Pearl Guide News


Chinese Pearl Farming Update for 2021

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From our friends in China, unable to post the information directly due to Pearl-Guide being actively blocked in this Asian country:
Pearling News:

The Chinese Government is PROHIBITING businessmen to CONTINUE TO invest in freshwater pearl farming in lakes, river upper from this year onwards.

Freshwater pearl farms on lakes and rivers are to gradually become dismantled in order clean this valuable resource UNPOLLUTED.

Freshwater pearl farms have been cut down to just one hundred...

Akoya Pearl Farming in China Update

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I was asked to share this information with the seems that has been blocked by China, so Chinese users have been unable to access the site.

Here is the original note:

Thank You so much for your great efforts to promote global pearl business! Would you mind publishing the following news at Akoya Pearl and Pearling Industry News of Forum for us? We cannot log in to post any articles without VPN installed.


Vigor He

Akoya Pearl Farm in...

You Are Invited to: PEARLS BY THE BAY 2021!!!

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It's the event we've all been waiting for, after two years of online everything... we can finally glow together!

Date and time
Sun, October 3, 2021
1:00 PM – 9:00 PM PDT

Casa Madrona Hotel and Spa (Junto)
801 Bridgeway
Sausalito, CA 94965 United States

We will meet in the open-air Junto Room at the Casa Madrona Hotel in Sausalito.
We will start with a plated lunch at 1pm. The event will be catered by Poggio's Restaurant and will include several choices.
Next, we will enjoy...

Instagram Live Interviews on @pearlcpaa

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Jennifer Heebner and Kathy Grenier of the Cultured Pearl Association (CPAA) have been very active on Instagram and have done many interviews to friends and some of the movers-&-shakers in the Pearl Industry. If you have not discovered these interviews you are missing on something special!
This is the list of all interviewees to date whose segments are live on @pearlscpaa Instagram TV. Click the name to watch the episode!

Barbara Heinrich of Barbara Heinrich Jewelry
Justin Hunter of J...

CIBJO Jewlery Industry Voices Webinar

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CIBJO Webinar - Diversity & Design

The ‘Jewelry Industry Voices’ online seminar series looks at issues of interest in the jewelry business from the perspective of industry figures.

This event discusses how growing diversity is impacting jewelry design, and the steps the gem and jewelry industry needs to take to become more inclusive.

The list of panelists for this discussion are:

✦ Marvin Linares - Owner, Marvin Douglas Jewelry

✧ Constance Polamalu - Owner, Birthright Foundry


JIV's April webinar spotlights industry's new movers and shakers

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A new generation of jewellery and gemstone professionals, more diverse geographically and culturally from the generations that preceded it, is poised to transform the trade. This is in no small part because the composition of its members more precisely mirrors the consumers who both buy and aspire to buy fine jewellery products.

What characterizes many in this peer group is that they are first generation jewellers, who chose to join the industry not through family legacy, but primarily...

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