You All See This PP Blog Post???

Thank you Kay! Can't wait to have GSSP Harvest strand play date with you all at the next Ruckus!
Haha I was sssooo tempted by the 68" strand... but I think 36" would be just perfect. :o
Congratulations, Purr and battah! There are lots of plump golden keshi on that beauty, plenty so you two should be able to split it and both get lovely pearls.
Lol yes we are fessing up here and joining the GSSP harvest strand family!!!

It was a frenzy when the sale went on. I too wanted the strand with the blue keshi, but Elaine bought it from under me lol! So Elaine, if you EVER decide to return it, please give me first dib! Cathy and Newberry, thank you both for the encouragement on FB!

I thought a double would be a lot for a GSSP harvest strand, so I'm really happy to be able to split a strand with my lovely pearl sister battah and we both get the length we like! Haha I have had so many split strands and sibling items with various ladies on PG it is truly awesome!

This is the strand we got (52"):
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I remember this strand and it is TDF!!! The two of you are going to be thrilled. Congratulations to you both ;)
Thanks, ladies, we're excited! The texts have been flying lol.

Kay, right? I've found that anything I have to wear more than doubled is too fiddly, but since those strands are so long they give a lot of options for putting together matching pieces. Even a tin cup with pretty connectors, like Newberry's, for layering with the rope? I love that look.
Thank you Kay! Can't wait to have GSSP Harvest strand play date with you all at the next Ruckus!
Haha I was sssooo tempted by the 68" strand... but I think 36" would be just perfect. :o

Yay for a Ruckus harvest strand play date!

I think Newberry has pictures of our playdate last week. We were talking about how the strands are all different and they all seem to have found the right homes. I love how everyone looks in the strands they chose, but I like mine best for me (and I tried on most of them, lol.) Newberry felt the same. She loves that hers has lots of gold pearls, especially the deep golds, and I was focused on getting the tri-color look with plenty of blues, since I already had a 19" WSS & GSS drop strand. I fell in love with some of the individual blue and gold keshi on my strand, so that was the 1 I kept coming back to.
Oh, Congratulations Purranha and Battah ... what a great solution to share a Harvest Strand! There are LOVELY pearls on that strand ... can't wait to see you each make your half custom for you!

KaySD, you and Newberry are so right about each strand finding it's proper owner. I feel the strands adopted US :) I was looking for Gold and maybe whites, not really blues, as I have a number of blue pearls already, but had been looking for shades GSS mixed with WSS for a long time ... perfect for me. Luckily I have a husband with ESP (translating: Extreme Shrieking Paranoia that I might not get to buy that blog strand LOL).
LOL, Cathy, I think Walter had a little hint you might like that one. Your strand is perfect for you. While it has several large, round deep gold pearls, which are probably the most expensive pearls on the strand, it is the large keshi on your strand that I find amazing with their shapes and colors.
I've been known to be fond of keshi!

Walter, ah, Walter ... until I opened that bag, I really wasn't sure he'd noticed my begging, whining, wheedling, tears, escalating gulps of despair, endless viewing of Newberry's visit to PP (some of which I made him watch repeatedly), studying photos, emails to Jeremy for more info .... yep, he had a few hints lol.

These strands were SO unique, each really did call to its owner :)
Walter was just the cutest pixie when he confided that he had arranged for you to have your strand Cathy. Especially so because you weren't quite speaking to him after viewing the harvest strands :) I could hardly keep his secret because you were so unhappy with him. But my lips were sealed because in the end we all knew you would be over the moon with him and that strand. You are sooo right that each strand found their perfect owner.

Mine (outside) and Kay's (inside) strand on a play date. Bad pictures taken on my skirt after lots of wine.


in one big pile
Gads, those strands are so beautiful Newberry!!! Wine didn't affect them a bit :)

Walter ... ah, Walter ... ! I never got to see the Harvest strands before the Ruckus when I went to visit PP. Everyone there knew, so they were afraid to bring them out to show me, for fear of spoiling Walter's surprise. I didn't even know there were more strands!!! When you mentioned seeing them, and then KaySD brought 2 up to the house ... I was completely convinced they would all be chosen, and sold long before I got to see any on Sunday lol. Yes, by Friday afternoon, GSS Harvest Strands were not a topic of conversation anymore lol. But it all ended well :)

It will be so much fun for these GSS Harvest strands to have a reunion!
Ooh, KaySD, those look wonderful on you!!! How beautiful that strand works with your gorgeous GSS drop earrings ... just stunning :)
Thank you! I love those earrings so much -- I'm glad I have another necklace to wear them with.
It's a promise, Purr, but I am sure you will love yours! I am looking forward to having the two different looks. Funny how we were all drawn to different things... Because of my coloring, and colors I wear, I was looking for white pearls that stood out and more subtle golds.
Ah jeg, my Ruckus roomie!! I'm so happy to see you've posted!!
You have an extraordinary collection, and your 2 new GSS harvest strands surely will take it to a new high. I'm so looking forward to our vault play date, and seeing your loot!!!!

All you ladies have glorious GSS strands...I'll have to live through you all, as I had to choose between GSS and Fiji's.., it was a tough call!

You have the best collection of Fiji pieces, lmgarden!
Sorry to disappoint you but I only have 22 strands (including ropes, tin cups) of Tahitians. Many I have bought doubles of to wear together and not as single strands. My total collection used to be bigger but I have given over thirty strands away to friends and family. I'm down to a little over 50 total strands of pearls. I thank you for thinking of me to do this.

I think our dear JEG could do a thread with ease and thrill everyone. She brought just some of her treasures to the ruckus this past summer and did a couple of hours of show and tell.

Baby Nurse's collection will strand as the one we all will to aspire to.

You are too kind, Newberry! BN would be way too tough an act to follow- gorgeous collection of pearls and a mastery of photographing them!
With all the talk of harvest strands, I couldn't resist wearing mine to work. I snapped a couple quick pics in the crappy bathroom lighting, lol.

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Kay, I really looked at that strand for a long time on Sunday, but it looks best around your neck!

And Cathy, it was so much fun to watch you open your very special package. You have the original, and it was meant to be!
Gads, those strands are so beautiful Newberry!!! Wine didn't affect them a bit :)

Walter ... ah, Walter ... ! I never got to see the Harvest strands before the Ruckus when I went to visit PP. Everyone there knew, so they were afraid to bring them out to show me, for fear of spoiling Walter's surprise. I didn't even know there were more strands!!! When you mentioned seeing them, and then KaySD brought 2 up to the house ... I was completely convinced they would all be chosen, and sold long before I got to see any on Sunday lol. Yes, by Friday afternoon, GSS Harvest Strands were not a topic of conversation anymore lol. But it all ended well :)

It will be so much fun for these GSS Harvest strands to have a reunion!

LOL it's even funnier now because I truly thought they had showed you the strands on Wednesday when you went there. They were on the highest shelf in the vault when Jeremy pulled them down for me to see and choose from on Thursday. I looked at and tried on every single strand too. I chose mine because the predominance of gold pearls. Your strand was meant to be yours because of incredible keshi. It has worked out that everyone has the strand that was meant for them.
I love this thread and all the pretty pearls and their lovely owners. So happy for you all. The strands are amazing and beautiful, and each unique in their own way, just like their owners.