Pearl Guide News


Scotland's Bill Abernethy and the Last Pearl Fisherman passed Away

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In a sad note, this past November 26th marked the end of an Era for the UK's pearling tradition with the passing of Bill Abernathy: Scotland's last pearl diver and a man known for the dance in his Soul and feet, and for having found valuable natural freshwater pearls in Scotland's lochs and rivers before the pearl fishing ban.

He found the famous "Abernathy Pearl" (also referred to as "Little Willie") and many other valuable pearls. Passed away at 96 years of age.

For the complete story...

CIBJO’s just-released Pearl Special Report for 2021

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MILAN, ITALY: October 27, 2021 — With less than one week to go to the opening of the 2021 CIBJO Congress on November 1, 2021, the seventh of this year’s CIBJO Special Reports has been released. Prepared by CIBJO’s Pearl Commission, headed by Kenneth Scarratt, the report provides a broad overview of an industry that has been dealing with the dual challenges of COVID-19 and climate change for the past two years, with perspectives from Australia, Indonesia, French Polynesia, Mexico, Bahrain and...

Second Mabe Pearl Harvest in Ecuador

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Directly from Dr. César Lodeiro's Pear Research Group in Ecuador (October 12th, 2021):

The Research Group in Biology and Cultivation of Mollusks of the Technical University of Manabí (INBICUM-UTM), delivers the second experimental harvest of Mabe Pearls from Caráquez (about 500 units) to the Mayor of the municipality of Sucre, Province of Manabí, Ingrid Zambrano, as a partial product of the "Strengthening Project for the development of the cultivation and production of Mabe pearls in the...

CIBJO webinar to examine the impact of online trading on the pearl sector

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Jewellery Industry Voices' October webinar to examine the impact of online trading on the pearl sector

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be a watershed moment for jewellery's pearl sector, as it has for most other parts of the industry, initiating changes that most probably are irreversible. The migration to online trading of loose pearls and pearl jewellery is certainly one of them.

The pearl sector has always stood apart in the industry, and this sometimes has been to its advantage...

Jewelmer's Pearl Farm Challenges during the Pandemic - September 2021

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Four decades ago, Jewelmer was established by French pearl farmer Jacques Branellec and Filipino entrepreneur Manuel Cojuangco. The brand has now become synonymous with exquisite jewelry made with the most lustrous cultured pearls in the world: golden South Sea pearls.

Jewelmer’s largest pearl farming challenge in this pandemic lies in its cultivation cycle. The majority of the company’s pearl farmers located in the Philippines were unable to physically be on the farms, greatly affecting...

Chinese Pearl Farming Update for 2021

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From our friends in China, unable to post the information directly due to Pearl-Guide being actively blocked in this Asian country:
Pearling News:

The Chinese Government is PROHIBITING businessmen to CONTINUE TO invest in freshwater pearl farming in lakes, river upper from this year onwards.

Freshwater pearl farms on lakes and rivers are to gradually become dismantled in order clean this valuable resource UNPOLLUTED.

Freshwater pearl farms have been cut down to just one hundred...

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