Natural Pteria Sterna Strand


New Member
Jul 7, 2008
So...... I've been waiting patiently for a UV light to come so I could double check that these ARE in fact P. Sterna before I posted about them (although I really don't have any reason to doubt it) ..... but the sun was out today here in Vancouver so I took photos....... and they're just so pretty I have to post now!

They are TINY (I think about 2-4 mm?) but the colours just called to me...... and I love how casual small pearls look. I am wanting to wear it as a daily necklace, and I often forget to take off my pearls before I shower so I thought I should use Power Pro to string them (also wanted them done up like I've seen strands of old seed pearls, with no knots except between the last few pearls). Thoughts on this? I already bought some five pound test because I knew it would be thin enough, but will it be okay strength-wise? Finishing with a tiny plain gold vintagey-looking clasp......


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Pteria sterna aren't the only pearls to fluoresce, but they certainly do and it's fun to see. Where did you get a whole strand of natural pteria sterna pearls?
Ummm.......on-line of course! :o. To be honest, I'm a little hesitant to say where...... I found the website a couple of years ago, but have never seen them mentioned on here....... always found that a bit odd (but I know there might be a reason for it..... but maybe I don't want to know WHY, lol)...... They only have naturals - many - and very rare varieties so....... they must be known to the "community"....... (no, not Kari)......

I just want to see if they will fluoresce red with the UV. I know Douglas' pearls do...... I assume all P. Sterna would as well whether they are cultured or natural ones, right?
dang! I wanted to purchase that strand, looks even better in your photos ;)

Sorry 'bout that! Lol (and it does look better IRL, hey? It just looked mainly blueish grey/bronze on the website photos...... my photos are very accurate for showing all the colours..... they look like little candies!). Well, they still have another strand you know (a little larger centre pearls and a bit more expensive.....). Buy those!

Thanks's a full strand so about 15 or 16" I guess? I'll clip it around my neck tomorrow and take a neck shot......
No, they didn't come with a certificate...... Hmm, not sure what your other question, did they say where they got them from you mean? (IE: collected over years by a lovely old fisherman versus purchased as a large parcel from one source type of thing?). No, no provenance. Just the pearls.......

......was just snooping around Etsy for ideas...... maybe a crochet strand? Anyone here make anything like these? They're so pretty and delicate......and you could make it longer than just the 16 inches......


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Ooh, I like those photos-- but you'd probably have to drill the pearl holes wider, or use the thread single thickness.
It would be better to post links to photos that you found online, unless you have permission or know it would be okay to share them. :)
That is true, but it is common here for people to put up photos of current eBay listings that they want an opinion on before bidding; not sure what the difference is?

In any case, we don't want to hot-link photos-- any photos we post ought to have first been saved to one's own computer. (I'm not saying those or any photos on P-G are hot-linked-- just that I've seen some embarrassing things happen on another forum when the actual owner of the photo switched their original photo out for something p o r n ographic, which then became the hot-linked photo.)
What a lovely strand of little pearls! I really like your first idea of simply stringing them with your vintage clasp.
Etsy is a group of artisans. It's one thing to search for ideas on your own. When you copy and post photos here, the Etsy person doesn't get any credit, as they would if you posted a link. Pearl-Guide is at risk for copyright infringement. Maybe it's just me, but I am particularly uncomfortable with the photo of the woman as it seems more personal. She isn't expecting her photo to be anywhere except on her page.

Feel free to jump in and comment. :)
Yes, I get you...although artisans also sell on eBay, yet their photos are posted here without their permission. The woman's face also isn't visible.

Here is a compromise position: How about posting a link under the Etsy photos? That way at least anyone wanting to buy her items can check out her shop. And the woman receives credit for her work.
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I have posted lots of photos together with the link, so obviously that works for me. :)
Oops yeah, you're totally right. Didn't think of that. I don't usually like sharing links either, but only because if I'm trying to find some info on something, and it's months or years later, the link usually doesn't work anymore, and you can't see the photo that the person is talking about. In this situation that doesn't really apply though, so I really should have linked to the artisans pages. I'll go find them and add them......


Etsy is a group of artisans. It's one thing to search for ideas on your own. When you copy and post photos here, the Etsy person doesn't get any credit, as they would if you posted a link. Pearl-Guide is at risk for copyright infringement. Maybe it's just me, but I am particularly uncomfortable with the photo of the woman as it seems more personal. She isn't expecting her photo to be anywhere except on her page.

Feel free to jump in and comment. :)