New Golden South Sea Fatty

Sea Urchin

Feb 7, 2012
I liked the big creamy white South Sea pearl I recently got so much that I went back and got a gold one of the same size. It's 16.5 plus another millimeter for the bump, which will be sawed off. The creamy white one was made into a pendant (there's a recent thread here about it) and I kept twisting the chain around my finger and wishing it was a ring.

So after this one arrives, I will finally have a ring pearl that is big enough to look impressive even on my giant paws. And I've always wanted a GSS so I am a happy sea urchin! I just love huge pearls.

The luster in the middle is iffy but the bottom (which will be the top of the pearl in the ring) looks smooth and shiny. :)

I have a gold band ring I was thinking of having it mounted on. I guess I can just have a jeweler and solder on a pearl pin thingie? (The pearl will be half-drilled). The bottom pic is the bottom of the pearl. Sorry I couldn't figure out how to make all of the photos larger.

(From The Pearl Society)




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Beautiful pearl! I'm looking forward to seeing your completed ring. What a great way to repurpose an old band!
I echo all of that, and 100% agree that maybe the most fun pearls to wear are the ones we can see as we wear them. Not that I'd be complaining about the others ;)
That will be like having the sun shine on your finger every day Sea Urchin ... congratulations!
You go girl! That is going to be a big ring. Looking forward to seeing that amazing pearl on your hand.
Oh, that is going to be great fun to wear! I am looking forward to hand shots!
It's here!

What shade would you call it?

Also, I am not sure what to do about the setting.

The thin diamond guard rings on the right can be used with whatever hand I have it mounted on, so they're just to show y'all.

I might have the CZ cluster removed from the ring on the far left and use that band. I don't wear it. But it's only 10k. I'm not sure if I care about that or not.

Or, I could have the yellow sapphire removed from the next ring over and have it mounted there. I don't wear that ring, either. It's 18k. That way, I could wear the matching Hawaiian band to the right of it with it if I wanted.

Or, I could scrap that idea and just have it mounted on the plain Hawaiian band.

Or, none of the above. I might rather have a band with some diamonds on it, and maybe a thinner band. Then again, I don't really feel like spending a zillion dollars on it.

Or... I don't know. Any ideas?

GSSP with bands.jpg
I like this colour. Not sure what shade the trade would call this pearl. It'll look nice on the 18k gold Hawaiian band.
Tough decision! I kinda like the idea of mounting that beauty on a wide band. It might balance it out and and make it spin less. If you don't mind the 10k that might work. Can't wait to hear what everyone else says!