)
Amazing and fabulous!!! You have us hooked, Jeremy!

so many pearls, so little time


Wow!!! It's stunning.
I havent seen this basket clasp. How does it work? Does it have the safety catch like the ball clasp? Except the pearl sits on a flat surface? Is the pearl glued on? Very nice, Jeremy.
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Have you no pity on us pearl addicts? Why torture us like this?

Very beautiful, by the way. Can you slice the pearl that's going to sit in the clasp to a 3/4 button?

Hanaleimom said:
Wow!!! It's stunning.
I havent seen this basket clasp. How does it work? Does it have the safety catch like the ball clasp? Except the pearl sits on a flat surface? Is the pearl glued on? Very nice, Jeremy.

It is a sort of basket with a prong setting. The pearl is attached with epoxy.

Slraep said:
Have you no pity on us pearl addicts? Why torture us like this?

Very beautiful, by the way. Can you slice the pearl that's going to sit in the clasp to a 3/4 button?


That was my only real concern with the clasp. The pearl seems to protrude a little too much. I wonder if I can find a button that has a similar exotic coloration... I guess we could shave the bottom off the pearl as well...
Noooo! Finding a button, okay, but don't cut it!!! :) Seriously, I kinda like it this way, looks more unique. Not like those fake mabe clasps.

I am not completely sold on the clasp yet,

What aren't you sold on? From the picture, it's hard to tell. If the problem is the toggle piece slips from the basket and puts too much pressure on the pearl, I'm with ya. It seems like a very small fix though. I love it too.

Now that I look at it again, there's nothing to prevent the clasp from slipping off the pearl. Toggles work with a bar that is longer than the toggle, it's a tension thing.

Curious to know. I still think with a small adjustment, it can be very secure, and no pressure on the pearl.


Ahhhh, now I see it better. It's an insert clasp and the basket sits on top. I like it. A figure eight safety catch will do just fine.
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Jeremy, the strand is just beautiful. I'm not a huge fan of multicoloured strands, particularly when the variations in colours are strong. This strand though seems to glow with a beautiful goldy-pink hue all over - I know this isn't your usual photography, but I'm sure this toning is inherent to the pearls, not the photo. It is beautiful - lucky owner, probably sitting at her desk reading all our comments...
Noooo! Finding a button, okay, but don't cut it!!! :) Seriously, I kinda like it this way, looks more unique. Not like those fake mabe clasps.


Hi Perle,
I agree absolutely with You. It would be a shame to cut a perfect pearl to get it flat.
striking... would leave a woman speechless to receive such a prize...
I don't know whether this is buyer's remorse/envy/greedy or what, it seems like other people's exotics are generally prettier than mine :(:o, especially when Jeremy declared his favorites or posted a new special creation. I do really appreciate the honest opinions. When I took pictures my pearls just didn't come out as nice...:o.
I realize the entire exotics crop/batch was hand-selected by Jeremy or Mia, but I can't stop wondering whether mine is left-over stuff after the cream of the crop was concentrated in a few necklaces. I keep thinking I should return one or two necklaces (I bought three, partly counting on at least one would be checked out first by somebody else and turned out I got all three) and try to get something "better." Please tell me I am being stupid/silly/greedy or thinking too much or ???:confused:

Thank you for your advice,
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I think that your're being silly, but personal preferences can mean a lot. However, If you really want to get rid of one ( or more ), I'll be glad to take them off of your hands.;)
Hi Pernula,

I don't recall seeing your photos, so I don't know what your strands look like. I think there was a significant variability in colors of the pearls of different sizes and shapes-- that is what made them so fascinating! The smallest seemed the most metallic, but that same metallic quality can confuse the color one perceives.

I also think it is statistically improbable that all the worst pearls (if there is such a thing as 'worst' when discussing rare exotic pearls!) could be concentrated in your 3 strands.

Before these exotics, I had never taken photos of pearls before. Not only do the pearls' colors change under different lighting when seen with the naked eye, but they change again under the same lighting when photographed. Also, the camera seems to enhance the colors, and my 18% gray card comes out blueish when photographed, even when I select the best lighting option on the camera. Maddening! :eek:

Today I started working on turning my 7.5-8.5mm ovals into a bracelet, but it's dark and rainy, and I don't trust the fluorescent lighting to show their color correctly, so I'm putting off the job until we have a sunny day. The color variation in that strand is very, very subtle. In the photo I took, though, you'd never guess that. My photo makes the colors leap out.

In short-- I'll bet your pearls look more or less like everyone else's pearls of the same shape and size. You just don't realize it because all you can see is our very imperfect photos.

Wear them, accept them, love them. Or, take the best of the three strands and make one new strand and wear that one.
Dear Pernula:
Between writing my last thought and pushing the button, three new threads came out!
Which exotic pearls did you get?
Have you tried taking them outside just before twilight?
Have you considered that Jeremy practically 'gives' these specials to us for much less than we could ever buy anywhere else?
I also purchased three which I hope to make a triple out of. A small oval, and two meduim ovals held together with a diamond celtic knot. I'm Irish don't ya know.

I don't think you're silly at all, and, have you considered that, affection for the Pearl Paradise 'family' aside, possession of one of Jeremy's specials might be worth something in 50 years. I mean think about it, even Mikimoto was unknown once. How many people know about Jeremy now compared to 10 years ago? Okay, that's enough materialism for today.

Nobody will think less of you if you send them back. There will be more specials in the future, no doubt.


P.S. I think part of the point of photographing the pearls, besides sharing, is that the camera 'sees' things we mortals have difficulty picking up. If you keep your pearls beside you long enough you will see its character in various lights.